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Music in Art

Art Journaling Summative

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Consider what music and/or lyrics could represent you and/or holds significant meaning for you

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How can you use art to show what music means to you?

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Artist: Vassily Kandinsky

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Album Covers

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  • Capture the identity of the music within
  • Curate an overall experience
  • Can either spark interest or put off someone who is searching for something to listen to

Album Covers…

Which one would you listen to?

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Musicians that are also visual artists:

David Bowie

Miles Davis

Kurt Cobain

John Lennon

  • Ringo Starr and Paul Mccartney

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  • Illustrate what a song “looks like” to you
    • Abstract/colors like synesthesia
    • Or a story/images
  • Design or redesign an album cover
  • Something else?

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Scoring Criteria:

  • Mixed Media / Media Use
  • Technical Competence
  • Use of Page / Composition
  • Engaging / Expressive
  • Connection between Images / Music / You
  • Decision-Making / Perseverance / Effort