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SAP Material Management

Purchase Requisition

Release Strategy SETUP

Item level Release Strategy

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IMG Menu path for PR Release Strategy with Classification

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Release Group

Release Group is Enterprise Strucutre Independent

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Not selected means Release Strategy activated at the PR item level.

Selected means Overall Release, where Release Strategy is activated at Header PR level

FRG_EBAN and GFRG_EBAN are example SAP delivered Class for Release Strategy

New Release Strategy is only desirable when a new CLASS is required due to additional classifications characteristics for a new Plant (otherwise, it a New Plant can share the same Release Group)

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Release Strategy uses Class type 032

These Characteristics are called Reference Characteristics as there are linked to fields in the PR table.

Eg: Double click FRG_EBAN_WERKS

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CEBAN is the Communication Table for PR Release Strategy

WERKS is the Plant field

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You can check in SE11 for the PR fields you can use via the CEBAN table

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I show you an example how to create a Reference Characteristics POINTING to the PLANT field

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NO NEED to enter any DATA here

CLICK to goto Addiontal Data TAB

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CEBAN is the Communication Table for PR Release Strategy

WERKS is the Plant field

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Format data from SE11 data dictionary for WERKS field copied

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From WERKS (SE11) data dictionary. Not need to change anything


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Next I show you how to create a New Class

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Next, Goto Characteristics TAB

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Enter Characteristics Z_PLANT and press enter to confirm

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Existing Characteristics can be used for many classes (for the same class type)

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Technically speaking, SAP Documentation says DO NOT do this, see Documentation below !

If we follow SAP Standards, once project go life with Release Groups and CLASS, you will not be creating new CLASS !!! ….->>>>

Note: In most SAP versions, you are not even allowed to SAVE it. BUT even if you can SAVE it, do avoid the RISK !

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Release Codes

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Release Codes are 2 alphanumeric and dependent on Release Groups (wtih or without workflow)

When a Plant added with new Personnel, it is likely to have to Maintain a NEW Release Code (due to Role Authorization for PR Approval)

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Enter like this, then press enter to confirm and SAVE

You can SAVE this into a Seperate Transport Sequentially just for PR Release Strategy

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Release Indicstors

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Release Indicators/ID are Release Code Independent and after project Go-Life, unlikely there is a need to review to add (when purchasing policies are the same), It is a single alphanumeric Key

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Release ID is also assign to Field Selection (to hide/display etc fields in the PR once the status is reached)

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Release Strategy

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Consider this, when phase 1 consultants design a Release Strategy for each Plant (due to whatever reason), then in other phases in the future when adding a new Plant, it maybe desirable to follow similar route and therefore create a New Release Strategy for the New Plant !

However, you must also consider if introduction of new Release Codes, new Release ID/indicator, and Approval Values are all possible reasons why a New Release Strategy is desirable !

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In this example, we shall create a Release Strategy with 3 Release Codes and approprite Release Pre-requisites for a New Plant with Approval value of >$10,000

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We use Release Group with Item level Strategy activation

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SAP provide max of 8 Release code per Strategy, we shall use 3 in this example

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Define Release Prerequsites

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This indicator means Z1 must approve before Z2

This indicator means Z2 must approve before Z1

Beware of how you select the indicators, see the explanations.

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Obviously the above selection has no meaning. System does not allow you you click CONTINUE ...

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Note, I have added one more selection:

First, Z1 must approve before Z2

Next, Z1 must approve before Z9

But Z9 can approve before Z2 approves the PR

Likes wise Z2 can approve the PR as long as Z1 has approve the PR (Z2 does not have to wait for Z9 to approve the PR as there are no pre-requisites setup for it)

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Final indicator I have choses, now the Strategy will sound like this:

Z1 must approve before Z2 and Z9 can approve

Z2 must approve before Z9 can approve

Z9 can only approve if both Z1 and Z2 approves

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Next, we can set the Release Status (beware, the layout combinations will depend on the Release Pre-quisite)

I will show you a few examples.

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Line 1, when no one approve, PR at “S” status

Line 2, Z1 expected to approve, PR still at “S” status

NOTE line 3 an line 4,

After Z1 approve the PR,

either Z9 or Z2 can approve But PR still at “S” status when only either Z9 or Z2 approves the PR

When All 3 approves the PR, now PR can convert to PO

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Line 1, when no one approve, PR at “S” status

Line 2, Z9 must first approve before Z1 and Z2

Z2 can only approve the PR when Z9 has approve it

Z1 can only approve the PR after both Z2 and Z9 approved the PR

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No release pre-requisite, note Line 2, 3, 5 shows all 3 release code can release independently, note line 4, 6, 7 shows what if any 2 release code release then what will be the release indicator !

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Line 1, when no one approve, PR at “S” status

Line 2 shows that Z1 must release first before any other release code can release

Line 3 shows that after Z1 release the PR, the next to release the PR is Z2 !!!

Z9 is the last person to release after both Z1 and Z2 have release the PR

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Next is to design the Classification Values

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To enter multiple values, click FR on the field

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Select Multiple values and click CONTINUE

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Note you can only see desriptions and not the key after press Enter.

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Perform a Simulation

You must SAVE first before begin SIMULATION

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Start Simulation

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Double-click here to Release by Z1

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Z2 can release

Note Z1 release affected

Z3 will have to wait

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Double-click here to Release by Z2

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Note Z2 release affected

Z3 can now release

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Release Strategy Z9 Activated

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Double-click here to Release by Z3

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Note Z3 release affected

Final Release Status

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We will use this material with some of the matching characteristics values (the rest of the fields values are in the PR)

PR will use Material master Price

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When fields values in the PR matches the Release Strategy Characteristics Values… the

Release Strategy will be ACTIVATED