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Let’s work you out

Strategy Workouts Wordwork Workshops

From New York to the World. Est. 2016.

Yes, this is our website.


© 2019 Mighty Jungle LLC All Rights Reserved

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The Strategy Megaclass

This is on hold for now.

Beat These Insights

Can you write an insight �that’s better than these 40?

Before we start, �check out these things:


A podcast with hundreds of interviews with your favorite marketers and strategists.

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This is now live

How much strategy can you learn in 100 days? Find out here.

  • 100 lessons
  • 100+ exercises
  • 1 new class every day
  • Work at your pace or ours
  • Live sessions
  • Meet hundreds of strats
  • Get into your own head
  • And, yes, rock your career

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Strategy Is Your Words” by Mark Pollard

Now available. Already 4,000 copies sold.

400 pages, hard cover, strategy.

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Here’s why we exist

When you feel clear about what you’re doing and how to do it, the world seems vibrant. You take a step, you put something into the world, and the world notices. Every public action you take seems to open doors you didn’t even realize were there. This is what we try to do at Mighty Jungle. We try to get you, and perhaps your brand, moving by helping you work out what’s in your head so you can get out of it. We do this with business leaders, marketers, and agencies.

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What we do


Strategy & writing

Strategy & ideas

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How conversations start

  • “Train us in strategy and ideas.”
  • “Help us update/create our brand.”
  • “Help us write our creative brief.”
  • “Help us research our consumers.”
  • “Help us make sense of all these strategy documents.”
  • “Name my company.”
  • “Write a tagline, copy, social media posts, presentation for us.”

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Who’s put us to work

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Beliefs that guide us

  • Our job includes helping people improve at their jobs
  • Do strategy with people not at them
  • Strategy is a dare
  • Speak to real humans in every project
  • Never fear raw truth
  • Plain-speak over jargon
  • Thinking & doing aren’t enemies - there’s a time for each

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What we do


Strategy & writing

Strategy & ideas

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“How do I get good at thinking?”

New York, Los Angeles, London, Stockholm, Oslo, Edinburgh, Dublin, Toronto, Vancouver, Buenos Aires, San Diego, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Nashville, Baton Rouge, Santiago, Prague, Birmingham. �And a Skillshare strategy class (3,000+ students).

In person, hands-on, high energy, full day & multi-day.

Our mental workouts cover topics such as:�lateral thinking, ideas, problem identification, insights, strategy statements, creative briefs, presentations, research, interviews, writing, workshops, brainstorms, the psychology of a strategist, teamwork, and more.

1000+ students in the flesh

You can find out more about our online classes and accelerators at Sweathead:http://www.sweathead.com

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“After we were done, I realized that my strategy eye was closed. �Then I realized how bad all my past strategies were and I resent Mark for that. But I love him for all the great strategies I’ve done since.”

Harry Bee, CCO, Havas NYC

"I’ve never seen so many zillennials not on their phones for 2 hours. Holy sh*&!" �Maura Tuohy, Marketing, Mozilla

“Our hyper-critical attendees called his sessions ‘awesome’ and ‘enlightening.’”

Tom Beck

Executive Director�Society of Digital Agencies

“Like after any good workout, we felt energized after Mark’s sessions, as well as hungry to create better, smarter and more daring strategies.” �Nick Fell, International Marketing, Facebook AR/VR (Oculus and Portal)

“Mark’s strategy workshop was an eye-opening experience for SoFi’s marketing team. His techniques around building common language between departments and lateral thinking are practical tools that are already making an impact in our work just a few weeks later..”

Jean-Michel Hoffman, �Head of Brand Strategy, SoFi

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Justine Bloome, CSO, VaynerMedia

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Discussion guides



Strategy stories

Creative briefs


Brand strategy


Content strategy


Company names

Social posts

Word drawings


Executive presentations

Executive social posts

We believe people and companies succeed because of who they are - not in spite of who they are. It’s an obvious thing to say but it’s not an obvious thing to do. And while we’ll insist on foraging around the world and talking to your customers, we’ll also dig into you and we’ll pull out what’s beating at the heart of your company. �You know that scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? Yeah that.

“How do I express my brand?”

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"Working with Mighty Jungle is like entering a new dimension. You see the world with fresh eyes, colored by new insights, and a renewed joy for what you do. As a leader, Mark is not afraid to push me, challenge me, and sometimes tell me to get out of my own way."

Elizabeth Lukas�CEO, Decoded, Americas

"The marketing lion that is Pollard definitely does not sleep at night. �His brain is not a quiet village."

Mark Cripps�CMO, The Economist

“Mark catapulted into our world at Twitter Next with a relentless curiosity - quickly gaining the trust of our team, and pushing us to think outside of our comfort zone. He left our imaginations stretched, and our brains forever poked.”

Alex Josephson, @ajos

Global Head of Twitter Next

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We can apply frameworks and techniques from Strategy! The Workout and teach your team along the way.

Careful. Tricky question. Workshops are a great way to get everyone on the same page but, having run hundreds of them, they are often best used as part of a broader strategy and creative process. Otherwise, they can feel like false starts or politics or hanging out or a subjective battle of wits. �A small team needs time before and after to reflect and improve the thinking.

“How do we get good thinking fast?”

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Mighty Jungle operates out of New York but travels where thinking is needed. Strategy is led by Mark Pollard who has run strategy teams and projects in Sydney and New York.

He’s spoken at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and TEDx, written for Wharton’s Future of Advertising, Quartz, and Vice, and hosted a radio show. He runs the Sweathead Facebook community and podcast, and has been in agencies since 19 years of age. More biography here.


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Sweet, right?

Here are some t-shirts we haven’t made yet

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Let us work you out:

