1 of 50

Daily Question

What would be the charge of an iodide ion? Which is larger I? or I1- ?

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Chapter 10

Chemical Quantities

10.1 The Mole: A Measurement of Matter

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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I can…

Perform dimensional analysis to convert between units

Recall Avogadro’s number

Apply Avogadro’s number to determine the number of representative particles in a substance

Calculate representative particles 🡪 moles

Calculate moles 🡪 representative particles

Determine molar mass of a substance

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Measuring Matter

Chemistry is a quantitative science.

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  • you perform calculations that relate quantities of the reactants in a chemical reaction to quantities of the products.

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Measuring Matter

Each of these different ways to measure apples can be equated to a dozen apples.

      • By count: 1 dozen apples = 12 apples
      • By mass: 1 dozen apples = 2.0 kg apples
      • By volume: 1 dozen apples = 0.20 bushel apples

These are approximations for average-sized apples.

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What is the mass of 90 average-sized apples if 1 dozen of the apples has a mass of 2.0 kg?

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Sample Problem 10.1

Finding Mass from a Count

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Use dimensional analysis to convert the number of apples to the mass of 90 apples.


number of apples = 90 apples

Conversion factors�12 apples = 1 dozen apples�1 dozen apples = 2.0 kg apples

UNKNOWNmass of 90 apples = ? kg

Sample Problem 10.1

Analyze List the knowns and the unknown.


10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Multiply the known by conversion factors.

The conversion factor used should cancel the previous unit

The unit “apples” cancels the previous unit

Sample Problem 10.1

Calculate Solve for the unknown.


90 apples ×


= 15 kg apples

12 apples

1 dozen apples

1 dozen apples

2.0 kg apples

The unit “dozen apples” cancels the previous unit

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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If 0.20 bushel is 1 dozen apples and a dozen apples has a mass of 2.0 kg, what is the mass of 0.56 bushel apples?


number of apples = 0.56 bushel apples Conversion factors�12 apples = 1 dozen apples�1 dozen apples = 2.0 kg apples

UNKNOWNmass of 0.56 bushel apples = ? kg

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Assume 2.0 kg of apples is 1 dozen and that each apple has 8 seeds. How many apple seeds are in 14 kg of apples?

Known – 14 kg apples

Conversion factors:

2.0 kg apples = 1 dozen

1 apple = 8 seeds

Unknown: seeds?

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What Is a Mole?

  • These is an extremely large number of them in a small sample of a substance so counting these particles is not practical.

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Matter is composed of atoms, molecules, and ions.

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What Is a Mole?

Think about counting eggs.

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  • It’s easier when the eggs are grouped into dozens.
  • A dozen is a

specified number

(12) of things.

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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What Is a Mole?

Chemists also use a unit that is a specified number of particles, most often atoms or molecules.

    • The unit is called the mole.
    • A mole (mol) of a substance is 6.022 × 1023 representative particles of that substance
    • The number of representative particles in a mole and is called Avogadro’s number, 6.022 × 1023

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Counting with Moles


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If you had a mole of doughnuts, they would cover the entire Earth in a doughnut-layer five miles deep.

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If you had a mole of basketballs, you could create a new planet the size of the Earth!

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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If you received a mole of pennies on the day you were born, and spent a million dollars a second until you died at 100, you’d still have over 99.99% of your money in the bank!

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The term representative particle refers to atoms, molecules, or formula units.

    • The representative particle of most elements is the atom.

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Counting with Moles

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What Is a Mole?

However, seven elements exist normally as diatomic molecules: H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2.

I Have NO Bright or Clever Friends – you must memorize the diatomic elements

    • The representative particle of these elements is the molecule.
    • For ionic compounds, such as calcium chloride, the representative particle is the formula unit, CaCl2.

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Counting with Moles

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What Is a Mole?

A mole of any substance contains Avogadro’s number of representative particles, or 6.022 × 1023 atoms, ions, molecules or formula units

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Counting with Moles

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Write the correct representative particle (atom , molecule or formula unit) for each of the following.





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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



21 of 50

Daily Question

What is a mole of substance?

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



22 of 50

Magnesium is a light metal used in the manufacture of aircraft, automobile wheels, and tools. How many moles of magnesium is 1.25 × 1023 atoms of magnesium?

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Sample Problem 10.2

Converting Number of Atoms to Moles

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number of atoms = 1.25 × 1023 atoms Mg

Conversion factor

1 mol Mg = 6.022 × 1023 atoms Mg

UNKNOWN�moles = ? mol Mg

Sample Problem 10.2

Analyze List the known and the unknown.


10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Multiply the number of atoms of Mg by the conversion factor.

6.022 × 1023 atoms Mg

1 mol Mg

1.25 × 1023 atoms Mg ×

= 0.208 mol Mg

Calculate Solve for the unknown.


Sample Problem 10.2

Why does this answer have three significant figures?

