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Welcome to Back to School Night!

Lila Bringhurst Elementary

August 29, 2023

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Nice to meet you!

My name is Johanna White!

It is my honor to serve as your principal.

I have been in FUSD for more than 21 years and a principal for 9 years.

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Nice to meet you!

My name is Angela Hsu!

I have been in FUSD for 16 years and this is my first year at Bringhurst as Assistant Principal!

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A Few Reminders

  • When dropping your child off at school, we ask parents to say “goodbye” at the main gate. Breakfast begins at 7:45 and ends at 8:00 a.m.
  • The bell rings for recess at 8:00, students are then able to go to the playground. Staff supervision begins on the playground at 8:00. For the safety of YOUR child, please exit campus. There should be NO adults on campus beginning at 8:00.

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Volunteers needed!

If you are interested in volunteering please contact the office.

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Meet the Bringhurst Staff

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Hi! My name is Mrs. Hamilton and I am the ELD Specialist for Bringhurst Elementary. In order to better meet the needs of our Multilingual Learner population, Fremont Unified has created this unique position at a percentage of our schools to…

  • work directly with Multilingual Learners (MLLs) to provide specialized instruction with focus on the ELD state standards.
  • work with Newcomers and Long Term English Language Learners on basic intercommunication skills.
  • support teachers with ELD instruction.
  • brainstorm and provide intervention opportunities for MLLs struggling to reclassify as English proficient learners.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the services I provide as an ELD specialist at Bringhurst. You can email me at sherrihamilton@fusdk12.net call me at (510) 490-1205 ext. 39512 or visit my ELD Classroom Website..

Thank you for all that you do to support your child’s education! This is going to be an AWESOME year!

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Additional Support for Multilingual Learners (MLL)

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

  • We want to hear from you! Please come to any and all of the meetings we will have on site this year. All are welcome! Dates & Times TBD

Parent Student Handbook

  • Know your rights at school

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

  • Want to be involved? We need one parent to represent us at the school district level meetings (apx. 5 meetings total throughout the year).

MLL Resources for Parents

  • Want more ideas on how to help at home? Check this out!

Reach out to Mrs. Hamilton anytime for more details about how you can be involved!

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Let’s meet our Specialists!

Mr. Marcus Odor, PE

Mr. Thomas Phy, PE (Mon-Wed)

Ms. Robin Johnson, Science

Ms. Gloria Sampson, Music (Tues-Friday)

Ms. Amanda Hao-Rojas, School Counselor

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Lila Bringhurst Physical Education

Mr. Phy tphy@fusdk12.net

Mr. Odor modor@fusdk12.net

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Benefits of Physical Education

  • Improved Fitness Levels, Skill and Motor Skills Development
  • Improved Academic Performance
  • Improved Self Esteem
  • Development of Student Leadership, Cooperation and Peer


  • A Reduction in Depression/Anxiety and the Effects of Stress
  • Lower Rates of Obesity, Diabetes and Other Chronic Diseases

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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  • Have fun! – Winning is not the goal
  • Get exercise- Stay healthy
  • Work together- Help others
  • Learn Physical Skills- CA State Standards (running, kicking, throwing, etc.)

Be Safe

  • Wear athletic shoes
  • Use equipment properly
  • Listen to and follow directions

Be Kind

  • Treat others with respect
  • Help each other grow
  • Encourage each other

Be Responsible

  • Do WHAT you are supposed to be doing WHEN you are supposed to be doing it

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Parent/Dr. Notes

Parent/Guardian notes:

Please include the students’ name, class homeroom number, and reason for excusal. Parent excusal notes will be accepted for illness or injury for a MAXIMUM of THREE DAYS.

All physician excuses should indicate:

  • Medical reason for being excused
  • The amount of time excused from class(dates)
  • Restrictions and/or capabilities of what the student can do
  • Physician's signature/phone number

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

ALL parent, guardian, and/or physician Physical Education excusal notes must be submitted to the office.

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Standard 1-(Movement Skills) Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2-(Knowledge of Movement Skills) Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3-(Fitness) Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.

Standard 4-(Behavior) Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

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California State Standards for Physical Education���https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/pestandards.pdf

Note for families with a 5th Grader: Physical Fitness Testing - Push-ups, Curl-ups, Mile Run, Flexibility

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Lila Bringhurst Physical Education

Mr. Phy tphy@fusdk12.net

Mr. Odor modor@fusdk12.net

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Ms Johnson

Please use e-mail to contact me:


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What is Science Prep?

All 1st – 5th grade students learn science from both their regular classroom teacher and from their science prep teacher.

