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Welcome to Math 310


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What to expect between 5:45 - 9:25 pm

Part 1 - Teach/Review course content

Part 2 - Investigations - Group Work - Individual Practice - Interactive Activities

Part 3 - Start homework assignments

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Please bring a device to class.

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Text Book

Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus by Allyn J Washington. Tenth edition (ISBN- 13 978-0-13-311653-3)

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Website Information

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Evaluation and Grading Criteria:

Homework Assignments: 10-20 pts (Due each Wednesday for the previous week’s assignments)

½ Credit One Week Late

Exams - 200 pts each

Final Exam: 300 pts

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Do you want to do well in this class?

  • 100% attendance
  • Be proactive
  • Try to see a connection between what you are learning in this class and your future profession.
  • Complete every homework assignment
  • Ask questions!
  • Use NEIT supports!

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89% of all of my students who completed every homework assignment has passed my class.

75% of the students who have failed my class had a homework completion rate under 60%.

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Keep you math materials organized!

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Learning Pyramid

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What if I start to struggle with the content?

  • Take advantage of NEIT supports. You are paying for them!
  • Contact me with questions
  • Find a study buddy
  • Be proactive!!

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What do I need to do if I miss the class?

Check my website to see what was missed.

Try to learn materials independently using website resources

Visit NEIT math support groups. They can get you caught up on what you missed.

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I want to know a little bit about you

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  • Your Name

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2) Where are you from?

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3) How do you feel about the subject of mathematics?

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4) In addition to attending NEIT do you also work?

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5) What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

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6) Where do you see yourself in 20 years

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7) - Use one word to describe this person