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When Nations Work Together

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United Nations

Organization created after World War II in order to solve international problems (like poverty and disease) and prevent future wars.

  • 191 nations currently belong to the United Nations.

The United Nations is made of 6 main bodies, including:

  • The Security Council- Keeps peace between nations.
  • International Court of Justice- Settles disputes between countries.
  • General Assembly- Votes on key policies of the United Nations.

Declaration of Human Rights- Document created by the United Nations that lists the rights that ALL people should have within their nations. This includes the right to freedom of speech, the right to life, and the right to participate in government.

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United Nations

Nuremberg Trials

  • Court case where surviving Nazis who helped carry out the Holocaust were put on trial

  • 19 Nazi leaders were executed or sentenced to imprisonment as a result of “crimes against humanity

  • The Nuremberg Trials are important because they demonstrated that individuals in government could be held accountable (responsible) for their actions.

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Multi-National Economic Organizations

After World War II, various regions of the world started to create organizations designed to increase trade and promote economic prosperity (wealth). Two examples:

European Union (EU)- Organization established in 1993 that now includes 27 European countries. They have decreased tariffs between each other and use a single form of currency, the Euro

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)- Organization between the US, Canada and Mexico that became effective in 1994. By decreasing tariffs NAFTA increased trade between the 3 countries of North America.

Both organizations are examples of economic cooperation and interdependence (countries working together and relying on each other).

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Multi-National Economic Organizations

Oil Politics

Oil (also called petroleum) is among the world’s most important natural resources. Most of the world’s oil is located in the Middle East. Oil is the main reason why the Middle East has developed wealth and influence in the modern era.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Formed in 1960, this organization was created by the main oil-producing countries of the world: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. Together, the member countries determine the price of oil and production levels (i.e.- the amount of oil available to other countries).