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NuVoice Install and Use

Version 2.13

Specialized Instructional Facilitators-

Assistive Technology

Link to this slide deck:


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Where to find NuVoice

On your desktop, click on the Portal Manager

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Downloading NuVoice

Search “NuVoice” and click “install”

Installation will take 5-10 minutes

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Where to find NuVoice

On your desktop, a shortcut icon will be added

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Set up of NuVoice

The first time you open the software, there are initial set up steps you need to complete. You will only have to do this once.

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Step One

Click “I don’t need speech”

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Step Two

Click that you agree!

To review, watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZCa1kgdPus

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Step Three

Click “I know what I want”

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Step Four

Click “LAMP”

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Step Five

Click “LAMP WFL”

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Step Six

Select “FULL”

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Step Seven

Click “OK”

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TADA! You now have LAMP WFL Full 84

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What can I do with NuVoice

  • Practice identifying icons and their sequences
  • Identify vocabulary words to target
  • Develop your own motor plan for icons
  • Make materials!
    • Enrich your environment
    • Provide students with visuals
    • Create Vocabulary Smart Charts

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Display and model on your Interactive Whiteboard

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Writing With Icons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIzQ79WcGUM&list=PLeOTpEi0oXbjHE96Vbqlu7AZ_lAcQJq-Z&index=3

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Writing with Icons

Type your target vocabulary word and click the space bar. Your icon sequence will appear.

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Writing with Icons

Save your icons in a Word document.

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Word Documents

Open your Word document to edit, enlarge, add text, make materials.

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Use as a writing tool on the Interactive Whiteboard

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Creating environmental signs with NuVoice

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Making Smart Charts

Identify vocabulary words and icon sequences for activities/lessons

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NuVoice Resources…did you know?

  • If you are using the Unique Learning Curriculum, there are some great resources available. 
  • This is updated monthly to support the monthly curriculum, materials, and themes. Click on "LAMP Words for Life 84 Seq" for the vocabulary sequences.
  • There is also a "LAMP Words for Life 84 Seq" Word Wall to support the monthly unit. Be sure to select your classroom level (i.e. elementary, middle, and high school, and transition bands. 

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Alternative for creating visuals with Unity symbols: LessonPix

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PASS (NuVoice) Quick Start

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Check out social media for ideas!