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Industry Insights Science Edition

WiSTEM 2023

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Tim Carsel

People Research Scientist • Meta

Past Job Experience:

  • US Navy: Avionics Calibration Technician (2005-2010)
  • 3 positions in People Analytics and IO Psychology(2016-2018)
  • UIC: Scientific Researcher (2014-2020)
  • Top Bloc: Data Scientist (2020-2021)
  • Meta: People Research Scientist (2021-current)


  • BS in Psychology & minor in Philosophy-IIT
  • MA& PhD in Social and Personality Psychology & minor in Statistics

Current Job Responsibilities:

  • Develop actionable insights through research and ML methods into how to improve employee’s careers
  • Improve internal mobility processes and perceptions
  • Identify key drivers of attrition and retention; and
  • Develop, maintain, and monitor company-wide performance system, predictors of performance, and performance trends over time.

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Ryan Williams


  • BS in Biology at Texas A&M
  • MS in Natural Resource Management at Oklahoma State
  • PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with a minor in statistics at Iowa State

Past Job Experience:

  • NSF-REU at Texas A&M
  • Postdoctoral Researcher in Agricultural Bio Systems Engineering at ISU

Current Job Responsibilities:

  • Manage group of ~30 scientists working in Plant Biotechnology
  • Leadership over multiple discovery pipelines
  • Adjunct faculty in Plant Biology at University of Missouri with outreach jobs in industry with Bayer

Trait Biology Analytics Lead• Monsanto

Genomics and Data Science Lead• Bayer

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Yashwant Kathirvel


  • BS in CHE at IIT
  • MS in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University

Past Job Experience:

  • Chem Tutor in the ARC
  • Research Assistant at Hong Lab at IIT
  • Research Assistant at the Computational Biology Department at Carnegie Mellon University
  • Data Science Intern at AstraZeneca

Current Job Responsibilities:

  • Onboard and develop new automation workflows in wet lab environment
  • Establishing the needs and constraints of a protocol and figuring out how it works on an automated platform

Automation Engineer • Ginkgo Bioworks

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Yoftahel Gebre


  • BS in Biomedical Engineering, Cell and Tissue track at IIT
  • MS in Chemical Engineering at IIT

Past Job Experience:

  • Engineer Internship at NorthShore University Health System
  • Research Internship at Metra Commuter Rail
  • Test Engineer at Baxter International Inc.
  • System Test Engineer and Senior Research and Development Engineer at Fresenius Kabi

Current Job Responsibilities:

  • Support and sustain plasmapheresis devices used in the field
  • R&D for new software or hardware development

Principal Engineer R&D • Fresenius Kabi

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Yashwant Kathirvel

Yoftahel Gebre

Tim Carsel

Ryan Williams

Contact Info

Ginkgo Bioworks

Fresenius Kabi



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Thank you