1 of 86


Hypermedia User Experience Engineering


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  • Testing
  • Unit Testing (Jest)
  • End-to-End Testing (Nightwatch)
  • Vue.js + Unit Testing
  • Vue.js + End-to-End Testing

3 of 86


4 of 86


5 of 86


Automated Tests

Unit Tests

Integration Tests

Functional Tests (End-to-End Tests, GUI Tests,…)

Acceptance Tests

Performance Tests

Smoke Tests

Accessibility Tests

Security Tests

Regression Tests

Manual Tests

Exploratory Tests

6 of 86


Automated Tests

Unit Tests

Integration Tests

Functional Tests (End-to-End Tests, GUI Tests,…)

Acceptance Tests

Performance Tests

Smoke Tests

Accessibility Tests

Security Tests

Regression Tests

Manual Tests

Exploratory Tests

The list goes on …

7 of 86


Automated Tests

Unit Tests

Integration Tests

Functional Tests (End-to-End Tests, GUI Tests,…)

Acceptance Tests

Performance Tests

Smoke Tests

Accessibility Tests

Security Tests

Regression Tests

Manual Tests

Exploratory Tests

The list goes on …

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The “Pyramid”


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The “Cone”


10 of 86

Test Coverage

Test coverage is a useful tool for finding untested parts of a codebase. Test coverage is of little use as a numeric statement of how good your tests are.

– Martin Fowler


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Test Coverage

Sufficiency of testing is much more complicated attribute than coverage can answer. I would say you are doing enough testing if the following is true:

  • You rarely get bugs that escape into production.
  • You are rarely hesitant to change some code �for fear it will cause production bugs.

– Martin Fowler


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The Way of Testivus

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Testivus on Test Coverage (1)

Early one morning, a programmer asked the great master:

“I am ready to write some unit tests. What code coverage should I aim for?”

The great master replied:

“Don’t worry about coverage, just write some good tests.”

The programmer smiled, bowed, and left.


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Testivus on Test Coverage (2)

Later that day, a second programmer asked the same question.

The great master pointed at a pot of boiling water and said:

“How many grains of rice should put in that pot?”

The programmer, looking puzzled, replied:

“How can I possibly tell you? It depends on how many people you need to feed, how hungry they are, what other food you are serving, how much rice you have available, and so on.”

“Exactly,” said the great master.

The second programmer smiled, bowed, and left.


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Testivus on Test Coverage (3)

Toward the end of the day, a third programmer came and asked the same question about code coverage.

“Eighty percent and no less!” replied the master in a stern voice, pounding his fist on the table.

The third programmer smiled, bowed, and left.


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Testivus on Test Coverage (4)

After this last reply, a young apprentice approached the great master:

“Great master, today I overheard you answer the same question about code coverage with three different answers. Why?”

The great master stood up from his chair:

“Come get some fresh tea with me and let’s talk about it.”


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Testivus on Test Coverage (5)

After they filled their cups with smoking hot green tea, the great master began to answer:

“The first programmer is new and just getting started with testing. Right now he has a lot of code and no tests. He has a long way to go; focusing on code coverage at this time would be depressing and quite useless. He’s better off just getting used to writing and running some tests. He can worry about coverage later.”

“The second programmer, on the other hand, is quite experience both at programming and testing. When I replied by asking her how many grains of rice I should put in a pot, I helped her realize that the amount of testing necessary depends on a number of factors, and she knows those factors better than I do – it’s her code after all. There is no single, simple, answer, and she’s smart enough to handle the truth and work with that.”


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Testivus on Test Coverage (6)

“I see,” said the young apprentice, “but if there is no single simple answer, then why did you answer the third programmer ‘Eighty percent and no less’?”

The great master laughed so hard and loud that his belly, evidence that he drank more than just green tea, flopped up and down.

“The third programmer wants only simple answers – even when there are no simple answers … and then does not follow them anyway.”

The young apprentice and the grizzled great master finished drinking their tea in contemplative silence.


