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May 2020

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Lighthouse History

The date it was built was 1850 and was first lit in 1851. The original design and color is red and white stripes. The height is about 63 feet tall.

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Lighthouse Uses & Location

The location is on Waugoshance Island in Lake Michigan. Michigan has lighthouses so boats don’t crash. My lighthouse was made so that boats could see at night.

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Lighthouse Today

The name of my lighthouse is Waugoshance Light. Unfortunately it is not working today so you can not visit the lighthouse. Waugoshance Lighthouse got ruined because of severe weather conditions in the area.

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Lighthouse Fun Facts

It takes about 4 hours and 50 minutes to

Drive from Hillel day school to Waugoshance Lighthouse.

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Google Maps. www.google.com/maps

Lighthouse Friends. www.lighthousefriends.com

Wikipedia. www.wikipedia.org