Students come once a week to science prep (45 minutes a week).

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What you child will be learning this year

Life, Earth, and Physical Science

Engineering Concepts

As appropriate for their grade level

Google NGSS for more information

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Class Rules

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

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I do NOT assign homework

All work will be completed in class.

Your child’s classroom teacher may assign science homework.

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    • Age appropriate responses to written and verbal questions.
    • Ability to work both independently and in small groups.
    • Demonstrates understanding of science concepts, as well as science and engineering practices.

    • 1-3 (or 4) grading system

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Scoring (how close is my child to meeting the standard?)

  • With help, I know and can do some of the learning target
  • I know and can do the easy parts, but don’t know or can’t do the harder parts without help
  • I know and can do the entire learning target without making mistakes

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Science Fair

  • will NOT be held this year
  • it is scheduled for next school year

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What you can do to help your child in science

  • Allow them to spend time outside playing.

  • Play games, make things, and read books with them.

  • Give them independent time to read, think, and play.

  • Talk to them and let them ask you questions. Don’t give them a simple answer – help them think about WHY. It’s ok to admit you don’t know, and show them how to find out more.

  • Visit places that interest them: Exploratorium, Steinhart Aquarium, The Tech Museum, California Academy of Sciences, Chabot Space and Science Center, a zoo, the beach, a forest, a lake…..

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Thank you for your time

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What is Science Prep?

  • All 1st – 6th grade students learn science from both their regular classroom teacher and from their science prep teacher.

  • We will be learning science based on the NGSS science standards (google NGSS to learn more).

  • Students come to science prep once a week.

  • In Science Prep we primarily work on experiments and other hands on activities to enhance your child’s deeper understanding of science concepts.

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What you can do to help your child in science

  • Allow them to spend time outside playing in the natural world.

  • MAKE things with them (cook, carpentry, pillow forts, art, crafts)

  • Let them MAKE their own things (provide just barely enough help - do help with safety).

  • Give them free time to read, explore their own thoughts, and play.

  • Talk to them and let them ask you questions. Don’t give them a simple answer – help them think about WHY. It’s ok to admit you don’t know, and show them how to find out more.
  • Visit museum that interest them. The Exploratorium, Steinhart Aquarium, The Tech Museum, California Academy of Sciences, Chabot Space and Science Center, a zoo, history or art museums, even a pet store!
  • Let them do a reasonable amount of video games and TV (not all equal).

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Music at Bringhurst Elementary School


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Hi! I’m Mrs. Sampson. This will be my 17th Year teaching music at FUSD and 2nd year at Bringhurst. I am So happy to be a Part of the Bringhurst Community! I went to U.C. Irvine for undergrad and received my Masters in Piano performance and Music Education Certification from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

I hope to share and instill the joy of music to our community and build confidence in each child through music. Let’s Go Blazers!

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Overview of the Music Program

Bringhurst’s music curriculum follows a structure that addresses both the national music standards and the California state music standards. It combines the music teaching methods of Orff-Schulwerk and Kodaly to meet the needs of different learners.

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Overview of the Music Program cont’d

Based on these methods and standards, the music curriculum at Bringhurst focuses on the six elements of music: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, Timbre, and Expressive Qualities.

The music curriculum is a continuous process and students develop both skills and understanding in the six basic elements of music at each level. As students continue through each grade level, the experiences they participate in expand and evolve, enhancing their musical growth.

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Throughout all grade levels, students participate in the following music activities: Singing, Playing instruments, Reading, Listening, Analyzing, Evaluating, Composing, Creating, and Improvising Music.

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Within any one class, children will experience various activities, i.e., singing a song, clapping and reading rhythm patterns, creating movements to a chant, listening to and analyzing a music selection, learning a folk dance, playing a music game, and/or learning about composers.

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Section break

slide title

Playing with Instruments!

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Dance and Movement

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World map slide

Activities will encompass different music styles, time periods, and cultures. Students will build an extensive song repertoire of patriotic and multicultural songs for greater understanding and awareness of themselves and other cultures.

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1st & 2nd Grade Students

First and Second Grade Students will learn how to use their singing voices. Students will build their aural skills through pitch matching, using the solfege syllables-do, re, mi. They will perform and distinguish steady beat and rhythm, and read and write rhythmic patterns. They will also play many singing games, perform movement activities, and learn to play percussion instruments such as tambourines, triangles, wood blocks, hand drums, and other pitched instruments. 1st Grade students will listen to many listening excerpts that are children friendly. 2nd grade students will have a listening unit on the Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Sean.

