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Title it P5 LAST NAME Mimal Mnemonic

Copy & Paste that line & just sub in your last name!

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Your MIMAL Mnemonic �Goes in Here!


COPY & Create A NEW GGL SLIDE on your own,

Complete the assignment by copy-pasting it back into this CLASS SLIDE DECK.

Don’t mess this part up- when we’re done we’ll have a class set of ‘flashcards’

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Explain the Mnemonic in Mr.W’s & YOUR WORDS here

Jackson Hurst


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ONLY POST YOUR SLIDE, not the directions or ex.

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Explain the Mnemonic in Mr.W’s & YOUR WORDS here

Jackson Hurst


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Happy Calif. COW’s make the best cheese!

California, Oregon, & Washington are neighbors in the western region. California & Western C-O-W’s are way better than Wisconsin cows b/c the weather & climate are great. As the ad’s said, “Great cheese comes from happy COW’s” & happy COWs are in CA!

1 - Brett Williams





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#3- Gabrielle Ortiz

U CANT forget how hot it is in Texas

Throughout Texas the climate can be very dry in the east and humid in the west. However, the overwhelming factor for weather in Texas is heat. You can remember this by knowing the states close to texas: Utah (for the U), Colorado (for the C), Arizona (for the A), New Mexico (for the N), and Texas (for the T). It will spell out the word “cant” in the mnemonic above.

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Brion Case

Texas is a tiring state to journey across, for there are many humid, hot locations is this unacceptable state. For the many journeyers who attempt to journey across Texas, Texas himself, along with Utah, California, Arizona, and Nevada teamed up to border-spell, “U CANT” to try to get the hopeless traveler to turn back.

U CANT comprehend how exasperating Texas is.






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Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana are neighboring states in the southwestern region. “WY” is referring to Wyoming and is asking why “Mon” or Montana, seems as though it is looking over at Idaho.

#13 Joe Billing

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Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana are neighboring states in the Rocky Mt. region. “WY” is referring to Wyoming and is asking why “Mon” or Montana, seems as though it is looking over at Idaho. That ‘Mon’ is creepily staring at Ida!!!


#___. By Mr.Williams

WY is he so CREEPY?!?!

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New Kan in the Pan, OK!

Panhandle of Oklahoma

Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma are all neighbors. Kansas is Trapped between the pans of Nebraska and Oklahoma. As u can see Nebraska and Oklahoma are both shaped like a pan. Although both Kansas and and Nebraska are in different regions they still border with Oklahoma.

#5 Joey Wouters

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#6 Emily Wulfert

NEW KAN in the PAN, OK!




Kansas and New Mexico surround and touch the Oklahoma Panhandle. It’s name comes from the similar look of a pan. New Mexico and Kansas are both around the pan shape of Oklahoma.


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#29 Sam

Chef M.I.M.A.L


Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana’s borders create a silhouette of a person; specifically a chef. Mimal is a acronym standing for the given states above. Minnesota is his hat, louisiana is his boot, Iowa is his head, etc.

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Explanation- Illinois, Indiana, Ohio. Look towards the nose and mouth of chef MIMAL, and try to picture him throwing up these three states. So the next three states near MIMAL’s mouth are these three states in order. The reason why it says “ILL-IN-OH” is because it is taking the beginning of each of the states and putting them together, which you are supposed to say them as if you are throwing up.

30. Priscilla Avila

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Kentucky fried chicken on a Tenn. tray


Noura Tagdiri

Tennessee and Kentucky are very close together. Kentucky’s shape looks like a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken, and with Tennessee below the state, it looks like Tennessee is a serving platter for the Kentucky’s “ Kentucky Fried Chicken.”

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Bereket Denslow

WIshing for MIttens

Sitting side by side is Minnesota and Wisconsin with one of the coldest temperatures in the Northeast region. WI (wisconsin) is literally wishing for MI (minnesota) mittens.

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Petey Patrick


Number 9

Wishing For Mittens is Wisconsin and Michigan which are right next to each other they are wishing for mittens because it can get cold there and also michigan is shaped as a mitten.which is a great mnemonic device.I think KFC is kentucky and georgia is greasy so Kentucky is to hot and georgia

“Wishing for Mittens, KFC to Hot and Greasy hopeing and Dreaming”






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MAG(azine) In The Florida Gun

In the South(East) region of the United States, Mississippi, Alabama, And Georgia Or Neighbors. If you take the first letter of each of those states and combine them, it creates MAG or magazine, and if you look to Florida, another neighbor state in the south, it looks like a gun.

