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Visualizing Ecological LiDAR Data in VR and YURTs

Ross Briden

CSCI 1951T

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  • Kellner Lab!
    • Research on forest density, photosynthesis levels, and biodiversity.
  • Understanding ecology data via VR and YURT visualization.
  • Lots of .las files, objective is to combine and visualize these files to form a cohesive experience.
    • Similar to the gigapixel viewer but 3D.
  • Documenting what LiDAR visualization and rendering software is the best!

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Deliverables / Contributions

  • A VR visualization of LiDAR ecology data using the HTC Vive and tutorials to accompany this process.
  • Comparisons of Paraview, Lidarview, and MinVR for visualizing and rendering LiDAR data.
  • Scripts / tutorials on composing .las files arbitrarily and based on GPS time.
  • Tutorials and comparison of various LiDAR processing libraries (i.e. laspy, PDAL, Pylidar)
  • A YURT visualization of composed LiDAR data.

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  • 2/12/2019, Research Kellner Lab.
  • 2/14/2019, Convert LAS files to readable format for DinoYURT.
  • 2/21/2019, Finalize data conversion process, if necessary, and begin YURT Visualization of the first three LiDAR models.
  • 2/26/2019, Finish YURT visualization for first three LiDAR models.
  • 2/28/2019, Download and visualize a new batch of LiDAR ecology models (at least N=5).

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6. 3/5/2019, Visualize all of the previous LiDAR models in VR (HTC Vive).

7. 3/7/2019, Create a tutorial for visualizing .out files in the YURT using MinVR.

8. 3/12/2019, Create a composite LiDAR model, composed of three separate .las files, and visualize it in the YURT.

9. 3/14/2019, Create a tutorial on composing/stitching .las files and visualizing the results using Paraview / MinVR

10. 3/19/2019, Create a script for composing N .las files based on GPS time.

11. 3/21/2019, Compose N > 10 .las files and visualize the results in the YURT.

12. 4/2/2019, Publish in-depth comparison between MinVR and Paraview for rendering and visualizing LiDAR data in the YURT .

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First Milestone Progress

Finalize data conversion process, if necessary, and begin YURT Visualization of the first three LiDAR models.

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