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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections

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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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December 2023

Lunar Mansion Elections





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3:38 AM

3:59 AM



9 Leo 57

Moon conj MC trine Sun ruler Sun in 2nd in Sagittarius

Glory, profit, safe travels


9:25 PM

9:49 PM



18 Leo 57

Moon conj AC trine N Node ruler Sun in 5th in Sagittarius

Glory, profit, safe travels


2:01 AM

2:25 AM



20 Libra 54

Moon conj AC OPPOSITE N Node (square Pluto) ruler Venus in 2nd in Scorpio

Destruction of merchandise, discord, impeding travel


7:26 PM

7:45 PM



0 Taurus 30

Moon conj MC, Jupiter trine Mercury sextile Saturn ruler Venus in 4th in Scorpio

Prosperity, safe travel, good things


9:06 PM

9:30 PM



8 Virgo 30

Moon conj AC trine Sun ruler Mercury in 4th in Sagittarius

Profit, love, potency

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9:07 PM

9:33 PM



17 Leo 13

Moon conj AC trine N Node ruler Sun in 5th in Sagittarius

Glory, profit, safe travels


2:02 AM

2:27 AM



19 Libra 22

Moon conj AC OPPOSITE N Node (square Pluto) ruler Venus in 2nd in Scorpio

Destruction of merchandise, discord, impeding travel


8:54 PM

9:19 PM



6 Virgo 55

Moon conj AC trine Sun ruler Mercury in 4th in Sagittarius

Profit, love, potency

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1:59 AM

2:38 AM



16 Libra 17

Moon conj AC OPPOSITE N Node (square Pluto) ruler Venus in 2nd in Scorpio

Destruction of merchandise, discord, impeding travel


2:22 AM

2:42 AM



12 Leo 43

Moon conj MC trine N Node ruler Sun in 4th in Sagittarius

Glory, profit, safe travels

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2:08 AM

2:23 AM



1 Scorpio 43

Moon conj AC sextile Mercury ruler Mars in 2nd in Sagittarius

Improving deception, protection from theft


9:34 AM

9:55 AM



23 Scorpio 34

Moon conj MC SQUARE SATURN ruler Mars in 11th in Sagittarius

Destruction and harm


2:02 PM

2:05 PM



0 Taurus 40

Moon conj AC, Jupiter trine Mercury sextile Saturn ruler Venus in 7th in Scorpio

Prosperity, safe travel, good things


7:37 PM

7:52 PM



3 Taurus 51

Moon conj MC, Jupiter ruler Venus in 5th in Scorpio

Prosperity, safe travel, good things

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LM 1: Al Sharatain (The Two Signals)

Degrees: 0 Aries to 12 Aries 51

Constellation: Aries

Star: Sheratan

Spirit: Geniel

Image: a [man] with his hair…encircled, standing…having in his right hand a spear…

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Causes discords and journeys. With Moon here, buy cattle, plant and take voyages.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "...begin journeys and take medicines when the Moon is in this Mansion. This Mansion also ought to be used as the root in every image you wish to make in order to go on a journey…It ought also to be used as the root to place discord…between husband and wife, and between two friends…and…two allies, and you should do similarly when you wish to cause servants to flee."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...make the image of a black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, standing on his feet, having in his right hand a spear in the manner of a warrior. Make this image in an iron ring; and suffumigate it with liquid storax. Make a seal with the ring in black wax and say: ‘You, Geriz, kill N son of N, or N wife of N, quickly and speedily and destroy them.’ Heed this and it will be as you wish.”

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LM 2: Al Butain (The Little Belly)

Degrees: 12 Aries 51 to 25 Aries 42

Constellation: Aries

Star: Botein

Spirit: Enediel

Image: “...a crowned king…”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Helps the finding of treasures and captives. With Moon here, buy and sell but avoid the sea.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this mansion make images to dig for streams and wells, to find hidden treasures, and for the planting of a great deal of wheat, for the destruction of buildings before they can be completed; and similarly to make images to enrage one man against another and to grow stronger and firmer the incarceration of captives."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, take white wax and mastic and melt them together over a fire. Then remove this from the fire and make the form of a crowned king. Suffumigate it with lignum aloes, and say: ‘You, Enedil, drive this anger away from me, and let me be reconciled with him, and let my petition be satisfactory to him.’ Keep this image with you…

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LM 3: Al Thuraya (The Many Little Ones)

