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UNESCO Wikimedian in Residence

John Cummings


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Wikipedia’s mission and reach

“Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given

free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.”��Jimmy Wales, cofounder of Wikipedia�

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Wikipedia’s reach

  • 20 billion page views per month
  • Available in 300 languages
  • Written by 30,000 volunteers working together
  • Uses CC BY-SA 3.0 Open Access license


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UN information

Much of the information exists for people to achieve the SDGs, a portion of it is held by the UN

UN publishing models don’t make it easy for people to find the information. A World Bank study showed 1/3rd of their publications had never been downloaded, 13% downloaded over 250 times

Wikipedia has the audience and the community to give this information to the public.

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A process to reuse any open license text on Wikipedia

CC text




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UNESCO publication text on Wikipedia

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UNESCO text on Wikipedia

  • Wikipedia volunteers and UNESCO staff/consultants adding text to Wikipedia�
  • 230 Wikipedia articles now include UNESCO text

  • The articles received 4.8 million views per month

  • WIPO and FAO pilot projects

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UNESCO images on Wikipedia

  • Shared around 3000 images on Wikipedia
  • Appear on articles that have received 267 million views
  • Appear on 50 different language Wikipedias
  • Large project with UNESCO archives in 2019

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Competitions on Wikipedia

  • We ran 2 competitions to use UNESCO images on Wikipedia with small prizes�
  • Image views increased from 1 million to 10 million per month

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UNESCO data on Wikipedia

Wikipedia articles on World Heritage sites (that use UNESCO data) receive�7.3 million page views per month

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UNESCO data in Google search results


Wikipedia and

other sources


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Supporting Open Access

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Promoting Wiki Loves …..

Wiki Loves Monuments

Wiki Loves Earth

Promoted by UNESCO, UN and other agencies to over 10 million people

Wiki Loves Africa

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Wiki Loves Earth Biosphere Reserves

  • Over 6500 OA images from 50 countries

  • Images are viewed 800,000 times per month on Wikipedia


Blog post

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Wikipedia photography exhibition


United Nations, Geneva



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Wiki4Women: International Women’s Day

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A worldwide database of cultural heritage institutions on Wikipedia

Wikimedia Sverige�

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(Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)

The first worldwide database of cultural heritage institutions in Wikipedia, in 300 languages

We are building it through official datasets and crowdsourcing through cultural heritage institutions and the general public

Working with UNESCO delegations to source datasets

Hardknott Roman Fort, United Kingdom�Markas1370

CC BY-SA 4.0

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Other UN agencies working with Wikipedia

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IGO Open Access working group

  • Open Access working group is a group of 15-20 heads of rights/publications
  • Meet every few months in person to discuss Open Access�
  • I’m writing a handbook to help IGOs adopt Open Access in 2019
  • I’m supporting IGOs to share their content on Wikipedia

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Project with Wikimedia Argentina to improve human rights information on Wikipedia

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Developed a process to release text from a publication under an open license without changing the FAO website

Graphics from publication viewed 80,000 a month on Wikipedia

Text from publication viewed 70,000 a month on 10 Wikipedia articles

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Images from publications seen 7000 a month on Wikipedia

Text from publication used to create Industrial Property article

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Wikiproject United Nations

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Wikiproject United Nations: Collaboration

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Using images from Commons