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Memory Management &

Memory Leak Detection

By Sina Sharafzadeh

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Nodejs Memory stuff

  • NodeJS GC
  • Why my app use this much memory?
  • How much memory we can use?
  • How we can prevent reaching the limits?
  • Why we should use that much memory , a cpu intensive task🤔?
  • Let’s create some leakages
  • Chrome profiler detailed
  • Some suggestions

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Nodejs Garbage Collection

Resident Set

Code Segment

Stack Segment

Old Pointer Space ...

Heap Size

Call Stack

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Why my app use this much memory?

It’s really under the load…(cpu intensive call stack!)

Garbage collection not running yet

Memory leaks

Let’s allocate some memory

Examples ...

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How much memory we can use?

Current limit is near 1.76GB

Let’s reach it and see examples …

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How we can prevent reaching the limits?

Call the gc , when and how(pros and cons)?

Find the leakages

Scale your app

Optimize your code

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Why we should use that much memory , a cpu intensive task🤔?

We can change the limits 😁😁

Take care of why your memory growth

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Let’s create some leakages

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Let’s create some leakages ...

Logical leakages

New instance leakages


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Chrome profiler detailed

Attach to your node app

At start with arguments

At runtime (kill -SIGUSR1 + node-inspect)

To running instance on server

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Some Suggestions

  • Don’t add large files to memory
  • Do not block main server thread
  • Do not create unnecessary data
  • Know your tools