1 of 15

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6+ years marketing experience

Build Hiretual marketing team �from ground-up��Dream job is to be a barista�at a local coffee shop�

3+ years in PR marketing �prior to recruiting

Experience in Sales, Marketing and Technical Recruiting��I love and go to Hawaii so much, �I adopted an 808 phone number�

2+ years in Sales prior to recruiting

First Sales Recruiter at Hiretual �actively doubling our teams in size��My plants are my pets and my Goldendoodle is my child�

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  • What do recruiters and marketers have in common?
  • How to evaluate and research existing processes
  • How to increase team adoption for new tools and workflows
  • How to build a responsive feedback loop
  • The difference between actionable metrics and vanity metrics

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What do recruiters and marketers have in common?

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Source: Deloitte’s Talent Edge 2020 Series


of executives plan to focus on �talent operations and technology this year

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Marketers and recruiters design a similar problem-solving process to operate for demand generation.

Calibrate systems to desired experiences

Convey the ‘why’

Collect feedback and data

Create effectiveness, not vanity

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Discussion #1

Calibrate systems to desired experiences

How do you evaluate and research existing processes?

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Source: Hiretual’s 2021 Recruitment Outlook Report


of teams are prioritizing budget �for social media & marketing in 2021

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Discussion #2

Convey the ‘why’

How should teams increase adoption for new tools and workflows?

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Source: PWC’s HR Technology Survey

8 out of 10

companies struggle to adopt HR technology�after purchase

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Discussion #3

Collect feedback & data

How do you build a responsive feedback loop and why is it important?

12 of 15

Discussion #4

Create effectiveness, not vanity

What’s the difference between vanity metrics and metrics that bring impact?

13 of 15

Audience Q&A

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Read our latest blog

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