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Create Art Out of “Nothing”

Artists look for the “magic and mystery” around them

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What is curiosity?

Why is it important?

Click on this link to answer the questions:


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Comparing Artists and Scientists

What do they have in common?

Click on this link to contribute to the discussion:


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Talking to Artists and Scientists:

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Project: Create Art Out of “Nothing”

Artists question the world around them

They share their views of the world through their unique perspectives

Often, the artistic process involves experimentation and making discoveries

Your GOAL: Create a work of art with a random object (or tool)

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Project: Create Art Out of “Nothing”


Create art out of a random object you found in your home environment

Your GOAL: Create a work of art with a random object (or tool)

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Preparing for the Project:

Before you look for an object to use, take a look at this artist who creates his art out of “nothing”

*You are allowed to use multiple objects if you would like :)

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Ask Yourself A Question

Think about how you will use this object to make art

Your question should be like a question a scientist would ask before conducting an experiment to test it

Miss J’s Example:

How many shapes and patterns can I make with a fork?

Another question you could ask could be about what sort of art you can create from the shadows of random objects :)

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Make an Observation

Take a close look at your object:


After asking her question, Miss J looks closely at her fork

She notices the different inner and outer shapes of the fork that she can use for her design

Another Example:

Look at the shape of the shadow your object makes.

What does it remind you of?

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Start Experimenting!

Start creating your artwork!

Remember, this is an experiment--you are testing out different techniques and ways to create art

Don’t worry about mistakes--turn them into happy accidents :)

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Look for different shapes on your object that you would like to trace

Overlap shapes to make interesting patterns :)

Add some value into the patterns and shapes you create from tracing your object!

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Sharing Your Artistic Process

I would love to see your art process! Upload a picture onto our online gallery, or send me an email with your finished work!

Email: jessicamendenhall@alpinedistrict.org