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Medway Schools�Playground Project

Presentation by the Medway Schools Playground Project Committee

February 4, 2019

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Playground replacement �Why now?

  • Age of structures - McGovern (2002) Memorial (2004)
    • Although it appears in good condition it’s nearing the end of it’s recommended life
    • The best playgrounds last only 15 – 20 years
  • There is increased community interest in replacing the school playgrounds
  • With McGovern School now servicing preschool students,

elements of the current playground are not accessible

to our 3 and 4 year old children


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Playground replacement �Why now?

  • Focused effort around student social and emotional wellness
  • Expansion of recess time for students from 15 minutes to 25 minutes
  • McGovern (330 students) and Memorial (500 students) are engaged in recess nearly every school day
  • Compliance with updated codes related to accessibility
  • Project includes a poured surface which will improve equity and access, and allow for use year-round


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Playground replacement �What will this mean for our students?

  • More developmentally appropriate equipment for our students
  • More students will be able to simultaneously access and engage with the equipment
  • More choice for students
  • A new playground structure would appeal to the interests of our students
  • Allows for greater entry points into the play structure and provides students with opportunities to: problem solve, resolve

conflicts, and engage in cooperative play.


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Playground replacement �What will this mean for our students?

  • “A new playground structure will allow more accessibility for students with physical and visual challenges. Also, students will have the ability to exercise gross motor skills and planning.”
    • Mrs. Susan Murphy, Preschool Teacher

  • “These playgrounds will provide our students with the opportunity to play and socialize in a safe and inviting space, allowing for the physical activity their bodies need to be successful during the school day and beyond.”
    • Marissa Keleher, Elementary Health Teacher


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McGovern School


  • Grades preK-1st Grade
  • 331 students served
  • 25 minute recess period

Location of new playground

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McGovern School Playground �Before


  • Wood mulch surface
  • Features
    • Swings
    • Climb and slide

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McGovern School Playground �After


  • Engineered Wood Fiber Surface (Eliminates wood mulch issues)
  • More age appropriate
  • More interactive
  • Swings
  • Climb and slide
  • Make music
  • Play puzzles

It is the opinion of the manufacturer that this playground meets the accessibility standards as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

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Burke-Memorial School


  • 2nd-4th Grades
  • 493 students served
  • 25 minute recess
  • No anticipated reconfiguration of the school for the foreseeable future

Location of new playground

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Burke-Memorial School Playground �Before


  • Wood mulch surface
  • Not age appropriate
  • Features
    • Climb and slide

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Burke Memorial School Playground �After


  • Engineered Wood Fiber Surface (Eliminates wood mulch issues)
  • More age appropriate
  • More physically engaging and interesting

It is the opinion of the manufacturer that this playground meets the accessibility standards as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

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Timeline/Installation Considerations


  • Due to the location of the McGovern School playground, installation during the summer is optimal
  • Approval at Spring Town Meeting would likely result in installation occurring in Summer 2020


  • Due to location of Memorial playground, installation during the school year is feasible, but may lead to an increase

in costs (e.g. protective fencing)


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Project Costs

The following costs include full installation of each playgrounds.

  • Total Cost (both playgrounds): $543,000
  • Total for McGovern: $235,000
  • Total for Memorial: $308,000

*Cost savings may be realized with identifying partners and a “community installation”


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Community Commitment

*We are excited to share the funding commitments that we have received for this project. With appreciation, the following organizations/groups have agreed to support this project:

    • $50,000 from MEPTO (Medway Elementary Parent Teacher Organization)
    • $5,000 from MEDI (Medway Extended Day Inc.)
    • $5,000 from Exelon


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