Degrees: 25 Aries 42 to 8 Taurus 34

Constellation: Pleiades / Taurus

Star: Alcyone

Spirit: Amixiel

Image: “a seated woman with her right hand over her head”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Profitable to sailors, huntsmen, and alchemists. With the Moon here…plant but do not marry or travel by water.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "...make images to sail safely on the sea and to return safely, and to firmly incarcerate captives, and to complete the works of alchemy, and all works done by fire, and to hunt in the country, and to cause love between man and wife."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "Make the figure of a seated woman with her right hand over her head, and wrap it in cloth, suffumigate it with musk, camphor, mastic and aromatic oils. Say: ‘You, Annuncia, make it so.’ Make the image in a silver ring with a square table, and put it upon your finger and it will be as you wish.”

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LM 4: Al Dabaran (The Follower)

Degrees: 8 Taurus 34 to 21 Taurus 25

Constellation: Taurus

Star: Aldebaran

Spirit: Azariel

Image: a knight riding on a horse, holding a serpent in his right hand

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Causes destruction and [hinders] buildings, fountains, wells, gold mines, the flight of creeping things, and begets discord.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "...make images for the destruction of cities…and for any other building which you wish not to endure, so that it proceeds to destruction, and to make a lord despise his servant, and to place discord between man and wife, and to destroy fountains, streams, and those that seek treasures underground, and to kill and bind all reptiles and venomous animals.”

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "Take red wax and when the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make the image of a knight riding on a horse, holding a serpent in his right hand, and suffumigate the image with red myrrh and storax. And say: ‘You, Assarez, make it so and fulfill my request,” and ask for things pertaining to hatred, separation, and ill will.”

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LM 5: Al Hakah (The White Spot)

Degrees: 21 Taurus 25 to 4 Gemini 17

Constellation: Orion

Star: Meissa

Spirit: Gabiel

Image: “a head without a body”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Helps the return from a journey, the instruction of scholars, building, and gives health and goodwill. With Moon here, begin war but do not sow or undertake any good.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "...make images for youths to learn arts and occupations, and for the [safety] of travelers…and to improve buildings, and to destroy the friendship between two people, and for favor between husband and wife…”

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion a figure from silver and in it sculpt a head without a body, and above the head write the name of the lord of this Mansion and your petition and suffumigate it…and say: ‘You, Cabil, do such and such for me and…let me receive good things…from the king and his councilors.’...Carry the seal in a box, and your request will be fulfilled. When you wish to [dream] something…place the talisman under your head at night…thinking always…about what you wish [to see], and you will get an answer…”

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LM 6: Al Hana (A Brand)

Degrees: 4 Gemini 17 to 17 Gemini 8

Constellation: Gemini

Star: Alhena

Spirit: Dirachiel

Image: “two [people] embracing”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Favourable for hunting, besieging towns…the revenge of princes, destroys harvests…and hinders the…physician.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "...make images for the destruction of cities and villages, and to besiege them with armies, and for the enemies of kings to exact vengeance, and to destroy crops and trees, and to cause friendship between two people, to improve hunting in the country, and to destroy medicines so that when they are taken they do not work.”

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "..make two images from white wax, make them embrace each other, and wrap them in white silk. Suffumigate them with amber and lignum aloes, and say: ‘You, Nedeyrahe, bring together so and so and so and so, and place between them friendship and love.’ It will be as you wish.

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LM 7: Al Dhira (The Forearm)

Degrees: 17 Gemini 8 to 0 Cancer

Constellation: Gemini

Star: Castor, Pollux

Spirit: Scheliel

Image: a man clothed in robes and with his hands extended to heaven [praying]

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Favourable for gain and for lovers, and destroys magistracies. With the Moon here, travel and take medicine.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "...make images to increase merchandise and profit and to travel safely, and to increase crops…and to cause friendship…and to expel flies…and to destroy officials, and it is good to go into the presence of kings or other high nobles, and to cause the king and other lords to be benevolent.”

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "..fashion a seal of silver, and sculpt the image of a man clothed in robes and with his hands extended to heaven in the manner of a man who is praying and supplicating; in the breast of the image write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it…and say: ‘You, Siely, cause such and such to happen, and grant my petition.’ Ask for whatever you wish that pertains to good things.”

