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Ms. Marjorie Metcalf, LCSW

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Start by

  • Grab a yoga mat and 2 blocks
  • Take a flameless candle
  • Start in supported heart opener pose

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Today choose to focus on creating positive energy around you.rr

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Cow Pose

Draw your shoulders back and lift your chest

Gaze toward the sky

Cat Pose

Tuck your chin and your tailbone

Curve your spine

Table Top

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Awkward Airplane

Left palm down, spread your fingers

Left foot stretched out

Right hand stretched out

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Flat Top

Lift your knees 3 inches of the ground and hold for 30 seconds

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Sun A Salutation


Chair Pose, forward fold, half way lift, high plank, chaturanga, baby cobra, downward dog, hop or step to the front of the mat.

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Today we will do 1-6 Poses

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Horse Pose

Stepping your feet out wide, turn your toes out and your heels inward

Bend your knees to stack them over your ankles

Keep your spine long and shoulders relaxed

Draw your low belly in and up

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Tree Pose and Eagle Pose

Tree Pose

Place your foot on your shine or your knee but avoid placing it on your knee

Eagle Pose

Ground through your base foot

Lift your other knee and wrap it over your standing thigh and possibly behind your calf

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Lord of the Dance Pose


Starting from standing on the right leg, bend your left knee and grab your foot from the inside with your left hand

Draw both knees back together

Reach your right arm forward

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Boat Pose

Sit lightly on your sit bones

Lengthen your spine while allowing your shoulders to soften

Engage your core

Reach your arms forward

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