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Catch the autograph

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Millions of football fans dream of having a ball featuring the autographs of their favourite players,

but in 99.9% of cases this dream remains impossible

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We will join the efforts of offline and online fans to increase their chances of getting

a coveted autographed ball during

the match

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How It Works. STEP 1

We are creating a Catch the Autograph application and inviting online viewers to sign in to participate in the Signed Ball Raffle. In the app, each registered online viewer is “assigned a place” in a certain section of the grandstand

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How It Works. STEP 2

During the half-time interval, we announce the start of the prize draw and install an intelligently controlled football cannon on the pitch

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How It Works. STEP 3

The main task of offline and online spectators in one sector of the tribune is to unite and make as much noise as possible! A krotoscope is installed on the cannon to analyze the noise level created by both online and offline fans, identify the loudest section and then shoot an autographed ball there

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How should offline and online viewers interact to make their sector the noisiest?


On our signal, offline and online viewers of one section should try to out-shout, out-whistle, and out-clap the other sections down. Offline fans can do it with their voice at the stadium, while online viewers are to press the button “Let's make noise!” in the "Catch an autograph" application intensively

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How It Works. STEP 5

The cannon identifies where the noisiest section of the grandstand is and shoots the ball there. As a result, one of the offline spectators catches the ball right at the stadium, and the lucky one among the online spectators becomes the one who is “assigned” to this section and first has pressed the button. The online viewer gets an NFT autograph in the form of a ball - the NFT ball flies straight into the app!