#16 ~ Julian Kong

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What Connects the Islands

The connects means Connecticut and the islands means Rhode Island and the Massachusetts borders Rhode Island so it connects Rhode Island.

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#14 Will Dziuk

Pennsylvania, a state that is located in the North East region shares the same shape of that of a pencil box. The name of the objects within the Penncil box can also help you identify the state's name since pencil sounds exactly the same as Pennsyl for Pennsylvania.


Penncil Box

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Connecticut Connects The Island(s)

#15- Siena Watson


Rhode Island

Connecticut and Rhode Island are located on the North East Coast of the US. Since they are neighbors on the map, it seems that Connecticut has “Connected” the two states together!

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#16 Elizabeth Hazard

Hook a bass in Mass.

Massachusetts is on the East Coast and its very tip curves into the shape of a hook. Fishing is very popular in Massachusetts and Striped Bass are fish that are caught often. The combination of the shape of Massachusetts and the fishing makes it seem that you could “hook a fish on the tip of Massachusetts”.

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This Mnemonic represents the area of Massachusetts where Cape Cod is located. Cape Cod is a well known area for catching cod. It says “Hook a bass in MASS, but really go for COD,” which means the hook part of Massachusetts is the central area for cod, not bass.

P. 5/Luca Sladavic

Hook a Bass in MASS, but really go for COD



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Dela wears a New, Jersey dress

Delaware and New Jersey are very close to each other, almost like they are on one another and can wear each other. Dela is a person’s name and people in New Jersey commonly wear dresses, so Dela will wear a brand new Jersey dress.

# 12 Lindsey Hollandsworth

New Jersey


This is Dela :)

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Dela wears a new, Jersey dress.

New Jersey and Delaware are neighboring states. They are so close that they could be sisters. Sisters wear each other’s dresses and some dresses are made of a fabric called Jersey.

# 12 Madelyn Sequeira



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Charlotte Vondle AAAAAA your serving 6 ladies

Explanation- North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, and Alabama are all girl names and chef MIMAL has a plate of Kentucky fried chicken that he is surviving the 6 ladies

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VeNoMous- V stands for Vermont, N stands for New Hampshire, M stands for Maine

There are no VeNoMous snakes in Maine, it’s too cold!


Cami Cox

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#17, Lauren Scott

There are no VeNeMous snakes in Maine, it’s too cold!


Winters in Maine can be extremely cold and in some cases brutal, so snakes are sad that they can’t go play in the snow because they’ll die. The V in venemous stands for Vermont, the N stands for New Hampshire, and the M stands for Maine.

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#10 - Noah Simon

ILL - IN - OH… (puke noise) OHIO

The states Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio are all lined up next to each other. When you puke you make the sound ill-in-oh, and those are the first letters of each of those states. So by making a sound like you're puking you can remember those three states are lined up right next to each other in that order.

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Mag(Gun Magazine) in Florida

In the Florida Mag, you have 4 states Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Florida looks like a gun and Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi looks like a mag for a gun.

Zach Lewis


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Mag(Gun Magazine) in Florida

In the Florida Mag, you have 4 states Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Florida looks like a gun and Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi looks like a mag for a gun.


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Chips in La$ Vega$, Chip Missing From S Nevada

Las Vegas is a city known worldwide. It is mostly known for all of the gambling that is done there. Las Vegas is located inside of Nevada thus the mnemonic Chips in Las Vegas, chip missing from S Nevada.

#2 Walter Trostler

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P.6 Jael Brandenburg “Wishin’ for Mittens”

Wisconsin (WI) and Michigan (MI) are those two states you see in North America at the top. They are shaped like mittens, which is a good way to remember these states because they are very cold, especially in the winter. Wisconsin is famous for cheese while michigan has snowy days!

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Isabela Camara

Chip missing from Nevada!

Nevada is well known for all of the gambling that is done there. Las Vegas is located inside of Nevada, a chip missing from Nevada.

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Duh-Kotas, The Not So Smart States

North and South Dakota are like bunk bed buddies because they are above each other, and their roads both have a dumb twist to them, especially South Dakota’s fury patrol. And don’t forget to change you’re watches everyone! It turns out these dumb states have the same weather as Canada, WELL DUH!

Per.5 Jackson Hurst

No, Duh-kota!

So, Duh-kota!