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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How many moles is 2.8 x 1024 atoms of silicon?

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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How many moles is 2.17 x 1023 representative particles of bromine?

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What Is a Mole?

    • A mole of carbon dioxide contains 6.022 × 1023 (Avogadro’s number) of CO2 molecules.
    • 1 mole of CO2 contains three atoms, so it contains three times 6.022 × 1023 atoms or 1.806 × 1024 atoms

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Converting Between Number of Particles and Moles

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



28 of 50

Propane is a gas used for cooking and heating. How many atoms are in 2.12 mol of propane (C3H8)?

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Sample Problem 10.3

Converting Moles to Number of Atoms

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KNOWN�number of moles = 2.12 mol C3H8

Conversion factors�1 mol C3H8 = 6.022 × 1023 molecules C3H8�1 molecule C3H8 = 11 atoms (3 carbon and 8 hydrogen atoms)

UNKNOWNnumber of atoms = ? atoms

The desired conversion is:

moles → molecules → atoms.

Sample Problem 10.3

Analyze List the knowns and the unknown.


10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Multiply the moles of C3H8 by the conversion factors.

= 1.40 × 1025 atoms

Sample Problem 10.3

Calculate Solve for the unknown.


1 molecule C3H8

2.12 mol C3H8 ×

6.022 × 1023 molecules C3H8

1 mol C3H8


11 atoms

Why does the answer have three significant figures?

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



31 of 50

How is a mole similar to a dozen?

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



32 of 50

How many atoms are in 1.14 mol of sulfur trioxide (SO3)?


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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



33 of 50

How many carbon atoms are in 2.12 mol of propane?

How many hydrogen atoms are in 2.12 mole of propane?

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



34 of 50

Daily Question

How many molecules of H2O are in 1 mole of H2O?

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Learning Targets: I can…

  • Determine molar mass of an element or compound
  • Calculate moles to grams
  • Calculate grams to moles

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Molar Mass

The atomic mass of an element expressed in grams is the mass of a mole of the element.

The mass of 1 mole of an element is its molar mass.

    • For carbon, the molar mass is 12.0 g.

    • For atomic hydrogen, the molar mass is 1.0 g.

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The Mass of a Mole of an Element

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Why are the atomic masses on the periodic table not whole numbers?


What is the atomic mass of an element expressed in grams?

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Molar Mass

This figure shows one mole of carbon, sulfur, and iron.

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The Mass of a Mole of an Element

1 mol of carbon atoms = 12.0 g

1 mol of sulfur atoms = 32.1 g

1 mol of iron atoms = 12.0 g

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Molar Mass

    • The molar mass of an element contains 1 mol or 6.022 × 1023 atoms of that element.
    • 1 mole of an element has the mass listed on the periodic table

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The Mass of a Mole of an Element

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40 of 50

How many atoms are contained in the molar mass of an element?

Describe how to calculate the molar mass of a compound.

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Molar Mass

To calculate the molar mass of a compound:

  • determine the number of grams of each element
  • then add the masses of the elements in the compound.

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The Mass of a Mole of a Compound

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Molar Mass

Find the molar mass of SO3

  • the mass of sulfur (S) is 32.1 g
  • The mass of three atoms of oxygen:
    • (O): 3 × 16.0 g = 48.0 g
  • Molar mass of SO3 is 32.1 g + 48.0 g = 80.1 g
  • 1 mole of SO3 has a mass of 80.1 g.
  • This is the mass of 6.022 x 1023 molecules of SO3.

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The Mass of a Mole of a Compound

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Molar Mass

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The Mass of a Mole of a Compound

1 mol of paradichlorobenzene (C6H4Cl2) molecules (moth crystals)

= 147.0 g

1 mol of water (H2O) molecules = 18.0 g

1 mol of glucose (C6H12O6) molecules (blood sugar)

= 180.0 g

10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) provides sufficient energy to launch a rocket. What is the molar mass of hydrogen peroxide?

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Sample Problem 10.4

Calculating the Molar Mass of a Compound

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Add the results.

mass of 1 mol H2O2 = 2.0 g H + 32.0 g O = 34.0 g

molar mass of H2O2 = 34.0 g/mol

Sample Problem 10.4

Calculate Solve for the unknown.


10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Find the molar mass of PCl3




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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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What is the mass of 1 mole of sodium carbonate?

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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What is 1 mole of:


Write a brief set of directions on how to calculate the molar mass of any compound.

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END OF 10.1

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter



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Glossary Terms

  • mole (mol): the amount of a substance that contains 6.02 × 1023 representative particles of that substance
  • Avogadro’s number: the number of representative particles contained in one mole of a substance; equal to 6.02 × 1023 particles
  • representative particle: the smallest unit into which a substance can be broken down without a change in composition, usually atoms, molecules, or ions
  • molar mass: a term used to refer to the mass of a mole of any substance

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10.1 The Mole: A Measure-ment of Matter

