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Move Fast & Don't Break Things

Ankit Mehta, Google

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Ankit Mehta, Google

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

GTAC 2014

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Why am I talking @ GTAC

  • Sharing my experience of a decade @ Google in Test Engineering
  • Passionate about balance between velocity and quality
  • Taking an opportunity to share Google’s take at balancing velocity and quality

Interesting side projects @ Google:

MAD (Millions of Automated Documents)

Scale Google’s Bug database


Microprocessor controlled pick n place manipulator (school)

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Test Engineering

“what is our purpose?”

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Build world class infrastructure to launch high quality innovative products fast that delight our users

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Google from the outside..

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Google from the inside…

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More code

  • 30K check-ins per day
  • A check-in every 3s!

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More releases

  • 2x more releases

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State of releases

  • Releases have long cycles; hence everyone wants in
  • Lack of discipline/time pressure leads to regressions and further delays
  • No way to isolate issue and hence further delay and work around it

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Moving Fast is Good!

  • Innovate
  • Address flaws quickly
  • Better productivity
  • Better Code Health

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… But Breaking things isn’t

  • User trust/satisfaction
  • Uphold the brand
  • Launch products
  • Set a high bar

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My Testing Philosophy

What many teams do

How it should be done

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things


Slower tests


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Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Push on Amber

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Push on Green..

“As soon as test suites go green, deployment to production is automatically started”

This has evolved at Google. We have tens of thousands of tests for some projects, some of which could be failing and/or flaky

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Push on Amber

  • Daily pushes to prod
  • Stable top of tree
  • Smarter regression testing
  • Critical tests cannot be bypassed

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Prevent Bugs

  • Prevent bugs and not catch them
  • Deterministic hermetic tests
  • Prevent bad code from getting in
  • High presubmit coverage and usage

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What is a Hermetic Test?

The short definition would be a “test in a box”.

My version: run a test while on a airplane *without network

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Non-Hermetic Servers


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Hermetic Servers


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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Pushing Testing Upstream

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Delineate product releases and features

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Delineate product releases and features

  • Releases always keep rolling
  • Dark launch features
  • Revert features and not revert releases
  • Launch releases without leaking features

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Productivity First

Delineate product releases and features

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Productivity First..

  • Invisible Tests
  • Tests an asset and not a liability
  • Fast UI Automation
  • Zero tolerance on flakiness

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Attack Bad Tests

  • Slow Tests
  • Flaky Tests

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Flaky tests are worse than no tests

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Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Social @ Google





Average presubmit time

21 min

28 min

22 min


Code Coverage





% Green Cycles




Test Hygiene

Avg Submit to Prod Time

17 hrs

11 hrs

13 hrs


Total presubmit run time

196 d

11392 d

8033 d

Better Tests

Total automation time

22697 d

52785 d

114040 d

Better Tests

P1 bugs avg resolution time

69 d

28 d

13 d

Bug Hygiene

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Productivity First


Delineate product releases and features

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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  • Live on the bleeding edge
  • Bugs get found/fixed
  • No SLA for fishfood from test
  • Rapid iterations. 4 hours from design to bug bash for a feature.

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Productivity First


Prioritize Releases

Delineate product releases and features

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Prioritize Releases

  • Must be an ongoing commitment
  • All must want to fix root problems (post-mortem!)
  • Have a dedicated release team
  • Make sure everyone understands it

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Productivity First


Prioritize Releases

Treat Regressions as build blockers

Delineate product releases and features

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Treat regressions as build breaks

Cultural shift

Rollback == guaranteed fix

Verifications are simpler

Devs not under gun for fix

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Productivity First


Prioritize Releases

Treat Regressions as build blockers

Remember Murphy’s Law

Delineate product releases and features

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Remember Murphy’s Law

  • Kill switches for features
  • Big refactorings behind flags
  • All user visible changes behind experiments

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Productivity First


Prioritize Releases

Treat Regressions as build blockers

Remember Murphy’s Law

Delineate product releases and features

Balance Velocity vs Quality

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Balance Velocity vs Quality

  • Gate keepers
  • Provide risk assessment
  • Trusted Testers
  • Things that can’t be risked with: ACLs, data, security, upgrades, migrations

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing upstream

Productivity First


Prioritize Releases

Treat Regressions as build blockers

Remember Murphy’s Law

Delineate product releases and features

Balance Velocity vs Quality

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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It’s no secret mobile is taking over.



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“Mobile First” Challenges

  • Balance release velocity - can’t push daily to users.
  • Mobile app updates use battery and cellular data.
  • Cannot roll back a bad mobile app easily; higher quality bar needed.

Come join the discussion @ “Move Fast & Don’t Break Things” G+ Community

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

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Prevent Bugs

Push on Amber

Push Testing Upstream

Productivity First


Prioritize Releases

Treat Regressions as build blockers

Remember Murphy’s Law

Delineate product releases and features

Balance Velocity vs Quality

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things


Cultural + Tooling