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LM 8: Al Nathrah (The Gap)

Degrees: 0 Cancer to 12 Cancer 51

Constellation: Cancer

Star: Praesape

Spirit: Amnediel

Image: “an eagle with the head of a man

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Causes love, friendship, and society of fellow travellers, drives away mice, afflicts captives and causes their imprisonment.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "...make images for love and friendship, and for safe travel…and to cause friendship between allies, and to make the incarceration of captives firm, and for the destruction and affliction of captives, and to expel mice and bugs from whatever place you wish.”

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "..fashion from tin the image of an eagle with the face of a man, and on its breast inscribe the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with sulfur and say, ‘You Annediex, do such and such for me and grant my petition’. When this image has been completed in this fashion, take it with you into battle and you shall be victorious and shall prevail.”

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LM 10: Al Jabhah (The Forehead)

Degrees: 25 Cancer 42 to 8 Leo 34

Constellation: Leo

Star: Regulus

Spirit: Ardesiel

Image: “the head of a lion”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Strengthens buildings, promotes love, benevolence, and help against enemies. With Moon hue, sow, plant, release prisoners but take no purgatives”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images for love between a man and wife, and for the destruction of enemies, and to make firm the incarceration of captives, and for the strengthening and completion of buildings, and for the love of allies and for mutual help."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...it is for the cure of infirmities and to make childbirth easy. When the Moon is in this mansion, fashion from gold or brass the head of a lion, and above it write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with amber, and say: 'You, Aredafir, lift up sadness, slowness, and infirmity from my heart and body and whomever consumes or drinks liquid in which this seal has been washed."

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LM 11: Al Zubrah (The Mane)

Degrees: 8 Leo 34 to 21 Leo 25

Constellation: Leo

Star: Zosma

Spirit: Neciel

Image: “a man riding a lion, holding a lance …and the ear of the lion”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Good for voyages, gain by merchandise, redemption of captives. With moon here, plant, marry, but do not navigate.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to rescue captives, to besiege cities and villages, to organize trade and profit from it, for travelers on the road to journey safe and unharmed, to strengthen buildings so that they are stable, and to increase the wealth of allies."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...make in a table of gold the image of a man riding a lion, holding a lance in his right hand and holding the ear of the lion with his left hand, and in front of this figure write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Say: ‘You, Necol, bring glory to me that I shall be feared among men, and…cause them to tremble when they behold me; and quiet the heart of the king and of lords…that they may grant me honors and dignities.’ Carry this tablet with you…”

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LM 12: Al Sarfah

Degrees: 21 Leo 25 to 4 Virgo 7

Constellation: Leo

Star: Denebola

Spirit: Abdizuel

Image: “a dragon fighting a man”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Gives prosperity to harvest and plantations, hinders seamen, good for the bettering of servants, captives, and companions. With Moon, travel…sow, plough, marry, and send messengers.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to increase harvests and plants, for the destruction of riches and ships, and for the improvement of allies, officials, captives, and servants that they be steadfast and honest.”

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion in black lead the image of a dragon fighting with a man, and in front of this figure write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate the image with the hair of a lion mixed with asafoetida, and say, ‘You, Abdizu, break apart and separate such a one from such a one.’ Bury this image in the place that you wish and it shall be as you desire."

(Changer Of The Weather)

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LM 13: Al Awwa (The Wings)

Degrees: 4 Virgo 17 to 17 Virgo 8

Constellation: Virgo

Star: Zavijava

Spirit: Jazeriel

Image: “a man desiring to couple with a woman”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Gives benevolence…voyages, harvests… freedom. With Moon here, sow, plant, and take medicine, but do not travel or marry.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images for the increase of trade and profit, the increase of harvests, for travelers to have good journeys on the roads, for the completion of buildings, for the freedom of captives, and the binding of nobles to have good from them."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion from red wax the image of an erect man…and let it be in all ways the image of a man desiring to couple with a woman. From white wax fashion the image of a woman. Bind the two images together face to face, and suffumigate them…and wrap them in a piece of white silk which has been washed in rosewater; and on either image write the name of the one you desire…”

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LM 14: Al Simak (The Unarmed)

Degrees: 17 Virgo 8 to 0 Libra

Constellation: Virgo

Star: Spica

Spirit: Ergediel

Image: a dog with his own tail held in his mouth

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Causes marital love, cures the sick, helps sailors but hinders journeys by land. With Moon here, dig but do not marry or travel.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this mansion make images for the love of a man and wife, to heal the sick with…medicine, to destroy harvests and plants, to destroy lust, for the destruction of those who go by roads, for the benefit of kings that they have good and ascend to their reign, for sailors to sail well and safely, and for the friendship of allies."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion from red wax the image of a dog with his own tail held in his mouth. Suffumigate it with the hair of a dog and the hair of a cat, and say: ‘You, Erdegel, break apart and divide such a one from such a woman through enmity and ill will.’ And name whatever persons you wish, and bury the image in the place where they are.”

