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Investigate and Report

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Investigate and Report - Overview

This capstone option is an opportunity to build research and communications knowledge and competencies through an active exploration of a meaningful question, problem, desired career path, or issue.

Following an inquiry process, students can employ disciplinary thinking to develop important skills, such as formulating driving questions, planning inquiries, gathering and analyzing information, and communicating findings.

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The process is broken down into 5 areas:

  • Formulate an inquiry question to investigate

  • Plan and investigate

  • Analyze and interpret collected information and data

  • Evaluate and conclude

  • Report and communicate

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Step 1 - Formulate an inquiry question to investigate

  • Develop an essential question that addresses curiosity about a topic or issue of personal, local, or global interest

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Step 2 - Plan and investigate

  • Plan, select, and use appropriate investigation strategies to collect reliable information and data
    • e.g. academic research, fieldwork study, observation methods, interviewing an expert, etc

  • Assess risks and address ethical, cultural, and/or environmental issues associated with proposed strategies

  • Apply the concepts of validity and accuracy

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Step 3 - Analyze and interpret collected information and data

  • Seek, analyze, and describe patterns, trends, connections, and/or cause-and-effect relationships

  • Construct visual support(s) to efficiently communicate information
    • E.g. tables, graphs, models, diagrams

  • Use background knowledge and new understandings to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence

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Step 4 - Evaluate and conclude

  • Describe what worked well and identify specific ways to improve future investigations
    • E.g. evaluate validity, limitations, and claims; draw conclusions about possible reasons for results; identify new questions to investigate

  • Communicate social, ethical, and/or environmental implications and contributions form the investigation and other research

  • Reflect on the inquiry process and results
    • E.g. identify surface assumptions, identify bias in work and/or in primary and secondary sources, share personal learning and growth, examine the iterative nature of the process

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Step 5 - Report and communicate

  • Report on findings, ideas, information, and implications of the investigation
    • E.g. formal report, science fair, oral presentation, website, video, etc.

  • Share key personal learnings related to the investigation processes and to personal development as an inquirer