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A Minneapolis Climate Action program

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Cleaner. Cheaper. Better Energy for Minneapolis.

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Who is MCA?

Focus Areas of MCAAll work done on a foundation of equity and environmental justice.

Renewable Energy �Member of Just Solar Coalition�Community Solar Gardens�Second Chance CSG�North High CSG

Zero Waste�Plastic bag ban (fee)�Boomerang Bag project�Curbside compost program�Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)

Neighborhood Organizing�Coordinator for Minneapolis Green Teams

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Climate Change�Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fossil fuels is causing dangerous warming.

UrgencyWe have about ten years to dramatically reduce GHG.

ImpactsOur climate crisis is having catastrophic impacts, including right here in Minnesota.

IntersectionalityExtractive economy, systemic racism, and disparate impacts of climate change.

Why do we need an equitable

renewable energy transition ?

Minneapolis pledged to reduce citywide GHG emissions by 30% by 2025.

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What What is community solar?

A community solar project is a solar power array whose electricity is shared by more than one property.

It’s great for those who can’t or don’t want to install their own solar panels!

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Why Why is community solar better?

It’s cleaner!Getting your electricity from the sun dramatically reduces your carbon footprint. Solar emits no CO2 and cuts air pollution.

It’s cheaper!The cost of solar electricity has dropped by 90% over the last 10 years. Solar is cheaper today than coal or natural gas-based electricity. That means it’s not just better for the environment, it’s better for you, period! It’s a good return on investment, too!

It’s more equitable and provides local jobs!Cleaner, cheaper electricity should be available to all, not just those who can afford their own solar panels. Community solar is great for renters, and residents can participate regardless of income or credit score. Many community solar programs require credit limits and minimum incomes and are owned by large corporations.

Local green jobs are created right in your own community!

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Anyone �who pays their own Xcel electricity bill!��Anyone�who lives in Hennepin County or an adjacent county.

Who can join a community solar garden?

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How How do I participate?

  • Subscribers buy subscriptions two ways:� PAY UP FRONT or PAY AS YOU GO
  • Subscriptions help pay for maintenance, operation, and subscription management of the garden.
  • Subscribers receive monthly credits that reduce their utility bills.
  • Most community solar projects save residents anywhere from an average of a few percent to 15 or more percent off of their energy bill.

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Emerge Second Chance Recycling1179 15th Ave SE, Minneapolis�

  • Emerge is a social enterprise business that empowers people facing employment barriers to re-enter the workforce �
  • The Emerge Second Chance Recycling Facility is where mattresses go to be recycled in Minneapolis�
  • “It’s a holistic approach to recycling. Everything about Second Chance is renewal: materials to be recycled, solar energy, and providing second chances for people overcoming barriers to employment.” Kevin Engdahl, VP


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Renewable Energy Partners (REP)

  • Renewable Energy Partners (REP) is a Minnesota for-profit company based in North Minneapolis. Founded in 2014 by Jamez Staples, a lifelong Minneapolis resident, REP is a certified Minority Business Enterprise for state and federal projects.

  • REP is leading the effort to develop a state-of-the-art Multipurpose Training Facility (MTF) on the Northside of Minneapolis and will provide high-quality, renewable energy sector-focused training.


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S3 Solar Service Solutions

S3 Solar Service Solutions: Solar Photovoltaic and EV Charger Provider

S3 Solar Service Solutions is an experienced, trusted service provider for commercial and residential solar arrays and electric vehicle chargers.

MCA is committed to collaborating with minority owned and operated businesses and partners.


Joaquin "JT" Thomas

S3 President and Master Electrician

2nd from left with Jamez Staples and

Solar crew members

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Outreach & Education Partner

MN Renewable Now is an organization that familiarizes and educates the MN and Twin Cities community about renewable energies.

Our goal is for the world to become 100% renewable without having to depend on fossil fuels, coal, nuclear, fracking, and any other dangerous form of energy production where drilling or mining is the continuous source of energy dependency.


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  • About 182 Kw of Solar Total Generation�
  • Emerge Second Chance Recycling Facility, as the Host Site, will be our anchor subscriber.

  • MCA is offering 1 Kw subscriptions on a Pay Up Front or Pay As You Go basis.��
    • Pay Up Front Subscriptions will cost $950 per 1Kw share.
      • Pay Up Front subscribers: Average NET bill credits over the life of the 25-year contract will be about $100 per year.�
    • Pay As You Go Subscriptions will have a zero up-front cost.
      • Pay-as-you-go subscribers will receive a smaller bill credit (approximately $25 per year per subscription) over the 25 year period, but will still come out ahead on their average electric bill.

Second Chance Community Solar Garden�A partnership based in equity and collaboration

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PAY AS YOU GO Example Bill Credit and Subscription Payment:

  • You use 3455 kwh a year of electricity: can get up to a 3 KW subscription

  • Xcel energy pays you: �$438 per year ($.109 kWh) or about $36 a month as a credit on your bill

  • You pay MCA a monthly for subscription management (.09/kwh):�$362 for the year or about $30 a month�**Your payment to MCA is always lower than the Xcel bill credit rate – so you are guaranteed to make money with MCA Community Solar. �
  • Subtract subscription payment to MCA from your Xcel bill credit benefit�$438 - $362 = $76 savings per year

Green power for the world and a bit of green for your wallet. We view it as a win-win and couldn’t be happier to have you as a subscriber.

Second Chance Community Solar Garden�A partnership based in equity and collaboration

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More Details about the Second Chance Community Solar Garden�

  • The subscription and credit move with you if you change residence, as long as you still have an Xcel energy bill and move to a county that borders the CSG. �
  • Subscribers have the option to sell their subscriptions to another qualifying subscriber or to the solar developer at any time based on a formula over the 25-year life of the CSG contract with Xcel Energy.

Second Chance Community Solar Garden�A partnership based in equity and collaboration

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How you can participate:�

  • Fill out this form (mplsclimate.org/community-solar)�to let us know how many and what kind of shares you want, Pay Up Front or Pay As You Go.�
  • We will be in touch with payment methods and due date and a subscriber contract!

Second Chance Community Solar Garden�A partnership based in equity and collaboration

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Questions for our Solar Panel?

Please put your question in the chat and our panel will answer them in the order that they were received. Thank you!

If we don’t get to all the questions, please email kyle@mplsclimate.org or fill out the form and we will get back to you ASAP!

Ask our

Solar Panel anything!

Second Chance Community Solar Garden�A partnership based in equity and collaboration

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Do you want to see more equitable renewable energy projects?

Do you love the idea of democratizing renewable energy through local community solar projects that benefit the community?

Please consider making a donation at mplsclimate.org/donate

Second Chance Community Solar Garden�A partnership based in equity and collaboration