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20 of 86

21 of 86

The list goes on …

22 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)


23 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)
  • Provide assertion functions (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected)


24 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)
  • Provide assertion functions (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected)
  • Generate, display, and watch test results (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Karma)


25 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)
  • Provide assertion functions (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected)
  • Generate, display, and watch test results (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Karma)
  • Generate and compare snapshots of component and data structures to make sure changes from previous runs are intended (Jest, AVA)


26 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)
  • Provide assertion functions (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected)
  • Generate, display, and watch test results (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Karma)
  • Generate and compare snapshots of component and data structures to make sure changes from previous runs are intended (Jest, AVA)
  • Provide mocks, spies, and stubs (Sinon, Jasmine, enzyme, Jest, testdouble)


27 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)
  • Provide assertion functions (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected)
  • Generate, display, and watch test results (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Karma)
  • Generate and compare snapshots of component and data structures to make sure changes from previous runs are intended (Jest, AVA)
  • Provide mocks, spies, and stubs (Sinon, Jasmine, enzyme, Jest, testdouble)
  • Generate code coverage reports (Istanbul, Jest, Blanket)


28 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)
  • Provide assertion functions (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected)
  • Generate, display, and watch test results (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Karma)
  • Generate and compare snapshots of component and data structures to make sure changes from previous runs are intended (Jest, AVA)
  • Provide mocks, spies, and stubs (Sinon, Jasmine, enzyme, Jest, testdouble)
  • Generate code coverage reports (Istanbul, Jest, Blanket)
  • Provide a browser or browser-like environment with a control on their scenarios execution (Protractor, Nightwatch, Phantom, Casper)


29 of 86


  • Provide a testing structure (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber)
  • Provide assertion functions (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected)
  • Generate, display, and watch test results (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Karma)
  • Generate and compare snapshots of component and data structures to make sure changes from previous runs are intended (Jest, AVA)
  • Provide mocks, spies, and stubs (Sinon, Jasmine, enzyme, Jest, testdouble)
  • Generate code coverage reports (Istanbul, Jest, Blanket)
  • Provide a browser or browser-like environment with a control on their scenarios execution (Protractor, Nightwatch, Phantom, Casper)


30 of 86

Testing Structure

describe('calculator', () => {

describe('add', () => {

it('should add 2 numbers', () => {

// Assertions




31 of 86






assert.typeOf(foo, 'string');

assert.equal(foo, 'bar');

expect(foo, 'to be a', 'string');

expect(foo, 'to be', 'bar');

32 of 86


it('should call method once with the argument 3', () => {

const spy = sinon.spy(object, 'method');




33 of 86


// Sinon�sinon.stub(user, 'isValid').returns(true);

// Jest�jest.spyOn(user, 'isValid').mockImplementation(() => true);

34 of 86


// Sinonsinon.mock(jQuery).expects('ajax').atLeast(2).atMost(5);�jQuery.ajax.verify();

// Jestconst drink = jest.fn();�expect(drink).toHaveBeenCalled();

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Spy, Stub or Mock?

There are several definitions of fake objects, called test doubles.

Spies give you information about function calls.

Stubs are like spies, but they completely replace the original function.

Mocks are fake methods (like spies) with pre-programmed behavior (like stubs) as well as pre-programmed expectations.

36 of 86

Fake Timers

const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({

now: 1483228800000, // 2017-01-01


clock.setTimeout(function () {

// …

}, 15);


37 of 86

Fake XMLHttpRequest (1)

it('returns an object containing all users', (done) => {

const server = sinon.createFakeServer();

server.respondWith('GET', '/users', [


{ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

'[{ "id": 1, "name": "Gwen" }, { "id": 2, "name": "John" }]',


// ...


38 of 86

Fake XMLHttpRequest (2)

it('returns an object containing all users', (done) => {

// ...


.then((collection) => {

const expectedCollection = [{ id: 1, name: 'Gwen' }, { id: 2, name: 'John' }];




// ...


39 of 86

Fake XMLHttpRequest (3)

it('returns an object containing all users', (done) => {

// ...




40 of 86

Browser Environment

  • jsdom

jsdom is a pure-JavaScript implementation of many web standards, notably the WHATWG DOM and HTML Standards, for use with Node.js. In general, the goal of the project is to emulate enough of a subset of a web browser to be useful for testing and scraping real-world web applications.

