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Collimated Beam Projector status

LSST-France, LPSC, Grenoble, june 2023


T. Souverin, J. Neveu, M. Betoule, S. Bongard, S. Brownsberger, J. Cohen Tanugi, S. Dagoret Campagne, P. Fagrelius, F. Feinstein, P. Ingraham, C. Juramy, L. Le Guillou, A. Le Van Suu, P. E. Blanc, F. Hazenberg, E. Nuss, B. Plez, E. Sepulveda, K. Sommer, C. Stubbs, N. Regnault, E. Urbach

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  • Introduction


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Introduction: what is a CBP ?

It is composed of two parts:

  • a tunable monochromatic light
  • an optical device able to form a parallel beam


The goal is to mimic a monochromatic star of known flux, to calibrate the response of a telescope and its filters.

CBP, for Collimated Beam Projector, is a device able to shoot:

  • a known quantity of photons
  • at a known wavelength
  • and in a parallel beam.

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Introduction: what is a CBP ?



at λ


Telescope response:

R(λ) = #ADU / #photons

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Introduction: what is a CBP ?



at λ


Telescope response:

R(λ) = #ADU / #photons

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Setup device


Solar cell

CBP optics

StarDice Telescope

CBP optics

CBP response measurement

StarDICE response measurement


Integrating sphere w/ monitoring instruments

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How do we measure our responses ?


CBP response RCBP [𝛾.C⁻¹]

StarDice response RSD [ADU.𝛾⁻¹]

  • Qsolar : solar cell charges [C]
  • Qphot : photodiode charges [C]
  • Qccd : stardice charges [ADU]
  • 𝜖solar : solar cell quantum efficiency [C.𝛾⁻¹]
  • e = 1.6x10⁻¹⁹ [C]

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Setup device






CBP response measurement

StarDICE response measurement




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II. Instruments


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Integrating sphere


Two instruments in the integrating sphere, to monitor the input light:

  • a spectrograph to monitor the laser wavelength
  • a photodiode to monitor the flux quantity

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  • Spectrograph


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Spectrograph wavelength calibration

  • Acquisition of Hg-Ar spectra before and after CBP run
  • Apply line detection

  • Fit 3rd order polynomial using SNR>20 lines to map detected and tabulated wavelengths, with uncertainties
  • Rescale uncertainties to get reduced chi2~1


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Wavelength calibration total uncertainties


  • Total uncertainties globally below 0.1nm, dominated by calib uncertainties

Angstrom level

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b. Photodiode


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Monitoring photodiode


  • Photodiode plugged to the integrating sphere and connected to a electrometer
  • Monitor the total charge collected in the photodiode Qphot in Coulomb

5 bursts of light

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c. Solar Cell


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CBP output with Solar Cell


  • Large solar cell calibrated with a NIST photodiode
  • Measure the photons at the output of the CBP

Caption : Quantum efficiency of the solar cell

(Measured in Brownsberger et al., 2021)


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CBP output with Solar Cell


  • Large solar cell calibrated with a NIST photodiode

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d. StarDice telescope


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StarDice telescope


StarDice Telescope

Andor camera

CCD 1024x1024

  • Find spot position on camera
  • Aperture photometry with dark subtraction and ghost contamination evaluation
  • 3 pinholes: 75um, 2mm and 5mm

⇒ Measure QCCD the photons collected by the camera in ADU

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III. Measurements


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Measurements in different conditions to evaluate systematics and make pupil stitching :

  • Spectrograph calibration
  • CBP response :
    • Solar Cell measurement ; 5mm pinhole
    • Long and short distance (~16cm difference) ; 5mm pinhole
    • Cap on the CBP to measure ambient light
  • StarDice response :
    • Same position ; every camera filter ; 75µm, 2mm, 5mm pinhole
    • 8 positions on the mirror ; 75µm pinhole (“pupil stitching”)
      • 4 positions on different quadrants but same radius
      • 4 positions at different radius but same quadrant
    • (4x4) positions on the CCD ; 75µm pinhole


