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Bounce High, Bounce Low

A “Keep the Beat” Game

Find a bouncing ball and bounce along with the song as you sing!

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Step #1:

Pat the beat (like the

heartbeat ) of the words on your lap as you speak them.

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Step #2:

Clap the rhythm of the words as you speak them. (Remember… “The rhythm is the way the words go!”)

Step #3:

Clap the rhythm while you try to stomp the beat. Can you do both at the same time?

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Step #4:

This song uses three of the note houses from Music Street. To sing this song, we used Sol, Mi, and La. Find these houses on the street and practice their hand signs while you sing their sounds. Try mixing them up and singing them. Can you create a song using just those notes?

HInt: If you are having trouble finding your singing notes on your own, think of a doorbell ringing. Remember that in class, we discovered that Sol-Mi sounded just like the “Ding-dong” of a doorbell! La is just a bit higher than Sol!

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Step #5:

Sing the song on the “Sol-fa syllables,

(That’s another name for the Music Street house names) and use their hand signs.

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Step #6: Play the Game

Now that you can keep the beat, show the rhythm, and sing the melody, it is time to play the game.

Grab a bouncing ball and try to sing the song as you bounce and catch it to the beat. How long you can keep bouncing to the steady beat?

Ask someone in your family to bounce and catch with you. How long can you keep going back-and-forth together?