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Christian Maclay - Night Music

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The Materialism of Sound

Experimental Sound Synthesis, Sp 2024

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  • Pauline Oliveros & Deep Listening

American composer

(1932 - 2016)

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Deep Listening Practice

To hear physically means that vibrations or waveforms that are within the range of human hearing (in frequency typically 16hz to 20,000hz and amplitude 0.05dB to 130dB) can be transmitted to the auditory cortex by the ear and perceived as sounds. However, the word hear has many more dynamics and meanings within a cultural history that is continually changing.

To Hear, according to the Miriam Webster Dictionary, can mean “to listen attentively, or that information has been received especially by ear, or to hear somebody or something, or to consider something officially as a judge, commissioner, or member of a jury, or to fully understand something, or to attend Mass or hear confession in a Roman Catholic Church”.

Listening has very little definition compared to hearing. Though the two words are often used interchangeably, their meanings are different. To listen according to the Miriam Webster Dictionary means “to give attention to sound or sounds or to perceive with the ear, to hear with thoughtful attention, to consider seriously.

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Name 10 sounds you heard during the session

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2. Michel Chion and the Modes of listening

  • Casual
  • Semantic
  • Reductive

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Musique Concrete and the concept of “Sound Objects”

Basis of the sampling culture, utilizes recorded sounds as musical materials

The recorded raw sounds are often manipulated to form new compositional materials

A practice developed by French composer Pierre Schaeffer in early 1940s, as an alternative to the Germanic elecktroniche musik (synthesized sounds)

Sound example: Etude aux chemin de fer (1948)

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The Concept of “Sound Objects”

“This unit of sound [sound object] is the equivalent to a unit of breath or articulation, a unit of instrumental gesture. The sound object is therefore an acoustic action and intention of listening” Schaeffer

Believes that sound objects should be free from its sonic origin (i.e. non-causal understanding, “let sound be sound)

This understanding of sound forms the basis of acousmatic music (Sound that is heard without the origin being seen => music that is composed to be performed/perceived via speakers)

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Sampling -The Orchestra Hit

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Fairelight CMI

C. 1975, Australia, Peter Vogel

First synth, sampler, and DAW

Allows visual sequencing and sampling in real time using the a digital pen

Sound Library on 8-inch floppy discs

Popularized by users such as Stevie Wonder, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush in the 80s

This one is housed in MESS (Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio) Ltd. in Melbourne, Australia

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Orch 2 sample

Sampled in:

Planet Rock (Afrika Bambaataa,

The Soulsonic) 1982

Something 2 Dance 2 (N.W.A) 1992

Lucky (Britney Spears)2000

Finesse (Bruno Mars, Cardi B) 2017

……etc. More than 50,000 samples to date

The list goes on and on

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Sampling as a sonic


Found Object aesthetics


Sound as Objects

Time-Based Assemblage

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Herbie ->

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Sound: Oscillation in pressure (caused by stress, particle displacement, velocity.. etc.)

  • As a wave motion, sound is considered a stimulus
  • As an excitation of the hearing mechanism (therefore being processed by the brain cognition and perception), it is then considered a sensation.

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Oscillation in pressure

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Sound source

Sound source

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Sample Rate

The number of times the audio is captured per second

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Bit Depth

Number of “bits” captured in each sample per second

#bits = level of precision

8 bits= 1byte

24 bits is the standard for audio recording (concerns with amplitude ie. loud/soft, dynamics)

8-bit audio vs 16-bit

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MULE theme synthesized on Commodore 64

Mario Brothers 3, NES

Synthesized sounds from basic waveforms

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Buffer Size

Buffer size is the amount of time allowed for your computer to process the audio of your sound card or audio interface.

A higher buffer size will result in greater latency (delay) and the higher it is set (larger number), the more noticeable it will become. The lower buffer size (smaller number) will take less time to process sound and the latency (delay that you hear) will be decreased, making it less noticeable.

The lower size will also require the computer to use more resources to process data so the correct level should be set according to the computational power of the device.

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Different types of Microphones

- Cardioid

Typically robust,


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Figure 8 (bidirectional)

Relatively flat frequency response, but fragile, often expensive

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XY Pattern

x/y, 2 cardioide

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Stereo Image

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Class activity

  • Find a partner
  • Pick up a Zoom H6 recorder (with batteries and SD card)
  • Grab a pair of headphones
  • Take a look at Assignment 1 on Canvas
  • Go and record 30 unique sounds