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Google Sites

Lesson for Students

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How to get to google Slides

  • In Google Chrome, type in “sites.google.com” and hit “enter”

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Creating a new site

  • Now, click “blank” to create a new website or click on one of the templates to create a new website based on the template

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Naming your website

  • In the top left hand corner, double click the text to highlight it

  • Now, rename your website

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Choosing a website theme

  • On the right hand side of the screen, click “Themes”
  • Then, select from the list of themes to give your website a theme

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Redo/undo items

  • To undo or redo an action, click the forward or backwards arrow
  • These are on the top right of the screen

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Creating New Pages

  • On the right hand side of the screen, click “pages”
  • Now, at the bottom, click the plus sign

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Creating New Pages

  • From the window that appears, give your page a name
  • Then click “Done”

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Creating New Pages

  • Your new page will now appear for you to edit

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Creating SubPages

  • On the right hand side, find the page under which you want a subpage
  • Click the 3 dots to the right of the page name

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Creating SubPages

  • Now click “Add Subpage”
  • Give your subpage a new and click “Done”

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Creating SubPages

  • Your subpage will now appear under the main page!

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Renaming Pages

  • To rename a page, first find the page you want to rename
  • Double click on the name of the page, Ex: Double click on “Test Page”
  • The text will then be highlighted in blue.

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Renaming Pages

  • Type the new name of the page
  • Then hit enter
  • The renamed page will appear with the new name

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Duplicating Pages

  • Click the three dots beside the page you want to duplicate
  • Click “Duplicate Page”
  • Give your new page a name
  • Click “Done”

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Deleting Pages

  • Navigate to the page you want to delete
  • Click the three dots beside the page you want to delete
  • Click “Delete”

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Making a secondary page the homePage

  • Navigate to the secondary page you want to make the homepage
  • Click the three dots beside the page you want as the homepage
  • Click “Make Homepage”

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Reordering Pages

  • Click and drag the page you want to move to the correct location
  • Use the blue line to determine whether the new page will become a new page or subpage (partial line= subpage; full line= normal page)
  • Watch the video on the next slide for a visual representation!

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Reordering Pages

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Page formatting

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Change header background image

  • Go to the page you want to change the header image of
  • On the bottom left of the header, click “change image”

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Change header background image

  • Now select if you would like to upload a photo (if the photo is saved on your computer) or select a photo (if saved in google drive, google photos, or from google images)

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Change header background image

  • Go to the page you want to change the header type of
  • On the bottom left of the header, click “header type”

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Change header type

  • Now select the type of header you would like to have

  • Your changes should now be reflected on your page’s header

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Inserting logo in header

  • Move the cursor to the top left of the header where it says “Rename”
  • Click “Add logo”

  • Your changes should now be reflected on your page’s header

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Inserting logo in header

  • From the box that pops up, select whether you would like to upload or select a photo for the logo

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Editing page


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Duplicating a section

  • Scroll down to the section you want to duplicate
  • To the left of the section, click the paper icon
  • A duplicate section should now appear below the first

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Deleting a section

  • Scroll down to the section you want to delete
  • To the left of the section, click the trash can icon

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Changing section background

  • Scroll down to the section whose background you want to change
  • To the left of the section, click the paint palette icon

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Changing section background

  • Now select whether would like to use an image or the predefined options from Google Sites

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Changing section order

  • Click and drag items above/below existing sections to reorder them

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Hiding Pages From navigation

  • Click the three dots beside the page you want to hide
  • Click “Hide from navigation”
  • The hidden pages will now appear faded with a strike through them

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Inserting Text boxes

  • Go to the page where you want a textbox
  • On the right, under “Insert” click on “Textbox”

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Inserting Text boxes

  • Your textbox will now appear on the page
  • Begin typing to insert the text that you would like to appear on the page

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Editing Text: Click the following to get the desired effect

  • Make text bold: B
  • Italicize Text: I
  • Move text to center/right side of text box
  • Number text
  • Bullet points
  • Link text
  • Clear formatting
  • Delete text box
  • More options










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Inserting images

  • Go to the page where you want an image
  • On the right, under “Insert” click on “Images”

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Inserting images

  • Now choose whether you would like to select a photo from the cloud (Google Drive, Google Photos, or Google Images) or upload a photo from the computer
  • Once you have chosen a photo, click “insert”

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Inserting images

  • The photo you selected should now appear on the page to the left

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Embedding links

  • Go to the page where you want an embedded link
  • On the right, under “Insert” click on “Embed”

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Embedding links

  • From the window that appears, type in the URL
  • Then click “Insert”

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Embedding links

  • Your embedded link will now appear on the website (here, it’s below the sample text from earlier)

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Inserting Docs/files from drive

  • Go to the page where you want to include a file from drive
  • On the right, under “Insert” click on “Drive”

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Inserting docs/slides from drive

  • Choose what you want on your site and click on it
  • Then on the bottom right, click on “Insert”

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Inserting docs/slides from drive

  • Your document/file will then appear on your site!

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Inserting collapsable text

  • Under “Insert,” on the bottom right, click on “Collapsable text”

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Inserting collapsable text

  • The collapsable text box will then appear on the page
  • Toggle the switch on/off to collapse the text
  • Write/Edit the text like normal

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Table of contents

  • Under “Insert,” on the bottom right, click on “Table of Contents”
  • Follow the directions to have a table of contents

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Image carousel

  • Under “Insert,” on the bottom right, click on “Table of Contents”
  • Follow the directions to have a table of contents

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Image carousel

  • Click the + to add photos
  • Once you have all the photos you want in the carousel, click “Insert”

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Inserting buttons

  • What is it? A clickable icon that performs an action when clicked on
  • On the right, scroll down and find “Button”
  • Then click on it

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Inserting buttons

  • Insert a Name: What you want the audience to see when clicking on the button
  • Then, include a link to be taken to when a person clicks on the button
  • Click “Insert”

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Inserting buttons

  • This is how your “button” will appear on your site
  • When clicked on, people will be taken to the link you inserted

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  • Insert a Youtube video by clicking on “Youtube,” which is found on the bottom right

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  • Complete a youtube search
  • Select the video you want on your site
  • Click on “Select”

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  • Used to offset sections of a page
  • On the right, click on “divider”
  • A draggable divider will then appear on your page

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Inserting from apps: Calendar, docs, slides, sheets, forms, charts

  • To insert one of these, click on the app type (Docs, Slides, etc)
  • Then, select the specific file you want on your site

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Inserting maps

  • Click on “Map” on the right hand side

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Inserting maps

  • Type in a location on the map to show on your site
  • Then, click “Select”

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Preview/Sharing with others

  • Preview: Click on the computer icon to see how your site would look on a computer/phone
  • Share: Click on the person to share the site with others like you normally share documents/files in Google Drive

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Publishing your site to the web

  • In the top right, click on “Publish”
  • Then, give your site a name
  • Click “Publish” to make your site public

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Copying a published websites’ link

  • Click on the link icon to copy your PUBLISHED website’s URL
  • Click on “Copy link”

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Duplicating a site

  • Click on the three dots to the right of the gear icon
  • Click on “Duplicate site”

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Duplicating a site

  • Give your duplicate site a name
  • Click on “Duplicate”