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LM 15: Al Ghafr (The Covering)

Degrees: 0 Libra to 12 Libra 51

Constellation: Virgo

Star: Syrma

Spirit: Ataliel

Image: “a seated man holding scrolls in his hand as if reading”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology:Favourable for extracting treasures…helps divorce, discord…destruction…and hinders travel. With Moon here, unfortunate…”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images for the digging of wells, to seek underground treasure, to impede travelers so that they are unable to go on their journeys, and to separate husband and wife so that they never join with each other, to place discord between friends and allies, to scatter enemies from your area, and for the destruction of the house of your enemies."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...make in ink the figure of a seated man, holding scrolls in his hand as if reading them. Suffumigate it with frankincense and nutmeg and say: ‘You, Achalich, do such and such for me , and accomplish my petition.’ You may ask him for the joining together of friends and lovers, and any thing which pertains to them, and this image should then be carried with you.

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LM 16: Al Zubana (The Claws)

Degrees: 12 Libra 51 to 25 Libra 42

Constellation: Libra

Star: Zuben Elakribi

Spirit: Azaruel

Image: a man seated on a throne and carrying a scale in his hands

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Hinders journeys and marriage… favourable for redemption of captives. With Moon here buy cattle but do not navigate.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images for the destruction of merchandise, harvests, and plants, and to put discord between friends, and between man and wife, and the debauching of a woman you desire, for impeding those who journey that the end of their road is never reached, and to cause hatred between friends and liberate captives from incarceration."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion in a plate of silver the figure of a man seated in a throne and carrying a scale in his hands. Suffumigate the image with fine odors, and set it out under the stars for seven nights, saying each night: ‘You, Azeruch, make such and such happen for me, and accomplish my request.’ Ask of it pertaining to selling and buying.”

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LM 17: Al Iklil (The Crown)

Degrees: 25 Libra 42 to 8 Scorpio 34

Constellation: Scorpio

Star: Beta / Delta Scorpii

Spirit: Adriel

Image: “a monkey…holding his hands above his shoulders”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Improves misfortune, makes love durable, strengthens buildings and helps seamen. [B]uild, sow…navigate, but do not marry”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to improve deception that it is accomplished well, to besiege cities and villages, to make buildings more firm and stable, and to save sailors upon the sea. And everyone agrees that you should create friendship with a friend when the Moon is in this Mansion."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion the figure of a monkey in an iron seal, holding his hands above his shoulders. Suffumigate it with the hair of a monkey and the the hair of a female mouse, and wrap it in a monkey skin. It should then be buried in your house, while saying: ‘You, Adrieb, guard all my things and everything that exists within this house, nor let it be entered by thieves.’”

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LM 18: Al Qalib (The Heart)

Degrees: 8 Scorpio 34 to 21 Scorpio 25

Constellation: Scorpio

Star: Antares

Spirit: Egibiel

Image: “an adder holding its tail above its head”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Causes discord, sedition, conspiracy…and revenge…but frees captives and helps building…[P]lant, sow, travel and go to war.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images for men to conspire against kings and vengeance against enemies and whatever else of this nature you wish, to build buildings that will be strong, to free captives from incarceration, and to separate friends."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion from wax the image of an adder holding its tail above its head. Suffumigate it with the horn of a stag and say: ‘You Egribel, guard this house of mine that no serpent may enter nor any hurtful beast.’ Place the image in a vessel which should be buried beneath your house; when the aforesaid has been done, then no serpent will be able to enter nor any other hurtful creature. If the image is to relieve a fever or illness…carry this image with you…”

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LM 19: Al Shaula (The Sting)

Degrees: 21 Scorpio 25

Constellation: Scorpio

Star: Shaula

Spirit: Amutiel

Image: “a woman holding her hands before her face”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Helps in besieging cities…driving men [away], destruction of [sailors] and captives …buy cattle, hunt but do not marry.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to besiege cities…and to enter and take them, and to do whatever else of this kind you wish, to destroy the wealth of whomever you please, to expel men from a particular place, to improve to lots of men traveling by wagons…to increase harvests, cause captives to escape, to…destroy ships, to separate and destroy the riches of allies, and to kill captives."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion from [bronze] a seal, and engrave in it the image of a woman holding her hands before her face. Suffumigate it…and say, ‘Annucel, cause the blood to flow from such and such a woman.’ …And it shall be as you ask. If a woman keeps this image tied about her waist, she will give birth quickly and without danger.”

