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  • AM
    • A year in review
    • Lightning talks (10 min each)
    • Lunch (12:30 to 2pm)
  • PM
    • Cochrane update
    • New editor experience
    • Internet in a box
    • NIOSH partnership
    • Board meeting (open to all)

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WikiProject Medicine

A Year in Review 2017

James Heilman

MD, CCFP(EM), Wikipedian

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A little about myself

  • Small town ER doc
  • Some academic affiliation but a long way from my University (~800 Km)
  • Became involved in 2008 after coming across a poor quality medical article
  • An active volunteer ever since

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What we have done in 16/17

  • Stats
  • Infobox update
  • Translation efforts
  • Medical apps
  • Internet-in-a-Box
  • UCSF
  • Videos
  • Comparison of WP
  • WHO
  • Licensing
  • Other collaborations
  • WPMF

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  • Article numbers: 155,805 across 255 languages (2013) -> 197,909 across 279 languages (2017) [27% increase]
  • Pageviews: ~6.5 B (2013) -> ? (2017)
  • >60% of readership from mobile
  • Editors: 274 (2013) -> 270 (2015) [2% decrease]
  • 3rd most active WP after MilHis and WomRed (2nd most watched)

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Reference numbers

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Our Community’s Health

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Infobox update

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Medical Translation Project

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Two article tracks

  • Full
    • Brought to GA/FA
    • 2,500-10,000 words
    • Goal: 100 (33)
  • Short
    • 3 to 4 paragraphs
    • Leads of English articles ~750 words
    • Goal: 1,000 (871)

  • Translation
    • 100+ languages
    • >5 million words
    • Value ~$1 million

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Example article

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Why is this needed?

  • Poor access to information plays a major role in many negative health outcomes
    • More than half of people from Africa said that a friend or family member could have been saved if they’d had information in their own language
    • Many in all parts of the world believe fluids should be withheld if their child has diarrhea
  • Issue: Little health care content exists in most languages

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European: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Swedish

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  • 2014 Outbreak in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria
  • The most used internet site in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea for Ebola
  • Greater than CNN, CDC and World Health Organization
  • Content available in 115 languages
  • ~100M pageviews in 2014


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Translation efforts

  • Working on the leads (~40 million pageviews)
  • Vaccine campaign
    • 23 essential meds
  • Women’s health campaign
    • ~50 articles
  • Video captions ~800 translated

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Words Translated by TWB

  • 2012 1,046,849 words, value $209,370
  • 2013 1,922,202 words, value $384,220
  • 2014 906,006 words, value $181,201
  • 2015 539,631 words, value $107,926
  • 2016 966,243 words, value $193,249

Total 5,380,931 words, value $1,075,966

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Wikimedia Taiwan

  • Started fall 2014
  • National Taiwan University College of Medicine
  • Using a combination of Facebook and Hackpad
  • Translated >50 short articles into Chinese in a short period of time

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Feedback from a student

“Participating in this project changed my perspective on knowledge. In finding a balance between using precise professional terms and common words to explain a medical condition, I learned a lot. It has helped me to have better communication with my patients”

Aaron Huang

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  • Lucas Rosnau
    • Mostly supporting translation
    • 392 hrs (2015) -> 221 hrs (2016)
    • Has returned to teaching

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Language Champions

  • Oriya (33 million native speakers)
  • Small community of 25 editors (5 plus edits)
  • Subas Chandra Rout
  • >700 articles translated

By Biswarup Ganguly


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  • Built in collaboration with WMCH/Kiwix
  • Includes diseases, anatomy, sanitation, physiology, dentistry, and medication content
  • 1.2 Gb (4.2 Gb with videos)

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The App

  • Overall rating of 4.7
  • >200 k of downloads for android
  • 10 language versions
  • ZIMs in other languages but no apps yet
  • “Brilliant. Wikimedia, by providing these very useful contents for free and in such a simple and easy to use app, you are serving humanity.”

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Reach (Current active installs on Android)

  • ENWP
    • 43% US
    • 10% UK
    • 7% India
    • 5% Canada
  • WP
    • 75% Global North

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  • Provides Wikipedia offline
  • Allows ~ 30 people to connect
  • Being installed / trialled in a number of locations
  • Allows viewing and downloading of the medical apps
  • Includes other resources

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  • 6th and 7th groups of students since we started in 2013 (22 and 8)
  • Co-supported with Wiki Ed Foundation
  • Pharmacy students as well
  • Other schools also involved include Sackler (Israel), Rush

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Interest from the wider community

  • Paper published in the journal Academic Medicine "Why medical schools should embrace Wikipedia: Analysis of final-year medical student contributions to Wikipedia articles for academic credit at one school" under a CC BY SA 4.0 license
  • Dr. Amin Azzam (Hewitt Foundation 20% time) to engage medical schools with Wikipedia
  • Developing a 2 year elective by Shani Even for medical students (starting September 2017)

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Student editing Wikipedia as part of “service learning”

  • Part of psychology class
  • 20 hours required
  • Details signed off by WPMEDF

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  • Started in late 2015
  • More than 240 short animated videos (5-10 minutes) on key diseases
  • 5.5 million video views
  • Released under a CC BY SA license
  • Subtitles being translated into other languages

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Better than UpToDate for Medical Students

  • Students given a quiz (30 min)
  • Access to one: UpToDate, textbook, Wikipedia (30 min)
  • Retested (30 min)
  • Those who used WP had greater increase in scores
  • WP had better search and interlinking
  • Another paper found Residents rank WP highly and as one of their most visited sites

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Future research

Q: How much does the packaging of content affect peoples assessment of its reliability?

Methods: Take a WP article and make it appear like the BMJ and vise versa. Give pairs of these articles randomly to academics to review using the DISCERN score

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  • International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) -> switched the licensing of their encyclopedia to CC BY SA
  • World Health Organization -> WHO Bulletin now CC BY SA and released the EML as well

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  • The NIOSH/CDC has hired two part time WiR
    • James Hare
    • John Sadowski
  • We had a week of talks at the NIH this last Nov.
  • NIH has provided “peer review” to SCA lead
  • NCI people are working on Wikipedia content

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  • Excellent continued commitment
  • Have hired a part time WP editor
  • Increase in editors adding Cochrane reviews
  • Tool tagging reviews in need of updating working well
  • Jenny will speak more about this collaboration

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Wikiversity Journal of Medicine

  • Started in 2014
  • Open access medical journal hosted on WV
  • 21 articles published following formal peer review * 2
  • “Second Journal of Science” launched
  • User Group recognized
  • Pubmed indexing and a new sister project?

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Price of medications

  • Added pricing of essential meds
    • Both developing and developed world
  • Prices stable over time
  • Good sources to support content
  • Experienced some pushback

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  • 146 members (May 2016) -> 164 members (Jun 2017)
  • Participants from more than 30 countries
  • Successful board election this year

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Awards to top editors

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Medication dosing

  • Frequently requested
  • Current position is we do not include
  • Should we?
    • Include as subpage of treatment section?
    • Semi protect all the pages?

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A Chance for Questions