  • Headless Browser Environment
  • Real Browser Environment

41 of 86

Unit Testing

42 of 86

43 of 86


44 of 86


  • Minimal
    • Getting Started
    • Babel (babel-jest automatically transforms files if a Babel configuration exists in your project)
  • Single-File Components

45 of 86

Writing Tests for Jest

46 of 86


  • Jest uses matchers to let you test values in different ways. There are matchers for equality, truthiness, numbers, strings, arrays, exceptions,…
  • Examples
  • API (Expect)

47 of 86

Async Tests (1)

test('the data is peanut butter', (done) => {

function callback(data) {

expect(data).toBe('peanut butter');





48 of 86

Async Tests (2)

test('the data is peanut butter', () => {


return fetchData().then((data) => {

expect(data).toBe('peanut butter');



49 of 86

Async Tests (3)

test('the data is peanut butter', () => {


return expect(fetchData()).resolves.toBe('peanut butter');


test('the fetch fails with an error', () => {


return expect(fetchData()).rejects.toMatch('error');


50 of 86

Async Tests (4)

test('the data is peanut butter', async () => {


const data = await fetchData();

expect(data).toBe('peanut butter');


51 of 86

Setup and Teardown

beforeAll(/* ... */);

afterAll(/* ... */);

beforeEach(/* ... */);

afterEach(/* ... */);

test('...', /* ... */);

describe('Scoping', () => {

beforeAll(/* ... */);

// ...


52 of 86


test.only(), test.skip() describe.only(), descripe.skip()

test.only('this will be the only test that runs', () => {



test('this test will not run', () => {



// test.only(), test.skip() describe.only(), descripe.skip()

53 of 86

Mock Functions

const myMock = jest.fn();


expect(myMock.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('first arg');

expect(myMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toBe('second arg');



54 of 86

Custom Matchers

const myMock = jest.fn();


expect(myMock).toBeCalledWith('first arg', 'second arg');

55 of 86

Mock Return Values

const myMock = jest.fn();


// undefined





56 of 86

Mocking Modules (1)

import axios from 'axios';

class Users {

static all() {

return axios.get('/users.json')

.then(response => response.data);



export default Users;

57 of 86

Mocking Modules (2)

import axios from 'axios';

import Users from './users';


test('should fetch users', () => {

const users = [{ name: 'Bob' }];

const response = { data: users };


return Users.all().then(response => {




58 of 86

Mock Implementations

const myMockFn = jest.fn(callback => callback(null, true));

myMockFn((error, value) => console.log(value));

// true

// .mockImplementation(callback => callback(null, true));

// .mockImplementationOnce(callback => callback(null, true));

// .mockImplementationOnce(callback => callback(null, false));

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Manual Mocks

  • Manual Mocks (Guide)
  • Official Example
  • Manual mocks are defined by writing a module in a __mocks__/ subdirectory immediately adjacent to the module.
  • To mock a module called user in the models directory, create a file called user.js and put it in the models/__mocks__ directory.
  • If the module you are mocking is a Node module, the mock should be placed in the __mocks__ directory adjacent to node_modules.

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Manual Mocks

// __tests__/mocking.test.js

import lodash from 'lodash';

test('if lodash head is mocked', () => {

expect(lodash.head([2, 3])).toEqual(5);


// __mocks__/lodash.js

const lodash = jest.genMockFromModule('lodash');

lodash.head = arr => 5;

export default lodash;

61 of 86

Snapshot Testing (1)

it('renders correctly', () => {

const tree = renderer

.create(<Link page="https://www.fh-ooe.at/">FH OÖ</Link>)




62 of 86

Snapshot Testing (2)

exports[`renders correctly 1`] = `










63 of 86

Snapshot Testing

  • Snapshot Testing (Guide)
  • Official Example
  • Updating Snapshots
    • jest --updateSnapshot
    • Interactive Snapshot Mode

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Writing Tests for Vue.js

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Vue Test Utils

66 of 86

Vue Test Utils

Vue Test Utils tests Vue components by mounting them in isolation, mocking the necessary inputs (props, injections and user events) and asserting the outputs (render result, emitted custom events).

