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Lack Of�Confidence


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is the designOps practitioners community, determine to move the design towards the next maturity, revolutionize the operational designing that amplify the value of the design.





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Opsian Co-Founders

March . Marach

Design Technologist


Cop . Pipat

Senior Design Consultant

At Thoughtworks

Luck . Nawaporn

Senior Designer


Chan . Chanon

Lead Design Consultant

At Thoughtworks

Nont . Sappawish

Senior Designer


Chan . Chanchai

Design Lead

At INFINITAS by Krungthai

Gavin . Panjapol

Product Designer

At Agoda

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DesignOps Maturity Model

Download Maturity Model Framework

Using template to quickly assess your research and design team at home.

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Thai Market Maturity Landscape

State of Thai DesignOps

Continuously conduct market landscape research to understand the gap between us and frontier.

Run hypothesis-driven activities that shape design industry growth.

Validate and seek opportunities from global partners and expert.

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DesignOps Foundation & Toolkit

DesignOps toolkits that drive daily life

To learn & cultivate�To bond & express�To guide & lead�To generate conversation

Targeting inclusive ready to use tools, resources, and repository that set foundation, supporting model, consulting service for our industry.


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Get to know us

The thought about the survey


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2nd year challengeAssumption of getting closer to the 2nd year and beyond

  • Facing the real challenge of your role after you execute in comfort zone
  • Gained better understanding in your expectation
  • Begins of knowing what you have to work on and realize what is lack

3rd & 6th year challenge�The confidence decline when you meet 3rd year nad 6th year of your career journey. Seem like the life hit you with the real challenge of career.

From Opsian meetup, Lack Of Confidence registration survey (N=50)

Confidence level

Total years of experience

Years of experience in current workplace

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Expected worker archetypeESTJ & ISTJ are the archetype that we think we should be at workplace to perform well. The rating is blended from ESTJ to the middle range.

From Opsian meetup, Lack Of Confidence registration survey (N=50)



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Inspired By Patrick Henry WinstonAnd others�

Why Confidence?

  • How does ‘confidence’ look like in R&D space?
  • Crack the confidence
  • Get in touch with Dunning Kruger

Conversation Around ConfidenceTwo-way communication meetup!

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Inspired by�Patrick Henry Watson

�And others!


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Your success in life will be determined largely by your ability to speak, your ability to write, and the quality of your ideas,

in that order.

— Patrick Henry Winston

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Knowledge grooming → Practice and showcase your articulation → Recognize Talent by metrics



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No matter how great your ideas are, by delivering with poor communication is nothing!

Even the idea pass the line, the talent will earned by recognition not by self.

Communicate Articulation & Showcasing


Challenging your yesterday


Expand your knowledge landscape



Earn trust and recognition as Talented

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Blue-collar families who possess self-confidence earn roughly $7,000 more per year than their peers who have low self-esteem.

In white-collar classes, high self-esteem earn approximately $28,000 more annually than those who lack confidence.

Reference: Self-Esteem and Earnings, IZA Discussion Paper No. 3577


Ritz-Carlton $2000 rule empowers its employees to spend up to $2,000 per incident, solving customer problems without asking for a manager.

Their overall Customer LTV (avg. spending) = $250,000

The numbers

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Why Confidence?

How does ‘confidence’ impact our R&D space?


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Lack of confident is �the most lacking area in activity

  • Articulation & showcase�
  • Lack of good talent development
    • Self development
    • Career path
    • Mentorship�
  • Other incorporate categories point �lacking areas of ...
    • Leader
    • Growth opportunities
    • Standard & quality
    • Good team management

When asking about the hope, fear and wonder to grow up and compete with competitive market or current challenges (N=50; junior 72%, senior 16%, and lead 12%)

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Lack of leader who lead.�Full of leader who execute

There’s common on self-rating over and under self-estimation as usual, but the heat-map shown confidence rate. However, there’s also co-relation to previous Thai market maturity assessment (maturity level 2–3).

  • Mostly rating in between 2–3 which’s most average qualified at senior level [3]�
  • Average skill rating = 3.24�
  • Lack of leader who lead.
  • Full of leader who execute

When asking the confidence in areas of responsibility�according to experience and maturity (N=52)




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Poor operation and poor working environment undermine talents, resulting in a lack of confidence and growth in many areas

How might we sustainably grow our talents in efficient, effective, and supportive designOps?

  • Cultivate maturity
  • Good health
  • Reasonable metrics
  • Continuous improve performance
  • Save cost & time

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Factors that significantly boost or deteriorate confidence of R&D

  • The solid amount of backup and reviews
  • Concrete R&D methods and documentation
  • Decisions on user research and data, rather than personal opinions or trends
  • Communicating of findings
  • The size and variation of reviews and level of publicity

The problem is our local market is uncomfortable with review facing and communication competency.

By synthesize data & insights from Confidence in research: researchers in the spotlight, published by ECONOMIST IMPACT x Elsevier

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Common challenges of lacking confidence

Business & market change relevant

  • New business model
  • Addressing market uncertainty
  • Economic instability


  • Getting Leaders to Invest
  • Correlation between Self-confidence and professional achievement

Individual influence

  • Over-confidence VS lack of confidence
  • Balancing Confidence and Doubt
  • Social Influence and Peer Perceptions (recognition)
  • Perceived credibility
  • Focus on personal failings and negative outcomes
  • Have low aspirations

  • Self-efficacy & professional Development
  • Perceived risk and effort expectancy
  • Avoid challenging tasks and demonstrate weak commitment to goals
  • Lessen their efforts during difficulties

Communication and articulation

  • Making R&D tell a dynamic story
  • Communication and articulation R&D findings
  • Presenting in a clear, concise, and actionable to external factors

Analysis paralysis

  • Struggle to effectively blend vast amount of data
  • The decline of science
  • The human dimension
  • Handling bias and uncertainty
  • Incoming of technology era

Way of working

  • Stakeholder expectations
  • Defining the scope of R&D
  • Sample quality is an Industry-wide challenge
  • Collaborating with Cross-Functional Teams


  • Need of speed
  • Recruitment & logistics
  • R&D slow and expensive
  • Unquality data quality & Insights

Vast factors impact confidence of R&D that affect capability development and outcome.

