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Thurs. 11/3 & Fri. 11/4�English Day 28!


1. Fill in your planner with the homework

2. Take out ISN

HW: �1. Read for 30 min

2. Finish your essay�*Essay due start of class on Mon. 11/7 (odd) & Tues. 11/8 (even)

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  • Connections survey
  • Editing/Revising�

The goal is to have the final draft of your essay finished today!

English Day 26

Learning Target: I can finish revising and editing my character analysis essay for Animal Farm.

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Connections Survey

  • Open your student email account
  • Open the email titled “PSD Student Connections Check-In (Fall 2022)” from Survey Monkey
  • Take the survey! Further information/directions can be found on the survey.

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Revision and Editing

  • Underline all domain vocabulary words (see outline for how many per paragraph)
  • Bold all transition words (you need at least six - one transition word embedded in each yellow sentence)
  • Highlight sentences in the assigned color to check your organization (colors are listed on outline)
  • Check in-text citations - you should have SIX
    • Example: (Zusak 76)
  • Add in SIX examples of figurative language or rhetorical devices and highlight them in orange ��Use “Ctrl” + F to search for helping/state of being verbs:�Am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, have, has, had, do, does, did, shall, will, should, would, may, might, must, can, could

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Domain and Regular Vocabulary

  • Underline all domain vocabulary words that relate to your topic (Island life, Survival, War/conflict)
  • Remember that you domain vocabulary does not need to come directly from the text, but you may use words from the text
  • Words in quotes from the text will not count for this paragraph

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Figurative Language and Rhetorical devices

  • Highlight your figurative language and rhetorical devices in orange
  • Be sure your figurative language fits the tone of the text and is not cliched
  • Some examples of rhetorical devices are on the next slide. You do not need to know the names of them, but they will count towards your three

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Rhetorical Devices

These work great in your hook, red #2, and conclusion. Open this document in our Google Classroom as needed to help you.

Anaphora = _______ same at the beginning _______ same at the beginning, _______ same at the beginning.

Example: O’Dell creates a mood that honors a young girl--honors her courage, honors her skills.

Asyndeton = three phrases without and/or/but: Sentence ___, ___, ____.

Example: Survival requires a strong mental game, an enduring spirit, a fierce determination.

Conduplicatio = ________________last word/phrase. ______ repeat last word________.

Example: Most importantly, she must stay alive. Everything balances on staying alive and free.

Polysyndeton = Main part of the sentence ______ and ______ and ______.

Example: Who could possibly know how to respond when a war ship comes, a war ship bringing aggression and anger and greed?

Epistrophe = ___________ same word/phrase, ________ same word/phrase, _____ same word/phrase.

Example: The Ghalas-at tribe on Island of the Blue Dolphins celebrates a peaceful lifestyle where the animals are safe, the people are safe, the dream of a quiet life is safe. Until a ship comes. Not just any ship. A warship. (2 examples in this model)

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  • Check that you have a transition word in each of your main points.
  • Your transitions should ideally be embedded in your main point.


  • NO - Next, O’Dell uses a tranquil island setting
  • Yes - O’Dell additionally uses a tranquil island setting

3. Change the font of your transitions to bold or a different font

***Work on your transitions for 5-10 minutes

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Work Time

  • Remember to also use the resources in your English notebook such as: Verbs and Academic Writing, Essay format, and Reds Evaluate
  • You may trade with a friend and have a peer editing session (you must be on task)

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Have a great Day!