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Solana Gas Station

By Prince Sinha & Ayush Kaul

Powered by

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It’s is a Gas Station for Solana Network built using Rust. This platform/network will allow users to do gas-less transactions.

This network will allow Dapps on Solana to pay the gas fee on behalf of their users. Also, a single user can use this platform.

Using this platform, One can pay the transaction fee in other solana supported tokens or even ethereum tokens (using wormhole). For eg. One can top-up account using USDC token instead of SOL.

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A backend relayer will be used to publish the signed transaction and, the executor on the relayer will pay the fee & submit transaction on the blockchain. The execution and fee deduction will be done through smart contract only. �The consumer/user will first top-up their account using SOL or any SPL token. On a successful transaction execution, the fee will get deducted from top-up credit and get added to the executor (fee-payer).

The executor can claim their earned fee anytime directly from the smart contract. We will include governance in future for changing fees etc.

Also, the Dapp & User can withdraw their topup anytime if they want. The topup credit will be associated with account. The amount will be stored in the program account or smart contract.

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  • Currently, blockchain platforms like Ethereum, etc lacks mass adoption due to the poor UX of decentralized applications.
  • SolGSN will allow naive users to use Solana without having to worry about gas/fee. �For eg. If a social media platform (twitter) gets built on solana then, it can reach mass adoption because users doesn’t need to have SOL in the wallet to pay fee.
  • Currently, Getting SOL is very difficult for the new users. They have to buy it from centralized exchange which often needs KYC details. This takes a lot of time and effort and makes onboarding new users difficult.

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Why Gas Station On Solana?

  • Although Solana has very cheaper tx fee, it’s not getting adoption because of points listed in the previous slide.
  • SolGSN will benefit all. User, Executor as well as Dapp developer.
    • The user doesn’t need to worry about paying fees or buying SOL/SLP Token.
    • Executor will earn governance token as incentives so they support the network.
    • Dapp developer can save time and reduce the risk of private key getting stolen.

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Current Implementation

  • Supports transfer of sending SOL from one account to other without paying the gas fee.
  • The state gets stored in the program (smart contract) which is implemented using Rust.
  • Used BTreeMap to store user topup and earned balance in the program. �(After a lot research we used BTreeMap because HashMap didn’t worked)
  • Data serialization & Deserialization occurs using Borsh.
  • Client Program has been implemented to load, initialize, topup and submit transaction. It is implemented in JavaScript.

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Future Enhancements

  • Governance Token will be implemented to change incentives, execution strategy (FIFO/ Round Robin), & maintain platform. This will also be used to incentivize the executors.
  • All Instruction support will be provided to execute any instruction using cross program invocation.
  • Create user interface to show the data.
  • Command line support for submitting transaction on to the relayer.
  • Create Back End Relayer to provide easy access for executors.
  • Wormhole Support to top-up accounts using Ethereum Assets.

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Demo Video

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Github Repo

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Thank You