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Why Reading Really matters

For your child

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So, what’s different

when I went to school?

  • A MUCH greater emphasis on professional development for teachers
  • We finally have solid research on what it takes to help all kids learn to read thoughtfully and critically
      • High quality teaching
      • Increased time in Text
      • Effective and timely interventions when necessary
      • And...1,200-1,500 diverse classroom books!

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“We teachers have more than enough anecdotal evidence that the students who read the most are the best spellers, writers, and thinkers. No exercise gives more instructional bang for the buck than reading” (Miller, 2009, p. 55).

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“For virtually all children, the

amount of time spent reading in classrooms and at home consistently accelerates their

growth in reading skills.“

(Anderson, 1996; Anderson, Wilson

& Fielding, 1988; Cunningham & Stanovich, 1998).


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WHy reading a LOT matters.

“The average child at the 90th percentile reads almost two million words per year outside of school—more than 200 times more words than the child at the 10th percentile, who reads just 8,000 words outside of school during a year. To put it another way, the entire year’s out-of-school reading for the child at the 10th percentile amounts to just two days of reading for the child at the 90th percentile. These dramatic differences, combined with the lexical richness of print, act to create large vocabulary differences between children” (Cunningham & Stanovich, 1998).


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One study (Anderson & Nagy, 1992) estimates that children learn an average of 4,000 to 12,000 new vocabulary words each year as a result of book reading.


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Another study (Anderson et al.,1988) found that the highest achievers in 5th grade classrooms were likely to read over 200 times as many minutes per day (21 minutes) as the lowest achievers (who read for less than one tenth of a minute per day).


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Why this is so Crucial….

A child who is not able to moderately read by 3rd grade is unlikely to graduate high school.

-Annie E. Casey Foundation

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But we understand, it’s not just about graduation....it’s far Greater!

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Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:

  • Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
  • Photographs by Unsplash