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32 Ways to Start Using Apps for Faculty/Staff

created by: +Jordan Pedraza

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Access to the presentation

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  • Use this training deck to make the most out of Google Apps for Education in your classes, for research, or for other work.

  • These tools will help increase efficiency and engagement, and improve collaboration.

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Core services

GMail Keep everything and find it fast with search.

Talk IM and video chat as easy as email.

Groups Create and work in teams easily.

Calendar Share schedules and calendars instantly.

Drive Collaborate as you create.

Sites Make and manage your own sites.

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Google Drive




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1. Note-taking

Share out class notes before your lecture or committee meeting so everyone can really listen!

Your class or committee can access them anywhere, anytime!

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2. Project and Research Proposals

Create a shared folder for all your colleagues so everyone has access to the same documents from everywhere.

  • presentations
  • cv or resume
  • meeting notes

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3. Share Feedback on Assignments

Give the red pen a rest! Instead of writing notes on papers, use Docs discussions to provide ongoing and simultaneous feedback on documents and avoid lag time.

Case Study: goo.gl/eFf7u

Extra trip: use the "@" to tag a student or colleague in a comment!

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4. Track Attendance

Bring the sign-in sheet to the 21st century. Have students check in via Sheets (where revision history reveals all!)

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5. Track Assignments and Grades

Tired of students asking for grades? Create a Sheet to track assignments. Assign students anonymous numbers and they will know where they stand without having to ask you!

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6. Dynamic Sheets

Create a dynamic Sheet with the importHTML feature to import Census or Wikipedia data. (more functions here!)

=ImportHtml("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_India", "table",4)



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7. Motion Charts

Use Motion Charts to visualize your data in a compelling way. Analyze up to 5 variables and engage your class or talk audience!



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8. Grade Your Tests with Gadgets

After you use Forms for your test, have Apps Script grade for you by inserting in the spreadsheet! Thanks Flubaroo!

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9. Presentations for Lectures or Talks

Have students create Google Presentations for end of year project time to go more smoothly. Streamline the presentations with a shared deck of slides and share the deck with class at the end.

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10. Create amazing presentations

Use Slides to create engaging and dynamic presentations (like this one).

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Go on, try it out

Beginner: Share a document with a student or colleague

Intermediate: Analyze the revision history of a document.

Advanced: Create a motion chart in Sheets.

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Google Forms

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11. Conduct Student Assessments

Make grading easier and faster with Forms!

Have students complete assessments and see answers automatically updated into a Sheet. Tip: change the template to make the form more exciting and see "Summary Responses" to view graphs. In the menu, go to Form > Summary Responses.



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12. Beginning or End of Class Surveys

Use Forms to collect student information or feedback at the beginning and end of courses. Tip: embed form on a Site or email.



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13. In Class Talk or Poll

Who needs clickers when you can use a smartphone? Use Forms to quickly poll and engage class or audience on certain topics and display results to discuss.

Did you know that you forms can be filled out on phones?

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14. Tests and Quizzes

Use Forms to conduct tests or quizzes and grade answers in spreadsheet. The Timestamp is helpful for timed tests when students take them from home.

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15. Research Lab Participant Sign Up

Use Forms to recruit participants in research and share with colleagues or assistants to organize candidates.

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Go on, try it out

Beginner: Create a form and change the template.

Intermediate: Graph the results of the form data.

Advanced: Create a survey and have others fill it out on their phones.

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Google Calendar 

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16. Shared Calendar

Shared Calendars for your class, department, committee, or TAs. Tip: use different colors for multiple calendars or color-code specific events!

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17. Book Resources

Book resources for laptop carts, library, conference rooms. Tip: Schedule recurring meetings throughout the semester and add documents to meetings.

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18. Appointment Slots for Office Hours

Use evemts in Calendar for others to schedule office hours or meetings with you.

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19. Delegate Your Calendar to Assistant or TA

Delegate your calendar to your assistant or TAs so they can schedule meetings for you.

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20. Set Event Reminders on Your Phone

Need a quick reminder for class? Register your phone with Calendar to set SMS event reminders.

Intermediate Application  

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Go on, try it out

Beginner: Create a calendar event.

Intermediate: Invite others to your event.

Advanced: Create a group calendar. Send out a weekly meeting invite and attach notes or documents. 

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21. Manage Tasks and Action Items

Intermediate Application  

Create tasks in Gmail and add due dates to sync tasks with Calendar events all on the web! See tasks on any device, anytime.

Tip! Sort tasks by due date or email tasks to share with others.

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22. Labels to Organize Your Inbox

Use Labels to store one message in multiple categories, such as class and research

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23. GMail Filtering and Rules

Use Filters to skip announcements or listserv blasts...

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23. Search to Find Anything

Save time and find any email with power search operators!

Top operators examples:





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24. Delegate Access to Your Inbox

Delegate access to your mailbox for assistants to send or read messages on your behalf.

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Go on, try it out

Beginner: Compose and send a new message to a colleague.

Intermediate: Enable 3 new labs.

Advanced: Link your personal Gmail account and send a message from that address.

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Google Talk

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A Few Ways to Use Google Talk...

#24: Virtual Office Hours or Meetings

#25: Invite Guest Lecturers

Hold meetings with students or colleagues from other universities.

Tip! Initiate a Group IM Office Hours session by adding more contacts.

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Go on, try it out

Beginner: Start a video chat with someone in the room.

Intermediate: Start a multi-person video conference session.

Advanced: Share your screen and co-edit a document while in a multi-person video conference.

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Google Sites

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26. Course Pages

Create a site for your course without any programming or HTML. Embed a class calendar, videos, and much more.

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27. ePortfolios

Use Sites to create ePortfolios to showcase your work to colleagues and the community. Or, work with students on their ePortfolios too!

Example: Public Gallery Template

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28. Project Sites

Put all project documents in one central place with Sites. Post documents, embed calendars, or lists. Tip: create a file cabinet page.

Example here:


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Go on, try it out

Beginner: Create a basic site with information about your course or commitee.

Intermediate: Create a website that embeds a calendar, form, multiple documents, and video.

Advanced: Build a project site or portfolio.

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Google Groups

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29. Class, Department, or Committee Mailing Lists

Intermediate Application  

Use Groups for discussion or announcement lists for classes, departments, or committees. If someone new joins the class or committee than can get up to speed by going to the group web page.

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Go on, try it out

Beginner: Join an existing Google Group, like the Google in Education group.

Intermediate: Create your own group and invite 5 members.

Advanced: Create your own group and categorize topics by discussion categories.

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30. Mobile Sync and Access

Simplify your life: access everything in the classroom, home, office, or on the road with Google Sync or Android phones!

Supported Devices

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31. Tutorials, Lectures, Video

Use YouTube to share video demonstrations, content-approved films, record lectures, or have students post videos for projects. Go to youtube.com/education.

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32. Run Your Class with Blogger

Run your class with Blogger to communicate and distribute information to students. Assign students to write posts for classes! Inspire creativity, wiring, sharing, and reflection.

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Not Faculty or Staff?

Check out the deck for Students here:

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Ready to go Google?

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Additional Resources

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More information on Drive

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More information on Forms

Introduction to Google Forms

Advanced Forms Webinar

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More information on Calendar

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More information on GMail

Google Apps for Education Training Center


GMail Blog


GMail Plus Page


Recorded Webinar

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More information on Talk

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More information on Sites

Google Apps for Education Training Center


Recorded Webinars