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Configure & run�ESMValTool on�the Nird IPCC node

ESMValTool workshop, 30-31 May 2023

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NIRD is the (Norwegian) National e-Infrastructure for Research Data. It is owned and operated by UNINETT Sigma2.

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Work with ESMValTool on Nird

Nird contains complete CMIP5 and CMIP6 datasets for NorESM, and a subset of CMIP5 and CMIP6 datasets for other models. This makes it attractive to run ESMValTool on Nird. Options include:

  • Run ESMValTool on the dedicated ipcc.nird.sigma2.no node
    • Mainly used for CMORization of NorESM output, can be used for other purposes when idle
    • Requires specific login permission to access
  • Run ESMValTool through the Nird Toolkit system
    • Requires access to a Nird Toolkit group, and jupyterlab/jupyterhub application preconfigured with ESMValTool
    • Access to data across multiple storage volumes is complicated (contact Nird admin)
  • Install ESMValTool in your own storage volume using the conda system�WARNING: Login nodes are not designed for heavy processing jobs!

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ESMValTool on ipcc.nird node


  • Log in on the ipcc node: ssh -l <username> ipcc.nird.sigma2.no- For workshop, suggest to use personal directory under /scratch/<username>
  • Source conda, do one of the following
    • Execute source for conda (every time)�module load Miniconda3
    • Add the line above to your .bashrc or .profile file (one time fix)
    • First time use: run conda init to initialize conda environments
  • Load ESMValTool on Nird (every login): conda activate /diagnostics/esmvaltool/2.8.0
  • Copy config file and recipe to where you want to execute esmvaltool�/projects/NS9560K/users/tomast/esmvaltool/noresmvaltool/esmvaltool/config/config-user.yml�/projects/NS9560K/users/tomast/esmvaltool/noresmvaltool/esmvaltool/tested_recipes/�or�git clone https://github.com/NorESMhub/noresmvaltool.git

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Install ESMValTool on your own storage volume

Install release version of ESMValTool https://docs.esmvaltool.org/en/latest/quickstart/installation.html#mamba-conda-installation mamba create --name esmvaltool esmvaltool

Install development version from source�https://docs.esmvaltool.org/en/latest/quickstart/installation.html#install-from-source git clone https://github.com/ESMValGroup/ESMValTool�mamba env create --name esmvaltool --file environment.yml�conda activate esmvaltool�pip install --editable '.[develop]'

See also ESMValTool Tutorial: Installation

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Test installation

After activating the esmvaltool environment, test the installation by running

esmvaltool version

Expected output:� ESMValCore: 2.8.0� ESMValTool: 2.8.0

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Get help

Try the following

esmvaltool --help

esmvaltool config --help

esmvaltool data --help

esmvaltool recipes --help

esmvaltool run --help

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User config file

  • Where are input data files located?
  • What is the directory structure of the input data?
  • Where should output be placed?
  • What should ESMValTool consist of?
    • Output file types
    • Should intermediate files be preserved?
    • Level of detail for logs
    • Profile the diagnostics for efficiency (Python only)
  • Run tasks in parallel?
  • Use custom config-developer file?

See also� ESMValTool Tutorial: Configuration

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User config file: CMIP and obsdata on Nird

CMIP data stored using the DKRZ directory structure.

NS9034K : NorESM archive for CMIP5 and CMIP6

/projects/NS9034K/CMIP5/{output1 , output2}/� /projects/NS9034K/CMIP6/

NS9560K-datalake : (mount from /nird/datalake/NS9560K/� CMIP products from various ESMs

/projects/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/cmip5/{output , output1}/� /projects/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/CMIP6/

Observational data (for some recipes) are stored in

/projects/NS9560K-datalake/obsdata/{Tier1 , Tier2 , Tier3}/

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User config file: options, [...]=default