Solar cell

Solar cell

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a. CBP response


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CBP response error budget

  • statistical uncertainties below 0.1%
  • solar cell calibration at 0.1%
  • main systematics comes from scatter light (diffused light on mirror irregularities, surfaces, etc…)


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CBP transmission, 5mm


Solar Cell measurement ; 5mm pinhole

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b. StarDICE response


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StarDice response, 5mm


Image for 5mm pinhole for light at 841nm

  • Statistical precision around 0.4% for [400 - 1000] nm

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StarDice filters transmission, 75µm


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Filter leakages

Detection of out-of-band leakages below 0.1% level


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Filter edges


Visible blue-shift of the filter edges when going to high incident angles

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StarDICE grating transmission, 75µm


Image for 750 nm

Order n=1

Order n=0

Order n=-1

Grating → disperse light to observe absorbing rays

  • Uncertainty around 0.3% for 1st order in [400 - 1000] nm range

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Summary of the laser CBP

  • Proof of concept: 5 per-mil calibration of the CBP itself
    • main systematics can be under control in future versions
    • precise wavelength calibration and resolution
    • measurement of filter leakages below 1e-3
  • Last task to do before paper publication: write the optical model to synthesize the full pupil transmission
  • We gain a huge expertise on using a CBP for per-mil telescope throughput measurement
    • transpose it to the qualification of the Rubin CBP
    • build a Travelling CBP to measure telescopes on-site, like AuxTel, ZTF, Subaru, etc…


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IV. RubinCBP @ Tucson


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Rubin CBP


Solar cell


Integrating sphere

CBP telescope

Laser fiber


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Rubin CBP masks

  • Multiple pin-holes to shine different parts of the filters and focal plane at the same time => constellation of artificial stars

  • Masks can be rotated, made by Harvard or Tucson mechanical workshops

  • Still needs to decide how the constellation must look like :
    • a constellation of stars
    • with one star per amplifier/CCD
    • not too small
    • not too big


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First data set

We are now able to pilot all Rubin CBP instruments and make tests to calibrate them.


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Simulation of masks

Real ray tracing simulation !


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Simulation of 50µm pin-holes


50μm pinhole fills ~⅓ of an LSST amplifier

CBP+LSST magnification factor is ~16

(24000 rays traced in 3.5s)

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V. Travelling CBP @ LPNHE


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Travelling CBP

Travelling version to work in dome conditions to calibrate AuxTel, ZTF, Subaru,... throughputs.

Replace the class 4 laser by a conventional intense lamp + (double)-monochromator

Under construction with Kélian Sommer (LUPM)


Xenon lamp



CBP telescope

June 2022

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Travelling CBP

Travelling version to work in dome conditions to calibrate AuxTel, ZTF, Subaru,... throughputs.

Replace the class 4 laser by a conventional intense lamp + (double)-monochromator

Under construction with Kélian Sommer (LUPM)


Laser-Driven Light Source



June 2023

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Thanks for your attention


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IV. Major corrections


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a. 532nm contamination correction


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Spectrograph wavelength calibration


  • Load the parameters, make the mapping and propagate detection uncertainties plus calibration uncertainties
    • contribution of 0.03nm systematic uncertainty from calibration in the visible range, more outside

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532nm contribution : extraction


  • ⍺(λ) = QSP,532/QSP(λ) in the [532 - 644] nm range

  • Within the [560 - 644] nm range, QSP,532 and QSP(λ) are well separated so we can make a good estimation of ⍺

  • Below 560 nm, the shape of the psf in the spectrograph induces a superposition between the two peaks

⇒ We fit the values of ⍺(λ) between [560-644] nm for all the runs at a given QSW and we extrapolate in the range of [532-560] nm

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532nm contribution : extraction


  • ⍺(λ) = QSP,532/QSP(λ) in the [532 - 644] nm range

  • Within the [560 - 644] nm range, QSP,532 and QSP(λ) are well separated so we can make a good estimation of ⍺

