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Mural Art Work Samples


Creative Placekeeping


Fremont High School Wellness Center

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Fremont Wellness Center and Community Garden provides a beautiful oasis for the community surrounding the High School to gather, access healthy food and heal.

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The site includes a clinic serving not only students but the broader community. One of 15 community wellness centers developed by The Trust for Children’s Health and LAUSD.

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The Wellness Center site also includes an incredible community garden which provides learning opportunities, access to fresh healthy food and a beautiful gathering space.

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4 years ago the Wellness Center and Community Garden provided the perfect venue for Community Health Councils to bring its school-based model for community change.

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CHC established a cross-sector collaboration of agencies to support the school-based community change model. Healthy Culture Hub builds on these relationships.

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LA Commons brings its youth driven model for cultural development to the Fremont Site as reflected in art uplifting the community’s vision for itself on the Wellness Center fences.

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Students and community members are integral to our community change model. Resident ambassadors work to engage their neighbors in community visioning and advocacy.

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The second round of LA Commons’ successful fence art initiative led by artist Jose Lozano was funded by a social impact grant to CHC from LA County Department of Arts and Culture.

Renderings of art designed with Fremont High School students and community members through online workshops and engagement June-August 2020 to be produced and installed on Wellness Center fences.

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LA Commons has partnered with LA City and County on other creative initiatives to map cultural assets and activate local artists and culture bearers.

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Community Coalition also believes in the power of art to accelerate participation and build community and their Art + Culture Department supports year round programs.

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This builds on CoCo’s annual Power Fest which blends community arts and entertainment with organizing around important issues in South LA. Aloe Blacc performs at a Power Fest.

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Healthy Culture Hub bridges Community Coalition’s organizing model with LA Commons’ cultural asset mapping process refined as part Promise Zone Arts.

Promise Zone Arts Culture Asset Mapping Model

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The goal is to identify artists and culture bearers such as Dalila Mendez, Mujeres de Maiz and Liliflor Ramirez whose practices promote individual and community healing.

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Britt Blackwell provides another example of a South LA cultural resource whose creativity promotes healing.

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USC Spatial Analysis Lab at the Price School of Public Policy will bring neighborhood mapping expertise to aid evaluation and, documentation and presentation of local stories.

Promise Zone Arts Culture Asset Mapping Model

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LA County Department of Arts and Culture brings their research strength to evaluating the project along with USC. The CEII is furthering greater equity across LA County Depts.