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Conseil des Hommes des bois

Reclame sa place

Souhaite peupler son village

Sous ses ordres


le titre de chef de guerre

et un tribut pour protection

Chef de guerre

Cherche un successeur

pére de

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Ceawin the Generous sends messengers to Rhosgobel, Woodmen-town and Woodland Hall, asking for the clan elders to hear his plea. He wants to ally his followers living in the East Bight with the Woodmen, his distant kin. The elders agree to hear his request, and a folk-moot is arranged at Rhosgobel.


After several years of peace, the howl of the Werewolf of Mirkwood is again heard in the forest. It attacks a party of Dwarves from Erebor after they foolishly stray from the Elf-path.

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Gandalf travels across Wilderland, with the intention of inviting one of the rulers of the North to become a member of the White Council. He visits the courts of Elves, Dwarves and Men, and is generally received with honour and a little suspicion – where the Grey Pilgrim goes, trouble follows. He ends his journey in Rhosgobel, where he rests for a few days and confers with his fellow Wizard.


Una, a young merchant princess from Dorwinion, leaves her court in early summer to visit Dale for diplomatic reasons. A detachment of Barding warriors is sent by King Bard to meet her caravan along the Running River; they reach the merchant convoy just in time to discourage a band of raiders from the East that was following them. When the princess finally arrives in Dale, everyone witnesses how King Bard is captivated by the sight of Una’s dancing during the feast held in her honour.

Trespassers from Dale enter the Woodland Realm and cut down trees, including some silver beeches that are especially beloved of the Elves.

Representatives from all the houses of the Woodmen gather at Rhosgobel to hear Ceawin the Generous.

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Spiders attack a Woodman boat travelling down the Dusky River. The River-maidens intercede to save the Woodmen by guiding them out of the webs. One of the Woodmen reports seeing a gigantic Spider lurking in the shadows.

Ingomer of Woodland Hall puts a bounty on the head of a ’Bloody Ghost’. This ‘Ghost’ lingers on the fringes of the Western Eaves, stealing food from the Woodmen. One farmer tries to catch the chicken-thief; but the ‘Ghost’ retaliates by terrifying the farmer’s cows, who trample the Woodman to death.

Beorn visits Northern Mirkwood, and meets with the Elves. King Thranduil sends emissaries to meet with him.

Tensions with the Barding villages along the eastern border of the Woodland Realm continue, as the Bardings trespass into the lands of the Elves.

Balin and Gandalf visit Bilbo in the Shire. On the way, they speak of Moria and Balin begins dreaming of a return to that lost city.


Early this year, King Bard marries Una of Dorwinion. The bond reinforces the status of the kingdom of Dale as a rising power in the North, as Una comes with a rich dowry of gold and diplomatic relations. In December, Una gives birth to a male son, Prince Bain, making Bard a father at the age of 38.