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Class Resources

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First Grade Remote Learning #TigerHomeTakeover

Hope you have a great Tuesday.

Tuesday, December 8th

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Pledges & Announcements

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  • 8:30 AM Zoom - writing journal
  • 1:00 PM Zoom - Go Math book Pg 270


  • Saxon Phonics Lesson 67 suffixes - less -ness -ly


  • 7.3 Use think addition to subtract - live zoom 1pm


  • McGraw Hill / Wonders Reading
  • Don’t forget to go to the McGraw Hill app in classlink

Daily Overview

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Daily Zoom Information

Morning Zoom - 8:30 AM

Writing journal, pencil, and crayons

Afternoon Zoom - 1:00 PM

Go Math Book Volume 1 Pg 270

Join Zoom Meetings


Meeting ID: 312 631 3442

Passcode: 041724

Volume 1

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Today we are learning about more suffixes

-less means without

-ness means the quality of something

-ly means how something is done

  • Suffix - less and -ly

  • Suffix - ness


Saxon Phonics

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What you will need: Lesson 67 suffixes: -less -ness -ly Saxon Phonics worksheet and a pencil

  • Watch and listen to the phonics lesson here

  • You will need to complete your worksheet as we go through the lesson in the video.

  • Practice and discuss the next 7 slides out loud


Saxon Phonics

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Pat-pit,boast-best,dense-dance,sick-sack, sell-seal, tight-tote, shall-shell

Echo words and then change vowel sounds.

What is the vowel sound within the following words:


Phonemic Awareness: To manipulate sounds within words
















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Lesson 67


-less, -ness, -ly


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Echo these words and listen to how they end.




What do hear at the end of these words? (less) What’s the same at the end of these words? Less. If I cover up ‘less’, will I still have a root word? (yes). What do we call something that is added to the end of a root word? (suffix) What does a suffix do to a root word? (Changes it’s meaning) This is suffix-less. Can you guess what it means? (without) Code with a box. What is the root word? Suffixes can either be vowel suffixes or consonant suffixes. What kind of suffix is this? How can you tell?(consonant at the beginning of suffix)

hatless, endless, colorless


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Echo these words and listen to how they end.



What do you hear at the end of these words? (ness) What’s the same at the end of these words? Ness. If I cover up ‘ness’, will I still have a root word? (yes). What do we call something that is added to the end of a root word? (suffix) What does a suffix do to a root word? (Changes it’s meaning) This is suffix-ness. Can you guess what it means? (quality of something) Code with a box. What is the root word? Suffixes can either be vowel suffixes or consonant suffixes. What kind of suffix is this? How can you tell?(consonant at the beginning of suffix)

softness, redness


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Echo these words and listen to how they end.



What do you hear at the end of these words? (ly) What’s the same at the end of these words? ly. If I cover up ‘ly’, will I still have a root word? (yes). What do we call something that is added to the end of a root word? (suffix) What does a suffix do to a root word? (Changes it’s meaning) This is suffix-ly. Can you guess what it means? (quickly) Code with a box. What is the root word? Suffixes can either be vowel suffixes or consonant suffixes. What kind of suffix is this? How can you tell?(consonant at the beginning of suffix).

sweetly, safely


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Spell ONLY the Suffixes you hear




Spell only the suffix in each word: hatless, sadness, manly, stiffly, blackness, homeless





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Spell and Code:





jobless, spotless, sadly, gladly, wetness, goodness, helpless

Code using marking tool





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  • Our new sight words:

  • Practice reading sight words in your purple phonics folder (words # 1-65).

  • Complete the sight word sheet for the words: answer

  • Read decodable # 23 Something Grand


Saxon Phonics


Complete sight word practice sheets for the word(s) (answer)

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Practice writing your spelling words and sentences each day. You can do any of the following that are in your word work packet to practice. Pick one each day.

  • Trace and write 2 X
  • Rainbow write
  • ABC order
  • Word Search
  • Sentence Fix Up
  • Dictation Sentences List 7
  • You can also practice writing

them in your writing journal.


Saxon Phonics Spelling

Words: she, too, keep, same, more, we’ll, shack, went, tablet, brushing, *their, *goes


1. The deck is next to their pool.

2. The fish had a hook stuck in its gill.

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  • Today you need your Go Math Book, Volume 1 . Our lesson is just like fact families, so think about fact families when you do your work today.

  • Live math lesson on zoom at 1:00 PM

You need your Go Math Book, Volume 1. We will be starting

on page 270

  • Please do not do this until after our

zoom. Complete Pg 273-274 #1-12


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Brain Break

Pick A Brain Break

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  • Please use these icons to find the weekly stories, high frequency words/words to know, and other activities.

  • These items are extremely essential to your child’s learning and to help prepare them for their reading tests.


McGraw Hill / Wonders App

Use the icons:

To Do

Words to Know




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Genre for the Week:

  • Informational Text- Nonfiction: gives information about real people, places, or things such as facts

  • More about informational text , this also has an example of informational texts (plants).


Hill / Wonders

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Essential question for the week:

  • How is life different than it was long ago?

  • Please discuss how life is different now than it was long ago.