3rd & 4th Grade Students

Third and Fourth Grade Students extend their understanding of the basic skills to higher degrees of sophistication. Students continue to refine their vocal techniques (posture, pitch matching, diction, and tone quality/expression) to achieve higher singing quality. Sight-singing skills are practiced using the solfege symbols. The study of instrument families of the symphony orchestra and a greater understanding of music in relation to history, culture, and personal lives is emphasized as well. Students will learn American Folk Dances. Students will sing and study well known music stories (i.e. Peter and the Wolf, William Tell). 4th Grade students will learn to play the recorder.

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5th Grade Students

5th Grade Students continue to strengthen their vocal techniques and learn complex rhythm notations and melodies. Students sing in harmony through rounds and part-singing. Students will study composers and artists and listen to and evaluate music from different styles and cultures by exercising their knowledge of the six elements of music. Fifth grade students will continue to play the recorder and start learning to play the ukulele in an ensemble

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Performance Time!

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Thanks !

Looking forward to a musical year!

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School Counselor

Ms. Amanda

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Program Mission Statement

The mission of Lila Bringhurst’s school counseling program is to provide proactive, comprehensive, and equitable services to ALL students of Bringhurst Elementary School. These services should be developmentally appropriate, and are aimed to support the healthy growth of students’ academic abilities, career exploration, and social-emotional skills and well-being. The school counseling program will do so by committing to frequent collaboration with stakeholders and actively engage in school leadership positions that are directed towards systemic change. By fostering community relationships while being a consistent advocate for the students at Bringhurst, the school counseling program will support students to become healthy individuals and lifelong learners who strive to be empathetic leaders in the future.

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Understanding SC Services

  • MTSS

Multi Tiered

System of Support

2. Direct vs. Indirect Services

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Examples of Services

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Ways to Access


Ex. 39508


Make an appointment



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We are thankful for our Parent Organizations!

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Bringhurst Blazers Fun Run 2023: September 19




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Dine Out to Donate: September 12

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Chinese Immersion Parents Council of Fremont�中文沉浸式家长委员会 (CIPCF)��Established 2012

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Who is CIPCF?

  • Non-profit, volunteer-based parent organization

  • To support the FUSD Mandarin Immersion Program TK-8, including by:

    • Fostering an inclusive community of interested parents, administrators, teachers and community members.

    • Performing outreach to build awareness and support for the Program.

    • Raising funds to support the needs of the Program, including for learning material resources and equipment, classroom supplies, professional development for teachers and staff, and cultural enrichment opportunities.

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CIPCF,即佛利蒙市中文沉浸式家长委员会 (CIPCF)简称CIPCF,我们是一个以家长志愿者组成的非营利团体,其主要目的是支持佛利蒙联合学区(FUSD)的中文沉浸式课程项目

委员会宗旨: 确保给与中文沉浸式课程全方位的支持,从头到尾,从幼儿园(现在的过度幼儿园 TK)到 8 年级

    • 建立一个由热爱这个中文沉浸式课程为准则的,使有兴趣支持这个项目的家长、管理人员、教师和社区成员一起组成一个成功的多元化社区团体
    • 开展对外宣传活动以建立对 中文沉浸式课程 的认识和支持
    • 筹集资金以补充和满足该中文沉浸式课程计划的需求,包括普通话、中文艺术学习材料、设备、教室用品、教师和员工的专业发展和培训以及提供给孩子们有关于中文文化的丰富机会。

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2023-2024 CIPCF Officers

Thien Khuu


6th + 4th + 3rd

English, Vietnamese

Yixin Wang


3rd + 1st

English, Mandarin

Thanks to all the past and current officers and volunteers

Ina Dininno


Kinder+ preschool



Vice President

Hopkin based


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2023-2024 CIPCF 职员

Thien Khuu


6th + 4th + 3rd



Yixin Wang


3rd + 1st



Thanks to all the past and current officers and volunteers



Hopkin based


Ina Dininno


Kinder+ preschool


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  • Come join the Chinese Immersion Parents Council of Fremont (CIPCF), a non-profit, volunteer-based group of parents who's main purpose is to support FUSD's Mandarin Immersion Program. It's a great way to meet other parents, stay in the know, and support the program!
  • Scan the QR code to join our mailer!

  • 佛利蒙市中文沉浸式家长委员会 (CIPCF)诚邀您的加入,我们是一个以家长志愿者组成的非营利团体,其主要目的是支持佛利蒙联合学区(FUSD)的中文沉浸式课程项目。在这里您可以结识其他家长、了解相关信息和得到所需的课程项目支持!请扫描二维码加入我们的邮件群以便收到最新的信息!