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Steve Jobs(1955-2011)

American businessman, inventor, and designer who

changed the world of technology.

By: Aimee Bate

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  • Born in San Francisco on February 24th 1955

  • Moved to Mountain View, California at age 5

  • Was hired at HP as a summer job and worked with other Apple founder, Steve Wozniak

  • After high school, he applied to Reed College in Portland, Oregon

Early life

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Family Life

  • Was adopted at birth by Paul and Clara Jobs

  • Met his biological sister, Mona Simpson, for the first time in 1985

  • Jobs had a wife, Laurene who had been married for 20 years

  • He had 3 children, Reed, Erin and Eve and a previous child from another relationship

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Early Career

  • Got a job as a technician in 1974 at Atari, Inc.

  • Traveled to India for 7 months

  • Returned to Atari and was offered a job for helping to invent the game Breakout

  • Started attending Homebrew Computer club meetings with Wozniak in 1975

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  • Steve introduced the Macintosh computer during an Apple commercial aired during the Super Bowl I n 1984

  • Co-workers of Steve found him a erratic and temperamental manager which threatened his career and his working relationships

  • After finding out Steve was planning a boardroom coup (sudden overthrow of the management or governing body of a corporation by an individual or small group of individuals) his management removed him from head of the Macintosh division

  • Steve resigned from Apple and found NeXT, Inc that same year

Apple Career

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Inventions and life

  • NeXT Computer was invented in 1985 along with NeXTcube, and NeXTmail

  • NeXT Computer made a profit of $7 million

  • In 1986 Jobs bought Graphics Group (now known as Pixar) for $10 million

  • In 1996, Apple bought NeXT Computer, bringing Steve back to his co-founded company

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Health Issues

  • In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with cancer and in 2004 he announced he had a tumor in his pancreas

  • Jobs refused to have surgery for the tumor and instead tried a vegan diet, herbal remedies, and acupuncture

  • In July 2004, he finally underwent surgery that seemed to successfully remove the tumor

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  • Jobs died at his house in California around 3 pm on October 5th 2011

  • Thoughts, memories and condolences were sent to a specific email and are now posted on the Steve Jobs memorial page

  • ABC, CBS, and NBC interrupted regular TV to broadcast the news

  • Apple and Microsoft flew their flags half-staff to show appreciation from October 6th and 12th, 2011

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Honors and Recognition

  • Was awarded National Medal of Technology by president Ronald Reagan in 1985

  • In August 2009, Jobs was elected as the most admired entrepreneur in a survey by Junior Achievement

  • A statue was built and is displayed at Graphisoft Park, Budapest

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The end