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How to Vote for TRON SR


Official Pre-Open ver. 0.1

Latest Update : June 23rd

* Available voting time will be updated soon.

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Access to the site listed above for the vote.

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Click the [OPEN WALLET] on your upper right.

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Click the [CREATE WALLET] below.

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Insert the password.

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Insert the password.

“Strong” Password is suggested using alphabet, number, and special character.

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Click [NEXT].

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Keep your Downloaded KEY in safe place.

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Keep your Downloaded KEY in safe place.

Do not lose it or show it to other people!

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Keep your Downloaded KEY in safe place.

Do not lose it or show it to other people!

When it is lost, there is no way to restore!

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Click [NEXT].

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Copy your [Private Key] for backup!

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Copy your [Private Key] for backup!

This is the Private Key to open your wallet.

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Copy your [Private Key] for backup!

This is the Private Key to open your wallet.

You can not restore it when you lose it, so be sure to backup! Do not share it!

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You can print the private key by [PRINT PAPER WALLET].

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Your new wallet is ready!

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Display will be shown as above.

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After the official launch, transfer the TRX to following address

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After the official launch, transfer the TRX to following address

Do NOT transfer the TRX now!! Never!!

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Scroll down the display...

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It was allowed to receive the Test TRX 10,000 here,

But it is now closed, and unavailable to use this feature now.

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and scroll up again..

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You can see your Tokens, transactions, and the [Tron Power] that is necessary for the vote.

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Under the condition that TRX has been transferred to your wallet,

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Click [FREEZE].

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Input the TRX amount you want to use for the vote, it will be [FREEZE].

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Once it gets [FREEZE], you won’t be able to turn it back for 3 days.

Checkbox should be checked.

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Once you confirm the TRX amount, Click [FREEZE BALANCE].

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Tokens are successfully frozen!

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Click [OK].

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Back to previous display,

you can see your frozen balance under [TRON POWER] section.

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Frozen TRX will be exchanged with TRON POWER in the ratio of 1:1.

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You can proceed the voting with TRON POWER,

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It will take 3 days to [UNFREEZE] the frozen TRX.

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If you would like to add more TRX, Click [FREEZE].

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In order to proceed the voting, Click [vote for Super Repreentatives].

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Or you can scroll up to the top, and Click [VOTES].

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If you do not have a TRON POWER, “At least 1 Tron Power is required to voting. Tron Power is gained by freezing TRX on the Account Page” message shows up.

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When this message shows up,

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Click the Red boxed [Account Page] to access into your wallet,

and freeze the TRX again.

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If you have more than 1 TRON POWER,

[CLICK HERE TO START VOTING] button will be activated.

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Click this button to proceed the voting.

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Voting menu will be activated as the display above.

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Use the [Search] to find the SR.�

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Use the [Search] to find the SR.�

Search [SKYPEOPLE] and vote for us! =)

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This is the list of SR. You can check the list by scrolling up and down.

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You can check the SR information through [OPEN TEAM PAGE].

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Use the Red [-] button and Green [+] button

to adjust the TRON POWER for voting.

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Click [CANCEL] to cancel the voting.

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Click [RESET] to set your vote quantity default.

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Click [SUMIT VOTES] to apply your vote quantity and complete your voting.

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When you click [SUMIT VOTES], Voting completion message shows up.

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All the voting procedure is completed!

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On upper right of your display,

you can check your TRX, TRON POWER, etc in your wallet.

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After log out, you will need to click [OPEN WALLET] for re-access to your wallet.

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Insert your “Private Key” that was initially issued.

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Click [SIGN IN] to access into the site for additional use when you need to.

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How to vote for TRON SR


We will post the additional information after June 26th SR Election.

Official Pre-Open ver. 0.1

Latest Update : June 23rd

* Available voting time will be updated soon.

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How to vote for TRON SR


We will post the additional information after June 26th SR Election.

Thank you.

Official Pre-Open ver. 0.1

Latest Update : June 23rd

* Available voting time will be updated soon.