  • Below 560 nm, the shape of the psf in the spectrograph induces a superposition between the two peaks

⇒ We fit the values of ⍺(λ) between [560-644] nm for all the runs at a given QSW and we extrapolate in the range of [532-560] nm

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532nm correction : application


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532nm contribution : g filter demonstration


g filter : cut after ~560nm

→ we don’t see the main wavelength light, but only the 532nm contribution

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532nm contribution : g filter demonstration


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b. Ghost correction


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Ghost photometry




Main spot


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Ghost correction

  • Φ0 : Main spot flux
  • ΦG : Ghost flux
  • 75µm photometry : Φtot = Φ0
  • 5mm photometry : Φtot = Φ0 + ΦG

We consider that the contribution of the ghost is a function of lambda f(λ) :

ΦG = f(λ) x Φ0

We can deduce the main spot contribution for the 5mm pinhole :

Φ0 = Φtot/(1+f(λ))


5mm pinhole

75µm pinhole

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Ghost photometry : looking for the masks

Produces a stack of all the similar datas

→ Create a mask for the main spot and the ghost


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Ghost photometry : fitting positions


  • Find the barycenter of the main spot and mask it
  • Fit the best position for the ghost with a gaussian filter step by step

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Ghost photometry : fitting positions


Ghost mask

Data with main spot masked

Fit with a high sigma → reduces the sigma and fit again → until sigma=1

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Ghost photometry : background subtraction


Find ghost position and draw the vertical symmetric according to the main spot position

→ calculate the mean of the symmetric photometry and subtract it

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Ghost photometry : same mirror positions


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Ghost photometry : different radius positions


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Ghost photometry : spline with all data (except radius 1)


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Ghost photometry : spline with all data (except radius 1)


Noise ?

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Ghost photometry : spline with all data (except radius 1)


Noise ?

Oscillations ?

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Ghost photometry : IR oscillations


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Ghost photometry : IR oscillations


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c. Intercalibration 5mm/75µm


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Intercalibration 5mm/75µm : goals


The pinholes are not the same when we shoot in the Solar Cell (5mm) or in the StarDice telescope (75µm)

  • See if the ratio between the 5mm and 75µm pinhole is flat or not
  • Understand the ghost contribution in the 5mm case
  • Correct the ghost contribution thanks to the analysis with the 75µm

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Growth curve


Why this growth after 250 pixels radius even when there is nearly no ghost ?

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Growth curve : log scale


Why this growth after 250 pixels radius even when there is nearly no ghost ?

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Growth curve : beyond 250 pixels radius


Same image but in logarithm and with a vmax value to see the contrast

3 visible elements :

  • The border of the pinhole are faint
  • The diffusion over the diaphragm
  • The ghost in the left

⇒ Present at all wavelengths, so why is it higher in IR ?

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Growth curve : evolution of the 5mm hole


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Ratio 75µm/5mm


Ratio 75µm/5mm decrease in the IR, it can be either :

  • 75µm decreases → not what we observe
  • 5mm increases → what we observe

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Ratio 75µm/5mm


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Rubin CBP masks

Numbers to have in mind:

  • CBP focal length is 625mm, primary mirror diameter is 330mm
  • LSST + CBP magnification factor is 16 (LSST focal is 8.4m x 1.2 = 10.1m):
    • 100um on mask = 1600um on LSSTCam = 160 pixels = ~⅓ amplifier
    • max size to have a spot that fit an amplifier + annulus to estimate dark is 150um
  • mask holder inner part is 25.4mm wide
    • LSST full focal plane projected on mask is 600mm/16 = 38mm
  • N_CCD = 189, N_amplifiers = 8 N_CCD = 1512 => constellation of N_pinholes = 1512 stars
  • Effective pinhole diameter : D_eff = sqrt(N_pinholes) D_{1 pinhole}
    • 1 star per amplifier : D_eff = sqrt(1512)x150um = 5.8mm
    • 1 star per CCD : D_eff = sqrt(189)x150um = 2.1mm