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WALT: Write an Introduction for our Research Reports.

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Introduction structure

  • Hook your readers attention with a statement - what is your research report about?

  • Wild animals are roaming freely into cities, villages and towns during Coronavirus lockdown.

  • Background information - why?

  • The world has gone into lockdown because a highly contagious virus known as Covid-19 is putting human lives at risk. Most countries have shut down their borders and told citizens to stay at home in lockdown to stop this deadly disease from spreading. This means that the streets are now quiet, there are barely any vehicles on the roads and no one is allowed to go to their workplace or school.

  • Outline/ explain what your research report is about-

This research slideshow will explore the way wildlife has reacted to the Covid-19 lockdown. We will look into the Olive ridley turtles who have felt safe enough to lay eggs on a usually crowded beach. How a pack of wild Monkeys have taken over New Delhi and why a hippopotumus was seen surfing the waves on a beach in Africa.

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Read this article:

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  • Hook your readers attention with a statement - what is your research report about?

  • Background information - why?

  • Outline/ explain what your research report is about-

Write your introduction below:

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Copy and paste to slide 1 of your presentation

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