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Evaluation Tools and Resources

Presented by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association/County Offices of Education, California Association of Science Educators, K-12 Alliance @WestEd, California Science Project, and the California Department of Education

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Writer’s Credit

  • Tamara Basepayne, San Joaquin County Office of Education
  • Arlene Laurison, Elk Grove Unified School District
  • Jose Marquez, Stanislaus County Office of Education
  • Meredith Casalino, Orange County Office of Education
  • Rudy Escobar, Stanislaus County Office of Education
  • John Spiegel, San Diego County Office of Education


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Community Agreements

  • Keep students at the center of the work.
  • Be present, be curious, and be open to possibilities.
  • Balance advocacy of own ideas & inquiry of others.
  • Create a safe environment for individuals to productively struggle with ideas and tools.

Are any other agreements needed?


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CA NGSS PL #2 Outcomes

Build awareness of equitable NGSS assessment systems

    • Describe the elements of equitable NGSS assessments
    • Learn about tools to screen assessments for equity and utility
    • Understand the CA assessment system continuum
    • Develop NGSS assessment literacy


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Participant Professional Learning Flow


System Pre-Analysis

System Post-Analysis

Assessment Experience 1

Screening Assessments

Assessment Experience 2


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Session Goals

  • Learn about the tools that support educators in finding, analyzing, and evaluating assessment tasks.

  • Understand how to screen available assessment tasks for their utility in a student-centered assessment system.


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Constants and Variables in Assessment


Assessments require

sensemaking using the three dimensions of NGSS


Variables to attend to when designing and modifying assessment experiences:

  • SEP Sophistication
  • DCI Sophistication
  • CCC Sophistication
  • Scaffolds and Linguistic Supports
  • Student Choice and Autonomy
  • Degree of Transfer
  • Other (Specify):



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Assessment Evaluation Tools

We will be using three tools intended to help educators in evaluating science assessments tasks to determine whether they are designed for three-dimensional science standards.

H1 Achieve Science Task Prescreen - A quick review tool

Advanced Screening Tools

H2 Achieve Science Task Screener - An in-depth review tool, designed to be used after a task passes the precreen

H3 Science Assessments for Emergent Bilingual Learners (SAEBL) Checklist - A tool to support science assessments that work for emergent bilingual learners.


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Things to keep in mind when using assessment evaluation tools


Image of sunlight penetrating the ocean.

Image of girls canoeing

Image a person kayaking

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H1 Achieve Task Prescreen

Identifying Red Flags in Assessment Tasks


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Achieve Science Task Prescreen Tool

The purpose of the Achieve Task Prescreen is to conduct a quick review of assessment tasks to determine whether they might be designed for standards based on A Framework for K-12 Science Education.

  • On your own, take 3 minutes to go

over the tool.

  • Identify one word, phrase or statement that resonates with you.
  • Be prepared to share with the group.



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Achieve Task Prescreen Tool


Image of sunlight penetrating the ocean.

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Achieve Task Pre-screen Process

  • In grade level groups, use the H1 Achieve Task Pre-Screen to analyze the grade span task assessment from one of the previous sessions.
  • Answer the questions in the Prescreen regarding the task(s) and note any red flags.
  • Discuss the answers to the question and evidence to support those answers with others.
  • Use your analysis to determine next steps for the task(s).



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Reflection & Share Out

  • How did the prescreen support you in analyzing the task?

  • What questions did the process bring up for you?


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Next Steps

If your assessment passed with no red flags, consider further analysis. What criterion were you least sure of?

If your assessment contains opportunities for improvement, this becomes your area of further analysis.

If your assessment contains too many red flags or has too many components not present - scrap it and start fresh.


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Screening Tools:

H2 The Achieve Science Task Screener and

H3 The SAEBL Checklist


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Task Evaluation Tools Criteria

H2 Achieve Science Task Screener

  • Tasks are driven by high-quality scenarios that focus on phenomena or problems.
  • Tasks require sensemaking that uses the three dimensions.
  • Tasks are fair and equitable.
  • Tasks support their intended targets and purpose.