Mounted components are returned inside a wrapper, which exposes many convenience methods for manipulating, traversing and querying the underlying Vue component instance.

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Vue Test Utils

  • To simplify usage, Vue Test Utils applies all updates synchronously so you don’t need to use Vue.nextTick() to wait for DOM updates in your tests.
  • Vue Test Utils allows you to mount a component without rendering its child components (by stubbing them) with the shallowMount method.
  • Each mounted wrapper automatically records all events emitted by the underlying Vue instance. You can retrieve the recorded events using the wrapper.emitted() method.

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Vue Test Utils



<div class="message">{{ message }}</div>

Enter your username: <input v-model="username">

<div v-if="error" class="error">

Please enter a username with at least seven letters.




69 of 86

Vue Test Utils

export default {

name: 'Foo',

data() {

return { message: 'Howdy!', username: '' };


computed: {

error() {

return this.username.trim().length < 7;




70 of 86

Vue Test Utils

describe('Foo', () => {

it('renders a message and responds correctly to user input', () => {

const wrapper = shallowMount(Foo, {

data: { message: 'Hello World', username: '' },


expect(wrapper.find('.message').text()).toEqual('Hello World');


wrapper.setData({ username: 'Gandalf' });




71 of 86

Vue Test Utils

import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';

import Foo from './Foo';

const factory = (values = {}) => shallowMount(Foo, {

data: { ...values },


describe('Foo', () => {

// ...


72 of 86

Vue Test Utils

// ...

describe('Foo', () => {

it('renders a welcome message', () => {

const wrapper = factory();



it('renders an error when username is less than 7 characters', () => {

const wrapper = factory({ username: '' });



// ...


73 of 86

Vue Test Utils

// ...

describe('Foo', () => {

// ...

it('renders an error when username is whitespace', () => {

const wrapper = factory({ username: ' '.repeat(7) });



it('does not render an error when username is 7 characters or more', () => {

const wrapper = factory({ username: 'Lachlan' });




74 of 86

Vue Test Utils

75 of 86

End-to-End Testing

76 of 86

77 of 86


  • Nightwatch.js
  • WebDriver API

78 of 86

Theory of Operation






POST /session

{ "sessionId": 123 }

79 of 86

Setup (+ Examples)

80 of 86


  • Use CSS Selectors (or XPath) to locate page elements.
  • Each file inside your tests folder gets loaded as a test suite.
  • You can write tests using assertions (Expect, Assert) �and commands mapped to the WebDriver protocol.
  • Remember always to call the .end() method when you want to close your test, in order for the browser session to be properly closed.

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Page Objects

The purpose of the page object pattern is to allow a software client to do anything and see anything that a human can by abstracting away the underlying HTML actions needed to access and manipulate the page.

Page objects allow you to

  • define elements on your page, using CSS (or XPath) selectors,
  • define sections of a page
  • and write commands.

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Page Objects

// google.js (1)�const googleCommands = {

submit() {


return this.waitForElementVisible('@submitButton', 1000)





83 of 86

Page Objects

// google.js (2)

module.exports = {� url: 'https://google.com',

commands: [googleCommands],

elements: {

searchBar: { selector: 'input[type=text]' },

submitButton: { selector: 'input[name=btnK]' }



84 of 86

Page Objects

module.exports = {

'Test': function (browser) {

const google = browser.page.google();

google� .setValue('@searchBar', 'FH OÖ Campus Hagenberg')





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Extending Nightwatch

Most of the time you will need to extend the Nightwatch commands to suit your own application needs. Doing that is only a matter of creating a separate folder and defining your own commands inside there, each one inside its own file.

Nightwatch also allows you to define your own assertions �(by extending the available assert object) and reporters.

Official Examples

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CucumberMinimal Nightwatch Config w/ Chrome DriverUsing Nightwatch w/ Cucumber

Expands on Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD), as Cucumber aims to keep requirements specifications, tests and documentation in sync.

Cucumber executes executable specifications written in plain language and produces reports indicating whether the software behaves according to the specification or not.