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Conversation�Around Confidence

�Two-way communication meetup!


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Final Thought

& Key Takeaways

�Embed confidence boost support in operation�increase efficacy, performance, and happiness�for the further achievement!


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Life-time development of belief & recognize

Verbal persuasionVerbal persuasion is strongly influenced by the perceived prestige, credibility, expertise and trustworthiness

  • Recognition from social
  • Feel the victory and achievement
  • Seek Feedback. Gain honest and constructive insights into their strengths and weaknesses.

Vicarious influencesPowerful influence on self-efficacy beliefs

  • Analyze professional achievement. Examine the correlation between their self-confidence and professional success
  • Vicarious influences particularly impact on individuals. Shadowing master impact the learning and growing confidence

Past experienceHarder challenge with support better groom confidence that easy one

  • Analyze and leverage data from all sources to to uncover insights and opportunities for improvement
  • Reflect on experiences to evaluate personal experience, actions, outcome, and pattern
  • Conduct self-assessments and measure measure confidence level and communication skills
  • Compare to standards and benchmark to pinpoint gaps

Physiological and emotional statesEfficacy appraisals impact by body and mind responding which indicate high or low perceptions of capability

Efficacy beliefs are developed over time through childhood, into adulthood and yet in the present still dynamic

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Embrace ambiguity with adaptable focus!

Long-term Mentorship & environment

  • Implement coaching to increase confidence
  • Improve job performance, assertiveness
  • Ensure well-being
  • Enhance involvement in organizational life

Mid-termLearning from personal failure

  • Focus on personal failings and negative outcomes
  • Leverage past experiences e.g. vicarious influences, verbal persuasion
  • Taking good care for physiological and emotional states to build self-efficacy

Short-term�Carefully set goals and cadence

Challenge negativity bias with feedback

  • Accept & explore challenges
  • Be resilience during difficulty
  • Experiment and Test
  • Gather data to validate decisions

Expand knowledge

  • Continuously learn and explore new skills and information relevant
  • Demonstrate intrinsic interest and deep engagement with activities

Highlight strengths

acknowledge and emphasize your strengths and achievements to build self-assurance and confidence in your abilities.

Discover career goals

  • Purposefully define clear career objectives and goals
  • Regularly review long-term goals and aspirations
  • Ensure efforts are aligned
  • Identify improvement areas

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Diagnose people’s guardrail & support model

Ensure mentality support

  • How we support people to embrace self-care for work-life balance
  • How are we incorporate mindfulness techniques to support people mentality to reduce stress and enhance focus?

Gain opportunities

  • Do people have opportunities to practice?
  • Do people have opportunities to gain experience once back in school?
  • How varied are people’s experiences?
  • How are we engage people with creative activities?

Balance level of effort & difficulty

  • Do we Balance difficulty to maintain stress level?
  • Are levels of difficulty and support tailored to individuals?
  • How are we establish realistic goals, priority, and manageable break down steps?

Develop self-awareness and needed support

  • How are people supported for self-awareness?
  • How are people supported for self-management?
  • Do the professional development journey fit for an individual purpose?

Get help and learning opportunities from master

  • Have opportunities to observe good practice?
  • Are models characteristically aligned with learners? (ability, experience etc.)
  • Have access to feedback from others?
  • Do we ensure perceived credibility?
  • Have strong social and network for both profession and emotional support?

Monitoring all small wins

  • Have a celebration mechanism at all sizes of achievement for people?
  • How are people supported to reflect and learn from experiences to identify areas for growth and improvement?

Fundamental questions for professional development providers looking to develop levels of self-efficacy which staff should have opportunities to leverage the different categories of efficacy information.

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Emphasizing the importance of positive self-beliefs and affirmations to enhance self-integrity and self-efficacy

By affirming positive beliefs about oneself, individuals can bolster their self-esteem and sense of control over their lives, contributing to increased confidence and performance


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We believe that

The Ops existed everywhere, but the way it was represented, interacted with, and communicated varied.

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Opsian Community Services

Consulting ServicesProvide professional consulting to R&D team and organizations, helping you implement efficient R&D operation and leading the team practices.

  • Consulting session (clinic)
  • Workshop and acknowledgement
  • Assessment
  • Or even casual chit chat

Community SpaceNetwork with fellow DesignOps and ResearchOps professionals, participate community space in a dedicated online and offline forum.

  • Opsian Facebook Page
  • Join community in Discord
  • Read articles at Medium
  • Opsian dinner
  • Online & offline events
  • Welcome for contributors

Continuous ResearchShare and contribute to ongoing research initiatives that explore the latest trends and challenges in Thai and global market.

  • State of Thai designOps
  • Captured global report and movement
  • Connect with global leaders

Help us to help you shape R&D operation and get closer to the next maturity by connecting with us!

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Giveaway Discount!

from WUC x Opsian partnership�25% offfor community members�Opsian and UX Thailand members�

Interesting as team or organization? Let’s contact us for package.


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