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LM 20: Al Na’am (The Beam)

Degrees: 4 Sag. 17 to 17 Sag. 8

Constellation: Sagittarius

Star: Ascella / Nunki

Spirit: Kyriel

Image: a [centaur] holding a bow in its hands”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Helps the taming of wild beasts, strengthening of prisons, destroys…wealth …and compels a man to…a certain place.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to tame wild and disobedient beasts, to bring those traveling in wagons swiftly back again, and for men to come wherever you wish, for good people to be joined together, to firmly incarcerate captives, and to bring evil and destruction to the riches of allies."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion in a plate of tin a figure having the head and arms of a man, the body of a horse with four feet and having a tail, holding a bow in its hands. Suffumigate it with the hair of a wolf, and say, ‘You, Queyhuc, cause me to take all I hunt in the world, and let them come to me swiftly.’ Carry the image with you and you shall easily take anything in the world that you hunt.”

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LM 21: Al Baldah (The City)

Degrees: 17 Sag. to 0 Capricorn

Constellation: Sagittarius

Star: Albaldah

Spirit: Bethnael

Image: “a man having two faces, with one facing forward and one facing behind”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: “Favourable for harvest, gain, buildings, and travellers, but causes divorce…[T]ake medicine, navigate and put on new clothes.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to strengthen buildings, to increase harvests, to make a profit and firmly keep money, to go safely through the countryside and to separate wives from their proper husbands."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion the image of a man having two faces, one facing forward and one facing behind. Suffumigate it with sulfur and carob, and say: ‘You, Bectue, depopulate such and such a place and destroy it.’ Then place the image in a small bag and place sulfur and carabe with it along with some hair, and bury it in the place that you wish…”

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LM 22: Al Sa’d Al Dhabih

Degrees: 0 Capricorn to 12 Capricorn 51

Constellation: Capricorn

Star: Giedi Prima / Dabih

Spirit: Geliel

Image: “a man with winged feet wearing a helmet”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Helps the escape of servants and captives and the curing of diseases. With Moon here take medicine, travel, but do not lend money or marry.”

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to cure illnesses, to put discord between two people, to make servants and captives flee, to cause goodwill between allies and to make captives escape.”

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "It is for binding of tongues so that they do not say anything bad about you. When the Moon is in this mansion make an iron ring and engrave it with the figure of a man with winged feet wearing a helmet and suffumigate it with [an herb named] mercury. And inscribe this image in iron for the safety of fugitives. And say, ‘You, Geliel, bind these tongues so they cannot say bad things and make me secure and let N. escape safely from his enemies.’ Carry this ring with you and make a seal in black wax with the ring to bind tongues.”

Lucky One Of The Slaughterers



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LM 23: Al Sa’d Al Bulah

Degrees: 12 Cap. 51 to 25 Cap. 42

Constellation: Aquarius

Star: Al Bali

Spirit: Requiel

Image: “a cat with the head of a dog”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Causes divorve, liberty of captives and heals the sick. With Moon here, marry, sow, take medicine and lead an army.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to heal illness, to join friends together, to divide husbands from their wives, for captives to escape and flee from their prisons."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion a seal of iron in which you should sculpt the image of a cat having a dogs head. Suffumigate it with the hair of a dog, and say: ‘You, Zequebin, drive out everyone from such and such a place, and destroy and devastate it.’ When this Moon has comes to the Ascendant, set this seal out under the stars, and the following night bury the…seal in the place you wish to destroy.”