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H2 Achieve Science Task Screener


Image of sunlight penetrating the ocean.

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Science Task Screener

On your own, take 4 minutes to skim the tool.

What additional supports might your colleagues need to be able to use the Science Task Screener?



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Achieve Science Task Screener

  • Take 2 minutes on your own to determine which indicators of criteria B are present.
  • Discuss with others whether an indicator is present/not present. Provide evidence to support your answer.
  • Discuss suggested improvements to determine next steps for the task(s).


  • Find your group’s Jamboard frame.
  • Use the Science Task Screener to evaluate the quality of Criterion B.
  • Discuss suggested improvements to determine next steps.

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Return in 5 minutes


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SAEBL Checklist


Image of sunlight penetrating the ocean.

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NGSS PL#2 - A Coherent Assessment System

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SAEBL Checklist

SAEBL - Science Assessment for Emergent Bilingual Learners

  • Checklist to help design assessments that allow emergent bilingual learners to demonstrate what they know and are able to do as they engage in 3D learning experiences. Broken down into 5 categories
    • Culture and language
    • Task components
    • Alignment and rigor
    • Clear objectives and scoring criteria
    • Integration of scaffolds


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On your own, take 4 minutes to skim the tool.

Identify one category or component that you had not previously considered for an assessment.



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Clear Objectives/Scoring Criteria and Integrated Scaffolds

In grade level groups, we will use two criteria from the SAEBL checklist to evaluate the grade- span assessment task:

  • Clear Objectives and Scoring Criteria
  • Integration of Scaffolds


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Group Reflection

How might these tools help you select, develop, or modify an assessment?

How might these tools help you address equity in an assessment?

What are some takeaways that you would like to remember going forward?


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What can we do now?

If your assessment passed with no flaws - use it. (Useful Task)

If your assessment contains a opportunities for improvement - modify it. (Use with modifications)

If your assessment contains too many red flags or has too many components not present - scrap it and start fresh.


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Supports for Next Steps

  • Start with the evidence statements for the PE you are evaluating.

  • Review the opportunities for improvement from the screener(s)
    • Do you need to use a different phenomena?
    • Do you need to provide more scaffolds?
    • Do you need to reframe the question(s)?

  • Use the Assessment Database.

  • Is the assessment designed using the principles of UDL?


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3D Assessment Database


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Where can one find high-quality assessment tasks?

T4 NGSS Assessment Database

  • Request made by educators to identify and house high-quality NGSS assessment task resources.
  • Easily access and filter assessment tasks based on desired criteria.


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Navigation of the Database

The NGSS Database is housed on the Stanislaus County Office of Education website.

  • Select the “NGSS Assessment Database” tab.
  • Use the filters (assessment type, grade, PE, etc.) at the top of the page to generate list of assessments.
  • Use the links on the right to select preferred assessments.


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Find an Assessment

  • Select an assessment task from the T4 NGSS Database.
  • Read through the task and skim through any support materials for the task.
  • Choose a slide from the Prescreen Slidedeck.
  • Use the Prescreen Tool to decide if the task selected warrants further review.



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  • How do the tasks that you looked at in the database compare to tasks that are currently being used at your site?
  • How did the assessment hold up to the prescreener?
  • Which advanced screener tool would you use next and why?


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Keep in mind . . .

  • When and where to use the assessment evaluation tools.
  • All assessment evaluation tools can be completed by a single educator, but they are best when used in a collaborative environment.
  • The biggest takeaway from assessment evaluation tools should be the discussions about equitable, NGSS assessments.
  • Not all assessments in the database will meet your student needs


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Closing Thoughts

Think back to the session goals.

  • What questions have arisen after evaluating these assessment tasks?
  • Who on your team do you plan to share these tools and resources with next? Why?

Session Goals

  • Learn about the tools that support educators in finding, analyzing, and evaluating assessment tasks.
  • Understand how to screen available assessment tasks for their utility in a student-centered assessment system.


Evaluation Tools and Resources

NGSS PL#2 - A Coherent Assessment System