  • Long ago and now - video

  • Technology then and now - video


This slide does not have anything to turn in, just discuss the essential question for the week.

McGraw Hill / Wonders

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Stories for the Week:

  • Read “Long Ago and Now” Pg 74-87

  • Read “From Horse to Plane” Pg 90-93

  • Your child can also go to the McGraw Hill app in classlink. Click on read and these stories should be available for them. They can have the story read to them.


McGraw Hill / Wonders Reading Book

You need


Book 1.3

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High frequency words for the week:

  • ago, boy, girl, how, old, people

Vocabulary words for the week:

  • century, past, present, future, entertainment

  • Your child should also go to the McGraw Hill app in classlink. Click on “Words to Know”


McGraw Hill / Wonders Reading Book

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Go complete the following items in the McGraw Hill app:

  • High frequency words under words to know

  • How is life different than it was long ago? - video

  • Story 1: Read “Long Ago and Now” Pg 74-87

  • Story 2: “From Horse to Plane” Pg 90-93

  • Subject/verb agreement - Due by Friday 12/11


McGraw Hill / Wonders App

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  • Read “Life at Home” Pg 96-105 in the Unit 3 Reading & Writing Companion

  • Complete the items on the left under “Shared Read” as you read each page.


This is what the items under “shared read” look like in the reading/writing companion book.

McGraw Hill Reading/Writing Companion

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Reading comprehension

McGraw Hill / Wonders

  • This week we are going to make connections with the text by comparing and contrasting.

  • Compare means we tell how they are the same

  • Contrast means we tell how they are different

  • How to compare and contrast - video

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  • Text Feature: captions

  • Captions are a short description under a picture that tell us more about what is in the picture.

Reading Comprehension

McGraw Hill / Wonders

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  • This week we are learning about correct subject verb agreement using the words is and are.

  • Subject - is who or what the story or sentence about

  • Verb - is the action or what is happening

  • Subject verb agreement - video

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  • Students are expected to write at least 3-5 complete sentences.

  • Sentences need to have 5 or more words in each sentence.

  • Use capitals at the beginning of a sentence.

  • Use punctuation marks at the end of sentence.

  • Use correct letter formation.

  • Use one finger space between words.

  • Do their best to sound out words. We know this will not be perfect.

However, you are now familiar with our phonics sound cards to give clues. ( ar like star for the word car)


Expectations & Guidelines


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Please review these with your child.

In the “Stretch a Sentence” poster you can see how the sentence and the picture both have more detail each time.

Expectations & Guidelines

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  • Write a story about this picture in your primary writing journal. Also draw a picture that goes with your writing. Don’t forget, we LOVE detail and color.

  • Things to think about: Who is in the picture? What is he doing? What happened? Where is he?


Picture Writing

  • Submit a picture of the writing and drawing you did in your primary writing journal. - Seesaw

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  • Some weeks Epic & Teach Monster will be required.

  • Please continue to help your child log into Epic and Teach Monster once or twice a week.

  • The next two slides have the login information for both Epic and Teach Monster.

Extra reading & phonics practice

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  • You can use Epic to read stories. Open the Epic app on your ipad.

  • If the Epic app is not on the ipad, go click self service on your ipad and tell Epic to install.

Step 1: Click on the Epic App

Step 2: Click login at the top

Step 3: Click students and educators

Step 4: Enter your class code and hit GO!

Epic app

Class Codes Driskill: ewp5133 Harper: tym1131 Mahana: lqz3069 Martinez: kvl9099

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  • Go to the Teach Monster app on your ipad. If this app is not on your ipad go to the self service icon on the ipad and then find Teach Monster and click install.

  • Open the app once it has loaded.

Click “Log in” on the bottom right corner

Player name: first name only

Password: last four numbers of your student ID #

Star Code: Use your teacher’s code

Teach Monster APP

Teacher/Star Codes:

Driskill: 6251816

Harper: 4805785

Mahana: 6251818

Martinez: 6294821

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Brain Break

Pick A Brain Break

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Music & pe

Ms. McCullough (music teacher) and Mrs. Watson (P.E. teacher) have created their own activities for you. Please see the next two slides to view those activities.

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Welcome to Ms. McCullough’s Music Class!

Let’s keep a steady beat!

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Welcome to Coach Watson’s PE Class

Remember to Exercise Daily and don’t forget those bicycle crunches and push-ups!

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  • If you are an ELL student please use the next slide from Mrs. Wetzel.

Mrs. Wetzel’s Students

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ELL Remote Learning - 12/7-11/2020

Reading Routines: Listening to a Favorite Story on Storyline Online

We all love hearing our favorite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.

  • Go to https://www.storylineonline.net and choose a story you love.
  • Watch the reading of your story - enjoy!
  • Record yourself talking about your book. Answer these questions - what story did you listen to? Why do you like this story? Share a summary of the story (in case we haven't read it) and why we should read the story today!

Email me your video or submit on Seesaw!

Seesaw Link

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Thinking of Others

Watch the two videos. This time of the year thinking of others can be hard because we tend to focus on what we want, but it is so important to think of others. Feel free to listen to some of the books after the videos if you want.

Love, Mrs. Rice

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You Did it!

You completed your work for today. Enjoy the rest of your day.