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Rich coverage signal

and consequences for scaling

Kostya Serebryany


July 2023

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  • Trivial thoughts on coverage-guided fuzzing�
  • Case study: SiliFuzz�
  • Scaling rich coverage signal with the Centipede fuzzing engine

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generating a maximally diverse

but limited set of test inputs

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Coverage-guided fuzzing: coverage is the diversity metric

Fuzz Target












  • Inputs with new coverage are added to corpus�
  • When inputs to mutate are chosen from corpus, coverage is taken into account

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Guided fuzzing is stronger than unguided (*), but…

Guided fuzzing is unguided most of the time

(*) empirically

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Initial state: seed corpus

Input in corpus

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Early fuzzing: interesting mutants are added to corpus

Input in corpus

Input not in corpus

Input newly added to corpus

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Corpus grows

Input in corpus

Input not in corpus

Input newly added to corpus

Recently added

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More fuzzing

Input in corpus

Input not in corpus

Input newly added to corpus

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Corpus grows

Input in corpus

Input not in corpus

Input newly added to corpus

Recently added

Recently added

Recently added

Recently added

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And grows … until it doesn’t

Input in corpus

Input not in corpus

Input newly added to corpus

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And grows … until it doesn’t

Input in corpus

Input not in corpus

Input newly added to corpus

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Problem: traditional coverage signals are sparse

  • Most popular coverage signal: control flow edge
    • O(program size) number of different coverage points
    • O(program size) total corpus elements with different edges
  • Other popular signals
    • Counters or Value Profiles - still O(program size)
    • More numerous than edges and already cause scalability problems

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Desired: dense coverage signal, but fuzzing still scales

Input in corpus

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Rich (dense) coverage =>

slower runs, larger corpus, more runs =>

more CPU, RAM, and Disk

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Case Study: SiliFuzz

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SiliFuzz: detects CPU bugs and defects

  • CPU bug: a family of CPUs is affected
    • CVE-2021-26339: A bug in AMD CPU’s core logic may allow for an attacker, using specific code from an unprivileged VM, to trigger a CPU core hang …�
  • CPU defect: a single physical CPU is affected, often just one core
    • imul mem16, %si leaves %si unchanged. Only on one core of one machine.

[0] SiliFuzz: Fuzzing CPUs by proxy. arxiv.org/abs/2110.11519

[1] Cores that don't count. dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3458336.3465297 (Google 2021)

[2] Silent Data Corruptions at Scale. arxiv.org/abs/2102.11245 (Facebook 2021)

[3] Detecting silent data corruptions in the wild (<link>, Meta 2022)

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SiliFuzz: fuzzing by proxy

  • Fuzz something that behaves like a CPU (simulator, RTL design, etc)
    • Generates a diverse set of instruction sequences
    • Slow, requires lots of resources�
  • Run on one machine per family to detect bugs
    • Separate step (but can be combined with fuzzing too)
    • Relatively fast�
  • Run on all machines in the fleet to detect defects
    • Separate step
    • Huge scale, very expensive and slow

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Anecdotal evidence in support for rich coverage signal

  • We fuzzed a CPU proxy for ~ 1 year, found a few bugs & defects, saturated�
  • Added two “rich signals” and found new bugs within a week�
  • Added another “rich signal” and found yet another bug�
  • Rich signals increased corpus sizes by 1000x and more, and caused all sorts of scalability challenges

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a distributed fuzzing engine

with support for rich coverage signal

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Centipede’s goals

  • Efficient fuzzing for any kind and size of target, any language
  • libFuzzer-compatible
  • In- and out-of-process
  • Handle rich ‘coverage signal’: 1B+ distinct “features”
  • Handle corpus of 1B+ inputs
  • Massively distributed
  • Stateful: restart != recompute
  • User can redefine
    • how to execute the target
    • how to mutate inputs

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Centipede: Engine vs Runner

  • Runner is linked to S.U.T.
    • Consumes a batch of inputs
    • Reports coverage
    • Can be substituted��
  • Engine is a separate binary
    • Orchestrates mutation & execution
    • Maintains corpus & coverage

Fuzz Target












Centipede Runner

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Features and Feature Domains

  • Feature is a 64-bit integer that uniquely represents some program behavior
    • E.g. “this edge has been executed” or “this constant variable has been accessed at this PC”
  • A feature domain groups all features of the same type
    • E.g. “control flow edges” or “data flow edges”
    • Currently, domain is a fixed integer range of 2**27
  • For every input, the runner reports a set of features to the engine

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Feature domains supported currently

  • PCs (control flow edges)
  • Call stacks: hash of the top N call stack frames
  • Paths: hash of the recent N control flow edges
  • PC pairs: a pair of control flow edges
  • CMP features: up to 64 different values for every CMP
    • Uses call stacks or paths as context
  • Edge counters: 8 buckets, similar to AFL/libFuzzer
  • Limited data flows: {global memory location} X {where it is read}
  • 16 user-defined feature domains: anything you want
    • Example from SiliFuzz: {instruction opcode} X {index of a bit changed in the register state}
  • More will be added: limited only by our imagination
    • Full data flows

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Shards, state, distributed execution

  • File format: one file contains many data blobs, appendable, remote
  • Corpus is represented on disk as N shards
    • file per shard with inputs
    • file per shard with {hash(input), features}
  • N workers running concurrently (threads, or different machines)
    • Worker appends only to its own shard, peeks into other shards
  • On worker restart, reads inputs and features
    • Recomputes coverage only when unavailable�
  • Each shard represents only a subset of the corpus

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Guided Mutation and Execution Metadata

<not covered here>

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Corpus management

  • Runner: input => array of features
    • O(num_inputs * num_features) bytes, too much
  • Engine preserves only some of this data
    • Saturated frequencies for all observed features; a feature observed N+ times is “frequent”
      • O(num_features) bytes
    • Inputs and their “infrequent” features.
      • O(num_inputs * N) bytes
  • Chooses what inputs to mutate or evict by assigning weights to inputs
    • less frequent feature => better
    • less frequent domain => better
  • Future work: apply ML :)

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Corpus distillation (minimization)

  • Takes N shards (inputs with their features) and produces distilled corpus
    • Same features, minimized number of inputs
  • IO-only task, does not involve executing the target

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Centipede vs {libFuzzer, AFL, … }

  • With basic coverage: not as tuned, some missing functionality
    • E.g. memcmp / strncmp interceptors
    • But we’ll get there�
  • With rich coverage: will be seen as weaker on short runs (1-2 days)
    • More breadth than depth, requires more iterations to get to the same edge coverage
    • But saturates later�
  • Works well on huge targets
    • A CPU model: 75M edges (equivalent), 10K+ concurrent shards

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