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Reading: Word Meanings and Word Choice (Score 13-15)

  • WME 201.Understand the implication of a familiar word or phrase and of simple descriptive language.

Today we will gain a deeper understanding of infants & small children and how to keep them safe.

Learning Intention

Infant Safety

NHES Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

NHES Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Success Criteria

  • Take good notes on the care of Infants/Children
  • Complete the Shaken Baby Handout



  • Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences
  • Structure information in summaries, essays and reports

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Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma (SBS/AHT) is a term used to describe the signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking or shaking and impacting of the head of an infant or small child.

SBS can cause death or permanent injuries.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Leading Cause of Child Abuse Deaths in US

Why are twins more likely to experience SBS?


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Use the information on the National Center for Shaken Baby Syndrome (the learn more & purple crying sections) to answer the following…

1. What is Shaken Baby Syndrome? Check all that apply.

  • Signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking.
  • When a child violently shakes another child of the same age and causes any kind of injury
  • Shaking and impacting of the head of an infant or small child
  • Occurs when a child dies at the hands of an adult.
  • A subset of AHT with injuries having the potential to result in death or permanent neurologic disability
  • Can involve a person of any age who is shaken and injured.

2. Why is shaking a baby dangerous? Check all that apply.

  • Babies heads are heavy are in proper proportion to their bodies.
  • Babies have weak neck muscles.
  • Babies have fully developed brains.
  • There is a large size and strength difference between the victim and the perpetrator.

3. All of the following are potential consequences of SBS EXCEPT:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Physical disabilities
  • Visual disabilities or blindness
  • Hearing impairment
  • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
  • Speech disabilities
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Seizures
  • Behavior disorders
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Death

4. What does not cause SBS? Check all that apply.:

  • Bouncing a baby on your knee.
  • Tossing a baby in the air.
  • Jogging or bicycling with your baby.
  • Falls off a couch or other furniture.
  • Sudden stops in a car or driving over bumps.

5. Some of the symptoms to look for if SBS is suspected: Check all that apply.

  • Sleeping
  • Decreased appetite
  • No vocalization
  • Poor sucking
  • Rigidity or posturing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Smiling
  • Seizures
  • Soft spot on head appears to be bulging
  • Inability to lift head
  • Inability of eyes to focus or track movement
  • Unequal size of pupils

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Shaken Baby Syndrome

Shaken Baby can cause:

  • Tearing of the nerves
  • Tearing of the delicate veins surrounding the brain
  • Bleeding in the brain
  • Bleeding surrounding the brain

Early Signs

  • Difficulty Breathing or Breathing Stops
  • Blue or dusky skin tone
  • Irritability
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Inability to make sounds
  • Very sleepy
  • Comatose

1300 cases of SBS every year

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Use the information on the National Center for Shaken Baby Syndrome (the purple crying section) to answer the following…

When is the “period of purple crying”?

How many hours a day can a baby cry?

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Make a Plan…

No baby has ever died from crying too much

Sometimes it is not possible to get a baby to stop crying when we want them to…so we can:

Name two people you will call if you feel too frustrated:

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Risk Factors for SIDS

List the 5 big risk factors for SIDS discussed in class

  • ______________________________________________
  • ______________________________________________
  • ______________________________________________
  • ______________________________________________
  • ______________________________________________

Use the information from the Mayo Clinic

  • Who is more likely to die from SIDS?

  • What age are infants at the highest risk of SIDS

  • Which racial groups experience higher rates of SIDS?

  • What are 4 factors that occur during pregnancy that increase the risk of of SIDS
    • ___________________________________
    • ___________________________________
    • ___________________________________
    • ___________________________________

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Explain what the ABCDs of Safe Sleep are:

Milwaukee Health Department Cribs for Kids Program

What percentage of infant deaths in Milwaukee are SIDS/SUID & unsafe sleep related:

In Milwaukee about 5 white babies die for every 1,000 born, compared with nearly 9 Hispanic infants and about 14 African-American babies.

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Wisconsin Car Seat Laws

The LAW:

Children must be in a car seat until they reach age ______ & _____ pounds, and in a booster seat until they reach age ____, more than_______ pounds in weight, or more than 4 ft. 9 in. tall.


  • If less than four years of age, the total penalty is $175.30
  • If between ages 4 and 8, the total penalty is $150.10 for the first offense, $200.50 for a second offense, and $263.50 for third and subsequent offenses

In 2021: 711 children died in car accidents

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But it’s cold?!

You can keep kids warm:

  • ________________________
  • ________________________
  • ________________________
  • ________________________
  • ________________________

Car seats need to be replaced after crashes

Winter is a tricky time for car seats. As a general rule, bulky clothing, including winter coats and snowsuits, should not be worn underneath the harness of a car seat