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Welcome to RAHS!

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AVID Registration Information

Students who are in good standing in AVID will automatically be invited to continue in RAHS AVID and don’t need to reapply.

If you know someone who would like to apply for AVID, the student can visit the district website for an application and more information.

As you are filling out your registration worksheet, please don’t hesitate to reach out to either of us!

Xeev Xwm Vang, AVID Counselor Anne Barnes, AVID Coordinator

xeevxwm.vang@isd623.org anne.barnes@isd623.org

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What do we do in 9th Grade AVID?

  • Study habits/academic skills for high school (timed writing, writing essays, note-taking, organization, reading strategies, Socratic Seminars, Philosophical Chairs)
  • Tutorials
  • Goal setting for high school and beyond
  • College and career exploration
  • Financial aid awareness
  • Job shadow and college field trip opportunities
  • Community building and team activities
  • Community service to build your scholarship and college application resume

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RAHS Registration Site

You can find the RAHS Registration Site with course descriptions on the RAHS Website. Check the registration site for prerequisites for classes, designations such as fine arts or college credit, and grade levels the course is offered.

The course registration guide is under “Academics”

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Registration Worksheet

On the RAHS Registration Site, you should find all registration materials including a registration worksheet to plan out your classes in “graduation requirements”.

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Synergy StudentVue- Course Requests

When you feel ready to start inputting your course requests, you need to log into your StudentVue in Synergy and find the “course requests” tab.

Hit “Click here to change course requests” to add courses

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Fitting AVID into your course requests

AVID will use three elective credits for the 2024-2025 school year

That leaves students 12 more credits in the schedule:

  • Social Studies = 2 or 3 credits (3 for the optional “C” section of AP Human Geography)
  • English = 2 credits
  • Math = 2 or 3 credits (2 credits for Accelerated, 3 credits for all other math classes)
  • Science = 2 or 3 credits (3 for the optional “C” section of AP Environmental Science)
  • Phy Ed = 1 credit

You may have to make some choices or postpone a class until a later year of high school to fit all of your choices in your schedule if you are also trying to take band, orchestra, or choir (3 credits), are in DLSI (3 credits), or take a world language (2 credits) .

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English (2 credits)

  • English 9 is two credits (A and B)


  • Accelerated English 9 is two credits (A and B)

Accelerated English counts for rigor in AVID, but you must take both A and B.

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Social Studies (2 or 3 credits)

  • World Studies 9 (A and B) = 2 credits


  • 9th Grade Geography-Spanish (A and B) = 2 credits


  • AP Human Geography (A, B and optional “C” section) = 2 or 3 credits
    • The “C” section prepares you for the AP test and is highly recommended.

AP Human Geography can count for your rigorous course for AVID.

Links to Powerpoints Explaining Courses:

Powerpoint with Videos about Social Studies Required Courses

Powerpoint with Videos about Social Studies Elective Courses

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What is World Studies? What is Human Geography?

World Studies

  • Combines both World History and Human Geography and is taught regionally.
  • World Studies 9A focuses on Africa, while World Studies 9B focuses on Latin America and South Asia.
  • World Studies continues into 10th grade.

Human Geography

  • The study of how humans interact with the world.
  • Topics include Population, Migration, Agriculture and Food Supply, Political Geography, Economic Geography, Culture, and Urbanization.

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What’s the difference between World Studies and AP Human Geography?

World Studies 9

  • World Studies is an on-level course designed to help students transition from middle school, teaching the study skills and time management needed to be successful in high school.
  • Homework: If students are present and use class time wisely, students will have a minimal amount of homework

AP Human Geography

  • AP is a college level course and will require more time outside of class for students to master the curriculum in preparation for the AP test and potentially earning college credit.
  • Homework: Students will have about five hours of homework outside of class - most homework includes reading notes and studying. Time management is the key to success

While AP Human Geo is a challenging class, it helps you learn time management, note-taking skills, test-taking skills, and study skills

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Science (2 or 3 credits)

  • Science 9 (A and B) = 2 credits


  • AP Environmental Science (A, B and optional “C” section) = 2 or 3 credits
    • The “C” section prepares you for the AP test and is highly recommended.

