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Social Media

From the principal’s office

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But first...

Where are you, personally ?

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Let’s talk about your story...

teacher, principal, counselor...take control of YOUR story!

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A: I have time for these new tools and tasks.

B: I have to focus on what's really important around here.

The genius of “and” vs the tyranny of “or”...

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Where are your people?

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Our Voices

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Popular social media channels...






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Twitter moments & SC stories

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Youtube for kids!

Youtube for adults!

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Using Social media to grow and learn!

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Adobe Spark!

Word Swag!

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Reading by Example

Matt Renwick

We love Matt’s blog because he does everything he can to show how he makes changes that work. He showcases his teachers in his blog posts and clearly loves children and reading.

Leading Motivated Learners, Dr. Tony Sinanis

Tony’s blog is awesome because he is so honest. From his post about feeling isolated as a principal to the one about how he grew up to be the reader he is today, you’ll learn what it takes to be a school leader.


Jessica Johnson

Jessica’s blog is all about empowering kids and teachers. It’s inspiring to follow along as Jessica shares how she coaches teachers by being their biggest supporter and helps them make connections.

Inspired by Research, Informed by Practice

Katie Martin

Katie’s work is founded on best practices and allows leaders to learn practical application for their campus.

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Thinks to think...

If you’re not out there, you should be!

Can be a role model, can snoop, can share! #allthethings

So many opportunities to globally connect and learn, great example for your teachers/students/families!

Have the chance to connect with parents on a much more transparent basis!

Allows you to positively promote a tool that ISN’T going away!

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Through the Eyes of a Parent...

“I like the fact that you and your team at Sigler are using every means of communication to keep us parents informed and involved...things that stand out in my mind are the major events you post on Facebook. Events such as the color run. Fabulous! It was a particularly busy time for me and I was out of town, but heard high praises and saw pictures that helped me feel like I was there. Pictures are worth a thousand words and help capture memories and portray emotions.”