  • output_dir: /projects/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/esmvaltool/$USER
  • auxiliary_data_dir: /projects/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/auxiliary_data
    • e.g. mask files and shapefiles for data selection
  • search_esgf: { [never], when_missing, always }
    • Select if missing data should be downloaded from ESGF to download_dir
  • download_dir: /scratch/$USER/ESGF
  • max_parallel_tasks: { [null], 1, 2, 3, … } # null = use all available CPUs
  • log_level: { debug, [info], warning, error }
  • exit_on_warning: { true, [false] }
  • output_file_type: { [png], pdf, ps, eps, epsi }
  • remove_preproc_dir: { [true], false }
  • compress_netcdf: { true, [false] }
  • save_intermediate_cubes: { true, [false] }
  • config_developer_file: { [null], custom “config-developer.yml”
  • profile_diagnostic: { true, [false] } # profiler for python diagnostics

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Developer’s configuration file

config-developer.yml : � Project- and machine-dependent directory and file name definitions of the� input and output data.

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Available standard recipes

Standard recipes bundled with the esmvaltool installation: list and copy

esmvaltool recipes list� esmvaltool recipes get <standard_recipe.yml>

List of standard recipes tested on NIRD with ESMValTool 2.8.0:


(location may change to a more permanent site after workshop)

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ESMValTool run files

To run an ESMValTool diagnostics, it is necessary (and usually sufficient) to provide the config and recipe files

  • config-user.yml : General settings for ESMValTool
  • recipe_python.yml : How to execute the diagnostics

A diagnostics run is executed from the command line

esmvaltool run --config_file=config-user.yml examples/recipe_python.yml

Optional: ESMValTool looks for a default user config file in


Copy your config file to this location to avoid using the --config_file flag for every run.

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Run a standard recipe

List available recipes:�esmvaltool recipes list

Show content of a recipe:�esmvaltool recipes show examples/recipe_python.yml

Copy a recipe to local directory (optional for standard recipes):�esmvaltool recipes get examples/recipe_python.yml

Run esmvaltool with recipe:�esmvaltool run --config_file=config-user.yml ./recipe_python.yml

See output: http://ns9560k.web.sigma2.no/diagnostics/esmvaltool/

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ESMValTool output

An ESMValTool run creates a directory with the following output subdirectories

  • run/ : Run logs, copy of recipe, summary of resource usage
  • preproc/ : NetCDF output from preprocessing runs (optional)
    • This is removed when config option remove_preproc_dir: true is set
  • plots/ : Graphical output
  • work/ : Any output that is not a plot, e.g. NetCDF files after diagnostic run

Most standard recipes also create an index.html file in the root directory that shows a summary and usually the graphical output of the recipe.

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ESMValTool output: logs

Main logs:

  • run/main_log.txt - short log
  • run/main_log_debug.txt - full debug log
  • run/<diag_name>/log.txt - log for each diagnostic task

See also ESMValTool Tutorial: Running your first recipe

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Problems when running esmvaltool recipes

NIRD does not contain a full set of CMIP5/6 and observational datasets.

Running an untested standard recipe will probably fail on Nird at the first attempt

  • Missing observational datasets
    • Solution1: Download from ESGF if available, using --search_esgf=when_missing
    • Solution2: Add dataset, CMORize if needed (contact esmvaltool-on-nird discussion group)
  • Missing model datasets
    • Solution1: Try to run with --skip_nonexistent=True flag
    • Solution1: Download from ESGF if available, using --search_esgf=when_missing
    • Solution2: Replace missing dataset with something available (e.g. NorESM data)
  • Missing auxiliary data, e.g. shapefile or mask
    • Solution1: Copy from /project/NS9560K-datalake/ESGF/auxiliary_data/
    • Solution2: Add auxiliary data in directory according to your config file
  • Missing support for diagnostic script (mainly problem with Julia)

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Resources: Further reading and getting help

NorESM documentation in ReadTheDocs: ESMValTool diagnostics

From GitHub: NorESMhub/noresmvaltool

GitHub NorESMhub team: esmvaltool-on-nird discussion group