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(this is not your warm up- just something to think about)

A man suffered from a horrible ear infection in one ear. The other ear was fine. For months he was given antibiotics, antifungals and other treatments (ex. Irrigation).

Two weeks after a visit he returned to the doctors healthy and healed. When asked what happened he told the doctors the simple thing that he did that cured him. What was it?

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Ill Words

Complete these statements with the appropriate term.

  • Bob’s back pain grew worse over time and seemed to always affect him, his doctor said the pain was _____.
  • The corona virus started first appeared in Wuhan, China, but has spread to the rest of the world, reaching ____ levels.
  • Ann’s doctor looked at the swelling and discharge that were the _____ of infection. She also asked about Ann’s _____, and whether she was in pain.
  • Connie’s cancer was in _____ but could come back.
  • Washing one’s hands is the best method of _____, of lowering the chances of getting a disease.
  • AIDS is only _____ through sexual contact or blood.