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CS365�Foundations of Data Science

Lecture 12


Charalampos E. Tsourakakis �ctsourak@bu.edu

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Estimating F0


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Naive algorithmic solutions

  • Algorithm 1
    • Maintain a bitmask with n bits, �one per item in the universe.
    • When an element x appears �in the stream, if BITMASK[x]=0, set it to 1.

Space complexity: O(n)

  • Algorithm 2
    • Store the whole stream

Space complexity: O(mlog(n))

  • Algorithm 3
    • d=Dict{}
    • For each x in stream
      • if x is in dictionary d, do nothing
      • else add x to d
    • Return size of d �

Worst-case space complexity: O(min(n,mlog(n))


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Algorithm 1: Linear counting

Buckets: 1 2 3 ... k-1 k


10 4 1 10 1 9 3 ...

Suppose we send each item x in the stream to a bucket according to some random (idealized for now) hash function.

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Algorithm 1: Linear counting

Buckets: 1 2 3 ... k-1 k


10 4 1 10 1 9 3 ...




Let Z be the number of buckets that didn’t receive any item. In expectation, we obtain


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Algorithm 1: Linear counting

  • Setting the numbers of bins k requires knowing F0, the quantity we wish to estimate �
  • By first computing the variance of Z, and then applying Chebyshev, we obtain the following corollary:�� Setting k=F0/12 yields a standard error of less than 1%...�
  • …. However, F0 can be O(n), so the space can also be prohibitively large using this approach.

Can we do better than this, and if yes, how much better can we do?


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Algorithm 2: Idealized F0 estimation

Suppose we have access to a random hash function h:U→[0,1].

  • V ← +inf
  • For each x
    • If h(x)<V then V← h(x)�
  • At the end of the stream output 1/V-1 as our estimate for the number of distinct elements


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Minimum of n uniform random variables

Let’s assume that the hash function is fully random.

  • .
  • Z=min(X1,...,Xn) ��What is the expectation E[Z]?


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Generalizing this idea: K Minimum Values (kMV) sketch

Basic idea: Use a “good enough” hash function h:[n] → R and the k smallest hashed values.


  • Pick hash function h
  • Initialize L=[] for k ( item, hash(item) ) pairs

KMV-Update(x)�- If x is not in L

L← L U {(x,h(x))}� if |L|>k then remove x with largest h(x) value from L


v← largest hash value in L�Return (k-1) R/v


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Flajolet-Martin (FM) sketch

  • Key assumption: We have an idealized hash function that maps each element of the universe into a string of random bits (i.e., Pr(bit=0)=Pr(bit=1)=½) ����

  • Intuition: If we see the prefix 11110xx, probably we have seen more than 32 distinct items.�
  • Idea: Keep track of prefixes of the form 1k0









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Flajolet-Martin (FM) sketch

Important functions �1. h(x) = hash function that transforms x into a uniform binary string

2. ρ(x) = position of leftmost 0 (e.g., ρ(111010100000)=4), or in terms of the usual msb to lsb position of rightmost 0 ρ(000001010111)=4)


  • Initialize a bitmask with L bits to 0, i.e., BITMASK �
  • For each element x in the stream
    • BITMASK[ρ(h(x))] ← 1 �
  • Set R← ρ(BITMASK)�
  • Output






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Flajolet-Martin (FM) sketch

  • FM estimator: Clearly, 2R where R is the largest size of such a prefix approximates the number of distinct elements. However, it turns out there is some small bias: ��
  • Flajolet and Martin proved the following remarkable result: ���� where ν(p)=#bits equal to 1 in binary representation of p�
  • Thus, an unbiased (modulo negligible terms) estimator becomes �
  • Fascinating analysis of an algorithm


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Implementation details

  • Bitmask operations can �Be done very efficiently. �
  • E.g., R(x):

x=1215�'0b10010111111'�x+1�0b10011000000�x+1 & ~x�0b00001000000


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FM sketch in Julia (prototype)


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Flajolet-Martin (FM) sketch

  • Is the constant 1/φ unexpected in the estimator?
    • Intuition: since if we have a prefix 1111...10 there are likely to be more than 2R and less than 2R+1 elements. �
  • Variance of the estimator is 1.257, which in practice means it can be off by a factor of 2. �
  • Question: how do we reduce variance? �
    • Idea 1: use multiple hash functions [space-expensive]�
    • Idea 2: stochastic averaging


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Stochastic Averaging

  • We improve the accuracy of the algorithm by a multiplicative factor of by taking the average of k different hash function ⇒ expensive �
  • Better idea: use the first bits to create substreams! ��Split the elements in k=2l substreams by using the first l bits of the hash. E.g, for l=2�h(v) = b1b2 b3b4b5...

Substream id hash value�


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Flajolet-Martin theorem

The estimator Z is asymptotically unbiased, i.e., En[Z] → n and the coefficient of variation ��using k bitmasks is �

Memory: O(klogn)

Example: can count cardinalities up to 109 with error <=6% using 4kBs of memory (=4096 bytes)**�

“Caveat” of their work: Practical implementations of the hash function are not discussed.

** See also Mitzenmacher-Vadhan: Why simple hash functions work: Exploiting the entropy in a data stream


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AMS sketch

  • Flajolet and Martin assumed the existence of a family of hash functions that exhibit ideal properties. ��
  • Alon, Matias, Szegedy provided a slight modification of the FM sketch that uses 2-wise independent hash functions �
  • Algorithm�For each element x in the stream
    • Compute r(h(x))=largest value r such that the rightmost bits of h(x) are 0.
    • R=max(R,r(h(x))

Output Y=2R


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AMS Sketch for F0

Theorem: For every c>2 there exists an algorithm that outputs an estimate Y of F0 such that the probability that the ratio between Y and F0 is not between 1/c and c is at most 2/c.

Space usage: O(logn) to store the hash functions, O(loglogn) to store r.

Median trick: the failure probability can become δ using the standard median trick, i.e., repeat the process log(1/δ) times and output the median. This yields a (O(1), δ) approximation scheme. ��


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HyperLogLog++ (HLL++) [Heule-Nunkesser-Hall]

  • Engineering F0 algorithms
  • Low end correction is very important in practice
    • Consider a small business relying on Google analytics to estimate #unique visitors


For small cardinalities, linear counting is better than HLL

For large cardinalities

HLL is better than

linear counting

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Algorithms for estimating



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AMS sketch for F2


  • Let h:[n] → {-1,+1} be chosen from a 4-wise independent hash family H.
  • X← 0
  • For each element x in the stream
    • X← X+h(x)
  • Output X2


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Why does this work?

  • Some elements push z to the positive direction (h(e)=+1), �some to the negative direction (h(e)=-1)
    • Tug-of-war sketch �
  • Define the random variable Yj=h(j). Then,��

and therefore by linearity of expectation, and the 4-wise (which implies 2-wise independence) independence of variables Yi,Yj into account we get




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Second moment

Now we compute the variance of X2 . We get��We expand and bound the expectation E[X4] as follows:


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Theorem: Let X be an unbiased estimator of a quantity Q. Let be a collection of independent RVs with Xij distributed identically to X, where ����Let . Then, ��By using the median-of-means improvement we obtain that we can get an (ε,δ) approximation for F2 using:


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