( )

The Fortune

Of The Glutton

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LM 24: Al Sa’d Al Su’ud

Degrees: 25 Cap. 42 to 8 Aquarius 34

Constellation: Aquarius

Star: Sadalsuud

Spirit: Abrinael

Image: “a woman with her son in her arms [as if] nursing”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Gives marital happiness, victory of soldiers but prevents the execution of government. …build, marry, make friends and travel.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to increase merchandise and make a profit…to have goodwill between husband and wife, for soldiers to report victory over enemies, to destroy the money of allies, and to prevent an official from fulfilling his duties."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...take the horn of a castrated ram which is well cleansed…and in it fashion the figure of a woman with her son in her arms, in the likeness of one who is nursing. Suffumigate it with the scrapings which have been taken from the…horn, and say: ‘You, Abrine, improve and guard this herd.’ After this, hang the image about the neck of one of the rams of this herd; if you wish to work with cows, fashion the image in the horn of a bull, and hang it around the neck of a bull…”

The Luckiest Of The Lucky



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LM 25: Al Sa’d Al Akhbiyah

Degrees: 8 Aquarius 34 to 21 Aquarius 25

Constellation: Aquarius

Star: Sadalachbia / Sadalmelek

Spirit: Aziel

Image: “a man [planting] trees”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Favourable for besieging and revenge, destroys enemies, causes divorce, helps prisons and buildings, hastens messengers, hinders childbirth and hinders action of the body.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to besiege cities and villages, to take enemies captive…to make messengers convey their messages and quickly return, to separate wives from their husbands, to destroy harvests, to bind a man and wife or a woman and her husband so that they cannot copulate, to bind whichever part of the human body you wish so that it is not able to function, to strengthen the prison of captives; and it is good to secure buildings."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion a seal in fig wood, and sculpt it in the figure of a man in the likeness of one who is planting trees. Suffumigate it with the flowers of these trees, and say, ‘You, Aziel, guard my crops and my orchards that any destruction or ill fortune may not befall them.” Place the aforesaid image in the place which you wish to guard. While the image which was made continues there, destruction shall not befall the crops.”

Lucky Star Of Hidden Things



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LM 26: Al Fargh Al Awwa:

Degrees: 21 Aquarius 25 to 4 Pisces 17

Constellation: Pegasus

Star: Markab

Spirit: Tagriel

Image: a woman with her hair unbound and before her a vessel…to receive her hair.

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Causes union, health of captives, and destroys buildings and prisons. With Moon here, build, marry, make friends and travel.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to bind people in mutual love, to protect those who travel in wagons, to strengthen buildings and make the incarceration of captives firm and to cause evil to them."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...take white wax and mastic and melt them together; from these fashion the image of a woman with her hair unbound and before her a vessel placed as if to receive her hair. Suffumigate it with sweet-smelling odors, and say: ‘You, Tagriel, bring me to the love and friendship of such and such a woman.’ Place the image in a small bag, and place with it also some of the most sweet-smelling of substances; carry it with you, and it shall be…

The Upper Spout



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LM 27: Al Fargh Al Thani:

Degrees: 4 Pisces 17 to 17 Pisces 8

Constellation: Pegasus

Star: Algenib

Spirit: Alheniel

Image: “a winged man, holding a perforated dish in his hands, and raising it to his mouth. ”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Increases harvests, revenues…heals infirmities, hinders building, upholds prisons, causes danger to seamen and destruction of enemies.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to increase merchandise and acquire profit, to unite allies, increase harvests, heal illness, to destroy the riches of whomever you wish, to impede the building of buildings, to put travelers at sea in peril, to prolong the incarceration of captives and to do evil to whomever you wish."

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...take red earth, and fashion in it the image of a winged man, holding a perforated dish in his hands, and raising it to his mouth. Afterward put it into the fire until it is hard. After this place the vessel in asafoetida and liquid storax, and say: ‘You, Abliemel, destroy such and such a spring of such and such a man,’ and name him here as you wish. Throw the image into his spring, and it shall be destroyed and the spring shall no more come forth.”

Lower Spout Of The Water Bucket



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LM 28: Al Batn Al Hut

Degrees: 17 Pisces 8 to 0 Aries 0

Constellation: Andromeda

Star: Mirach

Spirit: Amnixiel

Image: “a fish”

Fixed Stars & Constellations In Astrology: �“Increases harvest and merchandise, helps travellers through danger, strengthens prisons and causes marital happiness and loss of treasure…[T]ravel and take purgatives.“

Picatrix Book 1, Chap 4: "In this Mansion make images to increase merchandise, besiege cities, increase harvests, to get rid of things and to destroy an area, to make treasures be lost, to travel safely by wagon…to cause peace and concord between man and wife, to make the incarceration of captives firm and to inflict evil upon sailors on the sea.

Picatrix Book 4, Chap 9: "...fashion [of bronze] a seal in which you should fashion the image of a fish having a colored spine on which you should write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with the skin of sea fish; after this, tie a string around it and throw it in the water in the place where you wish the fish to come together.”

The Belly Of The Fish



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