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Working with JSON-LD�Best practices and improvements

Kyle Den Hartog

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@id – the term that makes JSON a graph

  • This term is used to denote the "identifier" of a node within a graph (view in "visualized" mode) - https://tinyurl.com/yz8hmgje
  • The id term in the JSON-LD document is different then the id property in a context. Careful here, they mean similar things but the effects when using the data is different.

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@type – the "descriptor" term

  • In graph view this is like a "label" to a node of the graph
  • I like to think of this like an interface in typescript
  • It describes which terms are valid in JSON-LD, otherwise they're probably going to get "dropped" when signing
    • This is a "feature" of JSON-LD signatures
    • Intended for safety, but often times leads to headaches
    • Some libraries have moved away from this method
      •  https://github.com/timothee-haudebourg/json-ld/issues/13

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@vocab property – the catch all term

  • Treat this property as a guardrail
  • It's useful when learning but you probably don't want to be using this in production
  • If you are using it in production to prevent dropping terms be explicit
  • Best practice:�- Use "https://w3id.org/undefinedTerm"

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JSON-LD Frames – where things get real

  • We recognize these are difficult to work with
  • I haven't quite figured out what the best practices for this are yet
  • Probably need to be careful with taking whatever is handed to you by the requestor and make sure to validate it

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Contexts – the tricky magic that makes it work

  • Think of this like a map function that maps alias properties to a fully qualified URI
  • Good practices around context definitions are important
  • Be careful to make sure the locally cached version matches the remote document
    • Wallets probably need to lean on remote versions so good context hygiene is important
  • The remote document should be append-only and versioned if you're signing documents that depend on them
  • Availability of the remote context can impact things
  • Schema.org is a shaky ontology to build on be careful of semantic drift

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@id in contexts

  • "@id":  "https://schema.org/image" �"image": "https://schema.org/image" 
  • Both are ways to set the expanded IRI of a term
  • changing this after signing documents that depend on that term will break signatures (If they use URDNA2015)
  • Required to be a IRI (URI with international character set)
  • Best practice is to have this as a URL to a human readable definition of the term
  • Usage of hashlinks in IRIs is an improvement I've been working on
    •  demo later
  • "id": "@id" <- This is magic that makes JSON without "@" work properly

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@type in contexts

  • In general, this has only been used to define datetime in VCs
  • There's a lot of power that can be leveraged here that's untapped
  • "type": "@type" <- magic that maps type to @type reserved term
  • I don't have enough implementor experience with this yet

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@protected – the guard term

  • You probably have run into this term and been confused why it's causing problems
  • This is a new V1.1 term which is used to protect from term redefinition
  • Order of context URLs in the list matters here
  • Latest jsonld.js DB libraries should tell you which terms fail now

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Context improvements

  • Idea for new "@definition" term – Meant to incorporate the human readable definition (semantics) into the machine-readable documents
  • Combined with Hashlinks (a draft spec not fully stable yet) on the "@id" terms and this gets immutable terms that intentionally "break" when the semantics change
  • Demo