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MakeCode Game Making

By: David Frankl-Kiss

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Learning Intention & Success Criteria


  • Be able to design your own player sprite


  • Use at least one sequence in a program
  • Work with a form of input (mouse/keyboard)
  • Work with a form of output (monitor/display)

Essential Question

Are video games going to eliminate other forms of entertainment?

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Lesson 1

Screenshot of my code showing a sequence

Screenshot of my game

I have a code for the background, one for the spaceship design, and finally, one to allow the spaceship to go left, right, up, and down.

So far, the game is a spaceship that can move left, right, up, and down.


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Learning Intention & Success Criteria


  • Be able to explain the importance of two-dimensional coordinates (x and y) and velocity (v) in game making


  • Write a sequence in a program that uses coordinates
  • Work with a form of input (mouse/keyboard)
  • Work with a form of output (monitor/display)

Essential Question

Are 2D games better or less entertaining?

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Lesson 2

Screenshot of my code showing variables

Screenshot of my game

I use various variables to affect what happens to my sprite and projectiles. I use the X and Y coordinates to make my sprite to up and down, and side to side. I also used variables for the enemy, meteors spawning at the top of the screen, going down to hit my sprite causing the sprite to lose 1 health.

The game, so far, is a spaceship, flying through space, and dodging enemy meteors.


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Learning Intention & Success Criteria


  • Explain how your programs use variables


  • Design and create a program (game) of your own
  • Debug a program (making sure it works without errors)
  • Use repetition (loops) in your game/program

Essential Question

What’s the largest amount of storage a computer can hold?

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Lesson 3

Screenshot of my code showing loops

Screenshot of my game

The image of the variable shows different codes. The code on the left is telling us that every 300ms, your fuel tank gets 1 value emptier. The one one the right shows that if you eat a taco, your fuel tank gets refilled, putting you up to a fuel tank fullness to a value of 100.

You embark on a journey through space, refueling your space ship, destroying and dodging meteors, and eating tacos.


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Learning Intention & Success Criteria


  • Design an original game that accomplishes a specific goal


  • Use Selection in a program (IF statement)
  • Work with Variables in your game (like score or health)
  • Use logic to explain how the algorithm works (program comments) in your diary
  • Use logic to detect and correct errors in your program

Essential Question

There is no such thing as a bad design - true or false?

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Game Plan

Description of the game here

The game will consist of 3 levels. Level one, where we have to climb up a building, dodging arrows, to try save a princess from a kidnapper. Though, they will escape. We chase them throughout level 2 and finally, they will escape through a portal. This portal will lead them to level 3, the final showdown. This is where we battle the kidnapper. If you win the battle, you save the princess and finish the game. If you lose, you must restart.

Sprite Design Here

Background or tile-map design Here

List 3 codes you will use on your sprite

Button A = Karate chop

Button B = Jump

Karate chop + Jump = Critical hit

List 3 codes you will use on your game level

If sprite overlaps with arrow = End game

If sprite overlaps with enemy = -1 life

If sprite overlaps with lava tile = End game

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Lesson 4

Screenshot of my code showing selection

Screenshot of my game

I used an if statement(selection) when things had to do with levels. For example, this means that arrows that should only be on level one, has it’s code surrounded by a box that says “if current level = 1 …” I also added sprites, including the protagonist. I also worked on the first level. I used a “on game update every _” to spawn arrows which must be dodged. I also made it so that if you overlap with an arrow, you lose.

You must dodge deadly arrows, and climb the building to save a princess from a kidnapper. One you climb the building, you are one step closer to victory.


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Learning Intention & Success Criteria


  • Use algorithmic thinking to solve a problem by breaking it down into its component parts
  • Develop models to facilitate problem solving


  • Use Selection in a program (IF statement)
  • Work with Variables in your game (like score or health)
  • Use logic to explain how the algorithm works (program comments) in your diary
  • Use logic to detect and correct errors in your program

Essential Question

Are video games going to eliminate other forms of entertainment?

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Lesson 5

Screenshot of my code showing functions

Screenshot of my game

I used a “on game update every _” to spawn arrows which must be dodged. I also started working on a new level with the use of functions.

The game includes having to save a princess from a kidnapper. You must dodge arrows and reach a checkpoint, which will teleport you into level 2.


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Lesson 6

Screenshot of my code

Screenshot of my game

I created an enemy sprite. I also make the enemy follow the player, and if it overlaps with you, you die. I also added gravity with codes revolving vy and buttons. I even added text, serving as directions for the player. Finally, I made it so that if your sprite overlaps with the portal at the end of the tilemap, you get teleported into level 3

You must escape a ghost, and jump from block to block, to reach a portal, leading to the final level.


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Extra Lesson Evidence

Screenshot of my code

Screenshot of my game

I added another sprite, plasma balls falling from the ceiling. I also added a projectile, another plasma ball, except, the player launches this one. Finally, when your plasma bolt overlaps with the kidnapper, you win.

You must dodge plasma bolts from the ceiling, and find a hidden passage to the kidnapper and the princess. Once you find them, you must launch your own fire bolt at the kidnapper. It you hit him, you win, and save the princess. If you fall into the fire, you can escape via a tunnel with ladders, leading you back to the main room, where you started.


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Final Game Link

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Self Evaluation Questions

  • What did you create for your project? Why did you pick this game to make?

I created a story game, following short storyline, where you must save a princess from a kidnapper, and complete various levels to do so. When I found out we will create a arcade themed video game, I knew I wanted to make something similar to a Mario or Kirby game, which led me to to the storyline and conflict in this game.

2. List 3 main coding constructs you used in this project

Functions, “Set my sprite sprite of kind _”, and the “move my sprite with buttons” blocks were my main coding constructs in this project. Functions allowed me to add various levels. “Set my sprite sprite of kind _” allowed me to actually create the sprites and characters that were used in this game. And finally, the “move my sprite with buttons” coding construct allowed movement for my sprites. All of these coding constructs were key in creating my game.

3. Explain one example of debugging your code i.e. What was the error and how did you fix it?

When you would reach level 2, your sprite will immediately get destroyed. This was because the arrows from the original level didn’t disappear, and when it overlapped with your sprite, it would kill it. Normally, the arrows would remove about 4 lives, and since you only had 3 lives, you would die. The main boss of this level was a ghost, which would kill you by removing 3 lives from your total when touched. I fixed the auto-die problem by granting players 10 lives when reached level 2. This way, you wouldn’t die by the arrows. Additionally, to ensure that the ghost still kills you when you make contact with it, I make sure to add a code which states that if the two overlap, “Destroy MySprite”.


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Self Evaluation Questions

4. Explain one thing that worked well in your game (WWW)

I think I did very well on creating a complex and successful code, and that the code includes a high level sequence of codes.

5. Explain one thing that you could make better in your game (EBI)

I could improve by coding the final boss to fight back, and using a bit more loops in my code.


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Peer Evaluation

Obtain feedback from two different people below.



WWW: Your game was very exciting and had many levels

WWW: I liked the levels and how much effort that you put in each one

EBI: You could make the game easier.

EBI: I wish you made the kidnapper move and maybe fight back