AP Environmental Science can count for your rigorous course for AVID.

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What is the difference between Science 9 and APES?

Science 9

  • Topics include: Energy, Earth Science, Earth Systems, Pollution, & Climate Change
  • About 1 hour of HW/week
  • No math background needed

AP Environmental Science

  • Equivalent of a 1 semester college course….so you can earn college credit if you pass the AP Exam!
  • Topics include Biodiversity, Populations, Earth’s Resources, Agriculture, Energy Consumption, Pollution, & Global Change
  • 30 min-1 hour of HW/day
  • Math and writing skills are needed

While AP Env Science is a challenging class, it helps you learn time management, note-taking skills, test-taking skills, and study skills

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Math (2 or 3 credits)

  • Accelerated Math Classes are two credits (A and B)
  • All other math classes are 3 credits (A, B, and C)
  • Be sure to get your math recommendation from your current math teacher and register for what is recommended. Math Flowchart
  • If you are one or two years advanced in math, this can count for your rigorous course for AVID. You can take the three trimester course or Accelerated course (two trimester)

Examples: Geometry, Accelerated Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Accelerated Advanced Algebra

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Physical Education (1 credit)

  • Physical Education 1 = 1 credit

Optional in 9th Grade

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AVID (3 credits)

  • AVID runs the entire school year and is 3 elective credits.

Be sure to add AVID 9 (A, B, and C) to your list of elective classes.




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Other classes to consider

You will need two fine arts classes before you graduate. Ninth grade is a great time to take care of some of these requirements.

Options for 9th Grade fine arts credits:

  • Band, Choir, or Orchestra (3 credits for full year)
  • Other elective music classes (1 credit each)
  • Art classes (1 credit each)
  • Drama Workshop I (1 credit)
  • Interior Design (1 credit)
  • Photography I (1 credit)
  • Print Design I(1 credit)
  • Print Design II (1 credit)

Other electives to consider:

  • Spanish or French A and B (2 credits)
  • Business courses (1 credit each)
  • Computer Technology courses (1 credit each)
  • FACS courses (1 credit each)
  • Industrial Technology courses (1 credit each)
  • Additional PE courses (1 credit each)
  • Statistics and Probability (1 credit)
  • Astronomy (1 credit)
  • History Uncensored (1 credit)
  • Current Events/Critical Issues (1 credit)
  • Public Speaking (1 credit)
  • Yearbook (1 credit)

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9th Grade Online Courses Available at RAHS

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Add up your credits

  • Math (2 or 3 credits)
  • English (2 credits)
  • Social Studies (2 or 3 credits)
  • Science (2 or 3 credits)
  • Phy. Ed 1- Optional in 9th Grade (1 credit)
  • AVID (3 credits)

How many credits do you have left?

Fill in the remaining credits with electives until your total is 15 credits.

Be sure to fill in the alternatives on your registration in case a course is unavailable or full.

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Ways AVID helps with scheduling

Multilingual Seal Test (see slide show for more information)

Can you speak, read, write and listen in another language? If so, AVID can help you take the multilingual seal test in 10th grade to get college credit for a world language. This would allow you to meet world language requirements for colleges/universities.

What languages are available currently? Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai

Recently Added Languages: Amharic, D/Lakota, Hmong, Karen, Ojibwe, Oromo, Somali, Tamil and Vietnamese

New This Year: Dari, Pashto, Swahili, Ukrainian

Slides to explain Multilingual Seal Test

Students should not register for this test until 10th grade

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Ways AVID helps with scheduling

Summer Health and Phy Ed Courses

AVID students can apply to take health and phy. ed. courses to meet two credits for high school and free up room in your schedule. Priority is given to students in AVID who also need to take a world language, are in DLI, or are enrolled in music classes. Classes generally run from July-mid August. These courses are not guaranteed options. If they fit in your schedule, please put them into your course requests.

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#Ready4RAHS- January 8th

# Ready4Rahs

Monday, January 8th

Roseville Area High School

5:30 - 7:00 pm

Incoming students and families will have the opportunity to go on a self-guided tour of the school, connect with teachers of all departments and attend a short presentation at 5:45 or 6:30 in the auditorium